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Posts posted by judygram

  1. Hello Kamz and  welcome to our family. Its typical for a grey to be more bitey when they reach the twos but be sure you are not trying to get him to do something he doesn't want to do for that is their main way of telling you they don't like something so respect his choice of what he wants from you. Also remember these birds are not domesticated animals but wild so they use that beak as we might use our hand. Even the best of buddies can dislike something and react with a bite. You need to learn to read his body language to know when to leave well enough alone, greys display body stance and even the eyes tell of their emotions so be aware of what they are and how he reacts and you can learn to avoid most bites.

    Would love to see some pictures of Mika.

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  2. Hello Cackle and welcome to our family. It has only been 2 days so there is plenty of time to rectify this little mishap and there will be more I am sure. Just continue to do what you are doing, talking to her, feeding her and sit nearby and talk softly to her for it will take some time to build that trust, it has to be earned. We all make mistakes with our greys, its just human nature but she will get over it. It appears she is taken with your partner as it happens a lot and there is not much you can do if she chooses him. I know full well this personally as my grey prefers my hubby, she will do things for him and allow him to touch her anywhere but will not allow me the same privilege. She will give me the stink eye and puff up when I come near her when she is on her beloved one but I can still handle her, she will give me kisses and step up for me. Sometimes we just have to accept what terms they allow us to have as we share our life with these amazing creatures.

    Don't dwell on the negative aspects of what has been but focus on building that trust and it will take lots of time and much patience but will be so worth the effort.

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  3. You need to slow things down a bit, give Diego a chance to settle into his new home, remember we talk in "grey time" here which means go slow and be very patient with him, don't rush him to do something he is uncomfortable with and allow him to make choices, greys do not like being forced to  do something, they want things on their terms. He will let you know when he is ready for more interaction.

    I sympathize with the sharp nails as my greys are like needles and I get scratches from her on my hands, some people have luck with pumice type perches but either my grey is not using hers in such a way to wear her nail points down or I have them improperly placed but I usually have to take her and have hers trimmed as she is not willing to let me file them down but some have greys that will allow them to file them, lucky them.

    He was probably clipped so that's why he doesn't fly but his wings will grow back though it takes time for a full set to grow in. In the meantime if he has a habit of trying to fly off his cage put some pillows, towels or blankets around so he will have soft landings for a hard one could break his keel bone.

    He looks a darling from the picture you shared, don't hesitate to share more of him as we love photos.

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  4. The odds that another grey would get along with Rudy are slim so don't get another grey just to be a companion but because you really want another one. I would suggest you get another species of bird, probably whatever you choose will not get along with Rudy either but just having another bird in the house to interact with will be company enough. My two birds, one is a grey and the other is a sun conure, do not get along but they are out at the same time, the conure stays on me and the grey loves her daddy so they do not get close to one another. What you choose depends on whether you want a smaller bird or a larger bird but just think of what you would like to have as a companion for yourself and not as a buddy for Rudy. Of course if it turns out they do get along then you hit the jackpot.

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  5. I'd say it is nesting behavior, he is trying to get it under him to sit on it, this is the time of year that hormones are raging or he could be trying to mate with it, in any case I'd take it away for now and maybe let him have it later on this year. You don't want him getting all hot and bothered and then he might take out his frustrations on you, it is cute to watch.

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  6. Hello Congo and welcome to our family. The others have given you some excellent advice, as said grey time is slow so take it easy and be very patient with him as he settles into his new home. As you learn his body language you can avoid most bites but even the best of us will get one occasionally so don't let it bother you, most of the time its our fault.

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  7. Like the others have said the bigger the better, they need plenty of room to be able to open the wings and flap without touching the bars. I second the addition of a nice heavy duty bell, no grey should have to go without a bell, they will ring that thing and play fight with it, even take out their frustrations on it, a definite must for a grey.

    You can also check the baby section of stores for toys for your bird, lots of them are safe for birds but sometimes just ordinary items in a home make good toys, sometimes just a box will keep them busy for a while.

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  8. 12 minutes ago, Greytness said:

    Would you like to rescue him from us? 😉 No, truly we don't know how things will evolve. All I know is that my son's plan was to rescue, rehabilitate, and then find him a home. We already have 11 fids, and don't have plans to add any more. But...you just never know!

    No but who knows what the future holds, he may turn out to be such a sweetheart you couldn't bear to part with him, like Steve said, at least he is out of that hell hole.

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  9. I too have noticed that it seems to be a lot of escaped birds lately and many of those seem to be in the UK and for exactly the reason you state, more open windows due to the heat wave.

    I also have screen doors and screened windows but my windows are rarely open as its too hot in the summer, must run a/c as I can't take the heat like I used to. Our children are gone so we have no little ones running in and out but for those who do they must be vigilant about those doors when the birds are out and about in the house.


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  10. Its possible he has developed a hand phobia, some birds just do not like hands so offer an arm for him to step up on and see if the reaction is the same. I don't usually wear nail polish so if on occasion I do wear some my grey doesn't like it at all, she thinks its something out to kill her. Its good you are very patient with him and it can take longer than 4.5 months for him to fully trust you as grey time is slow time.


    As for the wing trim, how can someone think that clipping only one side is a proper trim, the way you describe your bird was butchered plain and simple and that person should never touch your bird or any bird again, I'd be mad as hell if it happened to my bird, that person would be "butchered" if you get my drift.

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  11. Most greys do not like being touched unless its by their chosen ones, for instance my grey will not allow me to rub her neck but will allow my husband to do almost anything with her for she has chosen him as her favorite person so you may have to settle for not getting to touch her much. She is biting because she is telling you she doesn't like what you are doing, you can't force her to do anything she doesn't want to do but you can learn to read her body language to avoid most bites. Not biting hard is giving you warnings but if you persist she may deliver one you will remember.

    The wings will grow back and she may already know how to fly if allowed to fledge when she was younger but time will tell, allow them to grow back and leave them that way for they are birds and meant to fly.

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  12. Once they lose the dark baby eyes and they become the mature ones like she has its hard to determine age but its a good guess, she is lovely. You can keep her happy by taking care of her every whim, give her a good diet, a big cage with lots of toys and loads of time out of cage to spend with you and your family. You can find lots of threads here in various rooms on what to feed and not feed, ideas for toys that may be from common things in your house because you don't have to spend a fortune to  entertain a grey, sometimes a simple box will keep them busy for a while. Looking forward to hearing and seeing a lot more from Ruby.

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  13. Usually when they regurgitate food as a sign of affection they don't usually bring up only water and if she is not eating then its time to see an avian vet. The one you mention does not sound like they are very reliable so see if you can find a reputable one even if you have to travel some to get there. Her not eating is not a good sign so please get her some help asap and let us know what you find out.

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  14. Hello Alex and welcome to our family. It appears he is in love with you, he is showing his desire to mate with you and that should be discouraged as it will only frustrate him, when he gets like that ignore him for a few minutes and do not touch him beyond the head.

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  15. Hello Lil and welcome to our family.

    Try to read thru as many of the threads here for lots of helpful advise. If you have specific questions do not hesitate to ask. Do you have any other birds? Is this your first grey?

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  16. The first thing I would do is schedule an avian vet visit for sometimes when a bird starts plucking it means something is amiss, there could be an infection or inflammation in that area. Then if everything checks out ok then look to see what if anything has changed in his environment, it could be something so slight for greys do not like change. Whatever you do don't let it bother you or allow him to see you upset about the plucking for they pick up on our emotions.

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  17. Hello CTGull and welcome to our family. I am so glad you could give this girl a new forever home and she is making great progress. Poor dear has been thru a lot but with your love and attention she will flourish and make a great addition to your already large flock of animals. Everything in a greys world moves slowly so what may look like slow progress is actually a big deal in grey time, lots of time and patience is needed right now and she will let you know when she is ready for closer or more intimate interaction. She is lovely though she looks a little ratty but I imagine in a years time there could be quite the difference but only time will tell.

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  18. Shannon if she is not eating and is sleeping a lot then maybe a vet visit is in order, she might be egg bound. Ignoring the egg is not unusual but not eating is so give your avian vet a call and see if she should be seen and yes I would be concerned. Let us know what you find out and I hope she is going to be fine.

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