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Posts posted by judygram

  1. On ‎1‎/‎6‎/‎2018 at 6:01 AM, SRSeedBurners said:

    We're his new home.

    Well when you have that nice new addition to the house for the birds it needs more fids to enjoy it, lucky Huey.

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  2. Drs. Foster Smiths site offers dried vegetables, I have purchased the mixed vegetables and the peas for my fids, they enjoy them. The mixed version has dried peppers in them too.

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  3. James, you have not updated us on what you may have found out about Larry, what are his test results? The red factor feathers are nothing to be concerned about, my cag has a couple on her neck, she never had any before and most likely  will molt out.

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  4. My 2 kids with their spouses and the 3 grandkids will celebrate Christmas on Christmas Eve. I will fix a grand dinner for us all then we gather round the tree and exchange gifts, afterwards we eat cookies, eggnog and fruit salad while we sit around watching a Christmas movie. Its a tradition we started long before the kids grew up, its family time together and then they have their own Christmas at their houses the next morning. My hubby and I will go to their house to see what the grandchildren received from Santa.

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  5. You cannot punish a grey to get good behavior, it just doesn't work that way. You need to gain their trust to be able to handle them and yes sometimes they will bite, especially the young ones as they are exploring their environment. The more you work with your bird and learn the body language you will find out what they like and dislike and that will serve you well in avoiding getting bitten.

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  6. 29 minutes ago, kittykittykitty said:

    I tried to enter Grey Forums two different times using www.greyforums.com.  I got a page saying it was for sale. :o :|  Did I do something wrong?

    Howardine, the site address is greyforums.net

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  7. Facebook is facebook, yes it is full of all kinds of people but that's why I don't have a large amount of friends, I am very selective of who I friend and I do not hesitate to cull those who I find unacceptable to me but you know sometimes people open their mouths before their brain clicks into gear and that is where you get into trouble. Groups are usually where you find most of these flaming comments so I usually don't comment in those, sometimes its fun to see how comic some of them can get.


    I am so sick of all these people offended by whatever, it seems anything and everything is offensive to someone at any time, people used to have their own opinions and everyone got along respecting each other's opinions but now it seems you have to be so careful of what you say because it may offend someone, well all this offends me so back off. I am who I am and I believe what I believe but I respect other people's right to their own beliefs so why can't everyone else do the same. I apologize for nothing, if you can't accept me for who I am then leave me alone, keep your opinions to yourself, I take no prisoners.

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  8. This site had a host of problems and I am trying to get used to the new format, will take a while but it looks good and we are grateful you took the time and maybe money to get this site cleaned up and running. I agree that there is always someone out there who is learning to hack even the most secure sites, the more security we utilize the more the hackers work to undo them, kind of a game to see who can do it first but we do appreciate what you have done for us. It does make us happy to know this forum may have helped in getting Sukei home to you as no one of us would have wanted to have to leave our beloved companions behind when moving to another country, knowing you both are happy is enough, thank you.

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  9. This poem was exactly what Dave was all about, he was a man of sharp wit and a keen sense of humor but what he held in knowledge of all things concerning greys was priceless. He like the rest of us was not a vet but he was someone who had vast experience in dealing with greys, breeding them, raising them from babies and he did that for a long time. He took in a grey who no one else could handle and he accomplished wonders with his patience and skill in working with them for so long. He was our go to guy if someone had a problem with a grey and this forum sorely misses him as I do each and every day, he was someone you could count on for advice and not necessarily just about greys. I had many a conversation with him in the years I knew him and I miss his wealth of knowledge on greys along with his sharp tongue, I even managed to make him laugh a few times. There seems a strange silence to his absence and the forum is less active because he no longer is here but maybe in time the forum will pick up again. Dave was one of a kind, sometimes he was a bitter pill to swallow but he had a huge heart, I miss him so much.

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  10. I knew you had something to do with the new changes and it all looks good. Like greys I don't take to change as easily as I used to but once I finally was able to access the forum rooms and threads I am liking it more and more.

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