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Photo of Harrison in "BirdTalk" magazine...
spookyhurst replied to HeatherStrella's topic in The GREY Lounge
Check out this thread -
It does sound like more of an emotional issue than a physical one. I once read about someone who tried to potty train their bird (a conure, I believe). The bird so enjoyed the praise it got for pooping, that everytime someone looked his direction, he would struggle to force one out :ohmy:. Unfortunately, I don't remember how they fixed the issue :unsure:.
752 Dogs and 36 Birds confiscated from AZ hoarder
spookyhurst replied to spookyhurst's topic in Other Birds
I don't know how so called animal lovers can let their pets languish is such horrible conditions :angry:. That sweet little sun conure is sure a special bird. It must have to feed and groom its cockatoo friend. That would be a lot of work for such a little guy. -
A couple days ago there was a sad story on the news. 752 dogs (mostly chihuahuas) and 36 birds were confiscated from a breeder/hoarder who was living with them in a triple wide trailer :angry:. Here's a link to the story: There's been a lot of stuff in the news about the dogs, but nothing on the birds. I got an email today from The Oasis (a bird sanctuary) that told about the bird situation. Also, it mentions TARA, which is the rescue I adopted Nikko from. Seven Hundred Fifty Two Dogs and Thirty Six Birds -or- My Day at The Humane Society of Southern AZ Sybil Erden – March 14, 2008 Thursday my e-mailbox was filled with posts from around the country asking whether I had heard about the huge dog and bird confiscation in Tucson. The reports varied….giving the number of Chihuahuas at 800 as a high, or 650 as a low. There also were varied reports on the number of birds ranging from 60 to 80. I kept calling my friends at HSSA (the Humane Society of Southern Arizona) but, of course, the number was consistently busy. I called Tom Trebeski, who volunteers for The Oasis (our webmaster) as well as a board member for TARA (Tucson Avian Rescue and Adoption.) We agreed to try amd send one some of their volunteers down to HSSA to check things out as they were closer than we are. Yesterday evening, Barbara Bailey, TARA's director, called me and gave me what information she had… There were, I learned, 36 birds. They were not all legally released to HSSA, and many had medical problems. An avian veterinarian from a local clinic spent most of the day with the birds and was scheduled to come back today. Barb and I agreed to meet at HSSA this morning. I would bring additional cages and bowls. There were food donations already pouring in… At 10:15 I arrived in Tucson in front of the normally quiet Humane Society. There were between 300 and 500 people waiting to fill out adoption papers for the Chihuahuas, all of whom had been signed over to HSSA, unlike many of the birds. The Sheriff's department, HSSA volunteers and staff, the media with cameras and microphones all added to the surreal mixture of adults and children waiting in long lines around the facility. I drove around for several minutes before taking a semi-legal parking spot. I went up to the first HSSA staff person I saw and told him who I was and why I was here. He called one of my friends who Okayed me to go into the otherwise off-limits bird quarantine area. I was brought to a large room in a small building off to the side of the main adoption center. The room was filled with birds in cages. Many were the original cages which the birds had arrived in and these cages literally stank! Outside were new cages, crates and huge bags of seed and pellets. Outside there also were some of the original cages complete with filth encrusted bowls, some of which had remnants of brackish water and others which held nothing but sunflower seed…. We spent the day washing bowls and giving the birds a variety of food and clean water. We spent time moving birds as we changed out cages. We changed out poopy papers, hung toys and in general did the things it takes to keep birds safe, clean and healthy…. Although a couple of birds were already in the hospital, there were several more birds who had us seriously worried….a fluffed up Lilac-crown Amazon who was too weak to eat; a female Eclectus who sat on her perch, fluffed up, with eyes half open and head tilted all day; an unusually subdued Umbrella cockatoo. I was shown a plucked Goffin's with a large tumor near his vent. Then there were some birds who simply would not eat. The room was filled with birds of all sorts. Some were terrified. Others confused. A few reached out for attention. There is a sweet and cuddly Citron female. There is a one eyed angry Hahn's Macaw. There are two Greys…a curious CAG and a terrified older wild-caught Timneh. There was a hungry little cockatiel who went to town on donated millet spray. The scissor-beaked, but extraordinarily friendly Severe became my buddy. Then there is the odd-couple - a one-footed Citron missing her lower beak who has been cared for by a devoted Sun Conure is without a doubt one of my favorites. In my opinion they are one of the likeliest pairs to come to The Oasis. Right now it appears as though there is enough food, feeding and cleaning materials for the birds. The Humane Society is paying for all the medical care at this point. Once we know which birds are coming here we will take over the cost of their medical care if any….But in all honesty, it will be a while before we know which birds or when they will be coming here. I will have Tom T. update the on-going saga on our website, so check back every few days. I will also send this out to our Oasis News list as I have more to share. Feel free to cross-post this, as I know there are many folks around the country interested in this rescue/confiscation. For more information on the rescue you can go to This message currently posted on the HSSA website: ATTENTION >> The HSSA is extremely grateful for the community's huge outpouring of support in response to the recent dog rescue. WE HAD MANY MORE VISITORS THAN WE EXPECTED; ALL ANIMALS (dogs)INVOLVED WITH THE RESCUE HAVE BEEN ADOPTED AND WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING. The HSSA shelter still has many wonderful animals up for adoption and they can be visited during our normal hours. Thank you again for your support! The rescued birds still need treatment and are not up for adoption yet. We thank you for your patience in this matter. The HSSA thanks the public for the overwhelming response we have received asking us how they can help. At this time, monetary donations provide us with invaluable resources in the care, treatment, and sheltering of the hundreds of rescued animals we are still caring for. Donations can be made via the PayPal link above, dropped off at the shelter at 3450 N. Kelvin Blvd., or you may contact the shelter at 520-327-6088 to make a donation over the phone. Donations of towels are also always needed to assist in the care of our animals. Thank you! Guess that is all for now….I'll write more after my next visit with the birds at HSSA. Syb -- Sybil Erden, Executive Director The Oasis Sanctuary 520-212-4737
There was no basketball tonight, hence the demands for bedtime came very early. I tried to talk her into some pets and tickles, but she would have none of it. Nychsa, does Jiggy get ticked off if you stay up too late? I used to babysit a couple of dogs when the owners were out of town. One time, I was taking a summer biology class and had tons of homework every night. At around midnight, the boys would get disgusted, shoot a steely glare at me, and stalk off to the owners bedroom. When I finally went to bed myself, they would hear and come running to jump in bed with me. Luckily, they were good sleepers. I've babysat dogs who felt that the middle of the night was a good time to have a wrestling match...on my back :angry:. Sometimes I'm grateful my dog has no interest in sleeping with me :pinch:.
I don't know why Nikko is so early to bed. She's been that way since I adopted her. However, one thing I've always done is have a little bed time treat waiting for her in her dish. She says good night, I carry her to her cage, she reaches out and gives me a kiss :kiss: (unless she's ticked off at me), and then runs to her dish to find an almond or pine nuts. After she eats her snack, she says good night again to indicate that I should cover her and turn the light off. She's a demanding little girl!
Nikko says "Good night" when she wants to go to bed. If she is ignored, the good nights become louder and more frantic, and her wings quiver with frustration. It's nearly impossible to talk her out of it. When basketball in on, she'll happily sit on my leg, tuck up her foot, and grind her beak .
Nikko does like men :kiss:. When my dad talks to her, she gazes at him like he can walk on water. Nikko usually ignores the tv, so I don't know why basketball has a soothing effect on her. I think she was excited when Phoenix acquired Shaq B).
My mom is a big Phoenix Suns fan, so she always watches the games on tv at night. Nikko loves to watch too. On non-basketball nights, she gets tired and cranky and asks to go to bed by around 7:00 PM. On basketball nights, she settles in to watch, even though she keeps yawning and her eyes start drifting shut. I usually take her to bed at 8:00 PM, even though she usually doesn't ask to go. I think she would just stay up the whole game if I let her. So is anyone else's grey soothed by sweaty men running up and down the court :lol:?
The strength came in the form of my parents . It took a lot to convince them to let me get 1 bird. Even though Nikko is a wonderful little birdie, they are pretty much against a 2nd one . Otherwise, Harry and Nikko would probably be a couple :kiss:. Congrats to Harrison for her new found fame! Has it gone to her head yet ?
I wanted to adopt a CAG named Harrison once. I had just adopted Nikko, and had to go back to the rescue a couple weeks later to get her a checkup (she had tested positive for a bacterial infection). Harry was there. He was found flying loose around the city, and no one ever claimed him. Harry climbed right up my arm and started going through his repertoire (phone ringing and other silly sounds). How I would have loved to bring him home with me :kiss:. He wanted to come to. He gave Nikko a kiss, and refused to step off my arm to the rescue person. I still think about him, and hope he found a happy forever home.
Whenever we get a package in the mail, Nikko gets very excited because she knows the box will be hers. Cardboard boxes are her toy of choice. If you have recycling bins near you, you can probably find some good free finds.
What have you offered Dorian to chew? Nikko can't pass up a cardboard box. Set one out, and she's immediately drawn to it. She cautiously climbs in, and then goes to town chewing it to pieces. She's also fond of grassy things, like pinatas made out of palm fronds. Recently, she's taken an interest in coconut shells too. I'd just offer Dorian a range of items and see if one of them draws his interest.
I think all birds love their reflections. When I had parakeets, they would kiss their reflections in the mirror until it was so covered with bird spit, they couldn't see themselves anymore. I know birds aren't supposed to have saliva, but somehow, they were really able to muck their mirrors up good . Nikko will initially bob her head up and down with happiness when she sees her reflection in a mirror. However, she soon becomes bored with it. Maybe she realizes it's not really another grey.
I want to teach Nikko that being wrapped in a towel can be cozy and fun, but haven't done it yet. Her groomer wraps her in a towel to trim her nails and wings, but her vet just uses his hands. He swoops her up and holds her close to him while he listens to her heart and whatnot, and holds her on her back to clip nails and wings. Wish I were as confident as him!
I've tried various songs with Nikko, and she seems to prefer hip hop...especially songs with lots of nasty words in them :ohmy:. She also has a thing for Led Zeppelin.
Nikko has come a long way in the 2 and 1/2 years we've had her (she's 7 years old now). Every night, my mom and I sit with her on the couch and pet her. It started with a few head and neck scratches, and we just keep getting more "personal" with her. She never likes the new touches at first, but eventually warms up to them. Right now we're working on stretching her wings out and messing with her toes. We've never been able to trim her wings or toenails ourselves, but resolved that we were just going to have to learn to do it. When Nikko tried to get away from the nail clippers, I clamped my thumb over her front toes and clip clip. Three toes down, 5 to go .
They can be such pests ! Nikko likes to go for earrings. She plucked one out of my mom's ear once (without doing damage, thankfully), and we had a heck of a time getting it back. She rolled it around in her beak, and occasionally stuck it out to mock us, and then sucked it back in before we could take it away. I was terrified she might accidentally swallow it, but we finally won out. Nikko hasn't discovered the joys of popping off computer keys, so your birds better hush up and not let her in on their little secret :angry:.
MommaFawkes wrote: I agree! We have a very eclectic group. I didn't realize we were so international :ohmy:. It's nice to be able to chat with people from around the world .
Nikko's groomer did the DNA test for me. She trimmed each nail, but no blood, no she started trimming one toenail a little shorter to get the sample. When she finally got it bleeding, it bled like crazy. Poor Nikko ran away from the groomer, and ran up my arm on to my shoulder. It was a good thing I was wearing a red shirt that day, because she bled all over it. The groomer wasn't concerned though, so I think it must look have looked a lot worse than it was :dry:. Her little foot was sore for a couple of days though . I've read that plain flour is also good for treating bleeding, and that you can also slide the nail along a bar of soap to "plug" it up. I think they all burn though, which is probably why your baby didn't want you putting more corn starch on her nail.
But there are creepy bugs in Florida :ohmy:! From my experience, the more humid a place is, the bigger and yukkier the insect population is :sick:. I was worried that Arizona would be filled with creepy crawlies, but so long as you don't live in a hilly area (they get scorpions), all is well. The only real pests we get in our house are those tan colored crickets. However, we do have coyotes and javelinas running through our yard a lot, so you don't want to leave any of your pets outside unattended.
Wow, what ridiculous charges :ohmy:! When I took Nikko to the vet, he groomed her nails, beak, and wings free of charge. My bill was less than yours, and we even had blood work done. Thank goodness you have another vet you can go to in the future! The vet obviously had no tact with handling humans, but how was she with Lila?
You win Makena B)! I can't imagine a nicer place to live. Wendy, every morning my mom walks out the back door, comes back in with a handful of oranges, and runs them through the juicer. We've be here almost 5 years, but it still seems like such a novelty . Joe, I looooovvvvvveeeeee home grown tomatoes. So much better than in the store. Same with cucumbers. We don't have a garden though . I really would like to get a couple of boxes just to grow those two things.
I live in Phoenix, Arizona. Having grown up in Nebraska, I was very glad when I finally got away from the snow and cold . Did I mention that we have a grapefruit tree and orange tree in our back yard loaded with fruit? And that we have palm trees?
Good Price on Adventture Pack Travel Cage??
spookyhurst replied to watchout's topic in The GREY Lounge
Yep, that's the best price on the new model. I have the old model, and got it for about $100 a couple of years ago. You might be able to find a bird store that still carries it, but most of the ones I've looked at have the new one.