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Everything posted by Dave007

  1. Male or female means nothing. get the bird a cage and put toys in it to occupy it's time. Cage, stand, cage, stand. You still haven't answered about the other food he has around. In a cage, food can keopt there all day which is the proper thing to do. he also needs time to roam the outside of a cage and be able to exercise. He needs time to learn your routines. The food---I assume you're referring to Kaytee? The cage and stand should be where he can be part of everything that goes on and has the ability to see you. Don't pay attention to the bird when he does this and he'll soon learn that he can't cause you to come rushing. Many birds have their own sound in order to get attention when a person leaves but first, is he making this sound when you immediately taking the syringe out of the mouth and refill the syringe? A bird that 5 mts old isn't usually getting formula 3 times a day. Maybe once, but not 3 times. So, you switch off the lights and he becomes quiet. Then you put them on and he's noisy. Try not shutting the lights off and see what happens. Birds will tire of making noise all the time but if a person doesn't ignore it and comes rushing in everytime the bird starts making noise, the bird will know how to get your immediate attention. So basically the bird controls you instead of the other way around.You haven't said how long you've had the bird. Some birds bring little habits that they develop when in with other chicks and it eventually goes away after the bird becomes part of the family. Do you work all day? Is the bird alone all day? That can cause a bird to make lots of noise after the person comes home. You still haven't answered about whether he does this all day long. And if he does, are you constantly turning the lights off and on all day long everytime he does this?
  2. 1--what do you mean by *cereal*? Is it something you make? 2--Does the bird eat other things besides this mixture? 3--Do you have proof that the bird is actually as old as you say it is? 4--Does the bird make these sounds only when food is involved? 5---What was the bird eating before you bought the bird? 6--Does the bird make this noise in thecage all the time when food isn't involved? 7----Does the bird have a steady supply of food all day long besides the feedings you're giving?
  3. DAMN, JEEZ,SO SO MANY ADDICTS. HEAVY, HARDCORE MAIN LINERS!!!!!! Not to worry--I notified TNT They'll be an Intervention next Tuesday. The intervention will be aimed at Talon who originally gave out the paraphinalia and turned so many people who came from decent families into bird junkies. All who attend should write out their little notes. How hooked are you? Check and see how many times you visit. You never leave? That's called being an intravenous addict.
  4. Not to worry--it's not gross. seen lots worse that's vomiting which most birds have the ability to do if something lodges in the the area above the crop. Sometimes, birds do that when they don't break up peanuts plus other items. It may happen once or twice within a 2 to 3 hr period but there's little to worry about if your bird is still doing it's normal activities.
  5. Try some whiskey and wine It'll give you a shine And you'll be fine
  6. Don't worry. The leg finally broke off of the PC screen. The screen couldn't handle the view.
  7. There's no way to tell if it's permanent or temporary. Some birds lose the red feathers, some don't. The most important thing here is that your bird is perfectly healthy but only time and a couple of molts will tell you if it's here to stay.
  8. Welcome to the board Yes, it's totally normal. The same color pigment that's in the tail is sometimes in the feathers ogf the body. More than likely, your bird got them from either the parents or grandparents. It's a gene that can be temporary or permanent. It depends upon how old the bird is. Many times, the bird loses those feathers after their first or second molt. Other times, it's permanent. 95% of people who have birds with the carotoid excess color think that's very beautiful and are sometimes saddened when the feathers disappear. There's many pictures here of birds that are the same as your, even more extreme. Abopve you'll see an area that says SEARCH FORUM. It's above POST NEW TOPIC. Type in RED FACTOR and you'll see what I'm talking about.
  9. If you're gonna use a large room, you can go to any place like Gander Mountain or Cabellas ( both specialize in all types of outdoor gear, hunting equipment and loads of other things concerning the outdoorsman ) and purchase thin vinyl tarps. The tarps come in different sizes and if you feel like it you can cut them up to put in different places or just spread out the whole thing. They come in many sizes. If you don't know what I'm referring to, it's the same thing that's used to completely cover an automobile to protect against the weather or keep the car finish perfect. As far as cages--my opinion is that the cages should remain especially if the cages were always used by the birds. Their cages are and were their homes. Having their cages around isn't gonna stop them from flying and roosting in an aviary room. I have an indoor aviary which doubles as an outdoor aviary for the summer. I made it and it's collapsable. Mine is 10 ft square, 8 ft high. So, if your aviary area is big enough think about keeping the cages.
  10. I personally don't believe in sleeping cages. A regular cage is where the bird spends all of it's time, either in or out of it. It's usually roomy, has all the toys in it, has all the little places that a bird has taken a lot of time to develop the cage in order to go to whenever it wants to eat, play, relax, nap or sleep in. The only reasons we go to our bedrooms is for doing personal things, is where the bed is located, is where many pieces of clothing are located. I believe that the only thing a person has to do in order to change that cage into a sleeping cage is to put a cover on it and many birds don't even need that.
  11. Dave007

    dive bombing

    jamalbirdbiz The other day when you first posted about the dive bombing I went to your profile to see if you were talking about some young bird. So, I read your profile. Another situation here is that some people don't go reading profiles so many don't see your attitude and insulting attitude. """I didn't join this forum to get ragged on by you wacko animal rights people, so save your nutty rantings."""" So I assume that you only wanna talk to people who believe in what you want. Problem is that you're quick to insult people here who don't think like you and you like classifing them with special descriptions which isn't accepted here very well. But the people here are still nice enough to be helpful but they won't with your attitude. """"Wanting to earn some extra money by breeding birds and I need advice. I didn't join this forum to get ragged on by you wacko animal rights people, so save your nutty rantings. I would like to talk with other grey breeders that are al so members of the forum to get some insider information into the biz.""" Insider information--hey buddy, this isn't Wall strreet. You can go to other places that have people like you where you can get that information. Thwey're also nasty and insulting just like you. The world of birds doesn't need people like you who say that you're gonna keep a rolling inventory going cause you have no idea what you're talking about. It's people with your attitude that give legitimate breeders a bad name """I am NOT a member of this forum because I want to get nagged by animal wright's wackos. Just because you think it is unconscounable to make money off of aniamsal by reproducing them for profit does'nt mean everybody thinks crazy like that. """"" """I have two greys. Molly is the famel and Marvin is the male. I am considering breeding them as a side business. I am NOT a member of this forum because I want to get nagged by animal wright's wackos. Just because you think it is unconscounable to make money off of aniamsal by reproducing them for profit does'nt mean everybody thinks crazy like that."""" Again, some more name calling. You have no idea how people feel here and they have a right to feel the way they want and don't need people like you insulting them. You don't know what they're thinking. There's a lot of people here who are friends of mine and others who aren't friends of mine but I don't like the way you're referring to them. It's none of your business about the way they think or feel. """This is america - a free country - if you have'nt noticed yet. I am not a hypocrite that talks out of both sides of my mouth. I am man nuff to say that this venture would be for profit - not a meer hobby - u wo'nt catch me playing word games"""" You wanna be part of this family of people who love birds for loads of different reasons? Well, watch your mouth or I'll have you thrown off this board before you can blink. Keep your private feelings to yourself.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/03/08 18:51
  12. If your grey was going after the cat, would you start to kick him, punch him and hit him with sticks? """Is there something else I should be hitting him with?"" Hit him with petting and affection. Try to show kindness and understanding. In case you forgot, it's a cat.
  13. Hi It's good that you're trying to find the reality here. Joey looks like an adult bird. The older the grey is and the longer and steadier he's been plucking make the odds of it being permanent higher. Plucking can begin for a multitude of reasons and the most common thing that keeps a grey plucking other than medical reasons is how intense and nervous and high wire he normally is. The longer it continues, the more it becomes classified as a chronic condition. There's many greys that have that same chronic plucking problem. It can go into remission and it can come back just as fast. And if it does go into remission, it'll take a long time before the bird looks great again. 1--being caged all the time in the past 2--being in a small cage all the time 3--not giving a bird many different things to excersise the bird's mind 4--not being abundance weaned 5--coming from a poor breeding pair who are overbred 6--lack of certain vitamins 7--having no companionship all day long while being stuck in a cage. 8--having owner mistreat or neglect the grey. 9--constantly being in a very uncontrolled environment all the time. 10--having a bad diet I'm not accusing you of these things. I just mention them because these are just a few reasons why greys become pluckers/chewers. Unfortunately, greys have the bad habit of going after themselves when these things are going on. The other thing here is that the CAG species are very nervous birds. The Pluck No More is a herbal concoction and it has a very bad success rate when serious chronic plucking is happening. I can see that he has a lot of undercoat feathers on the breast but not on the upper breast/neck area. You should go to a pharmacist and purchase a bottle of 100% pure Aloe Vera Gel and rub some on that totally bare area of the upper breast/neck area. Also put it on any other very bald areas he has. It will sink in and will soothe the skin and hopefully, more undercoat feathers will come back. I assume that you've done all the different bathing suggestions plus using aloe juice on Joey. Actually, I personally don't think he looks extremely drastic but he does look like he's been a busy little boy. I've seen a lot worse. If you haven't yet, give some history about the bird like it's age, how many owners has he had, did he pluck before you got him, how long have you had him etc. We can answer any questions you have about this. I just thought I'd answer this particular one that you wanted to know about before I hit the sack. Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/03/07 09:14 Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/03/07 09:21<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/03/07 09:25
  14. If Malaki is the age you say and she hasn't been fully weaned yet, then yes the feathers will be uneven as they come in. The bird starts out being one big ball of white fluff when it's born. As some time passes the white fluff slowly comes off and are replaced with feathers but they don't all grow in evenly. Some areas will look thinner and some colors won't quite match up yet but by the time your bird is 4 mts old, you will have already forgotten about the time you looked at him and thought that his feathers were a bit thin in certain areas.
  15. In his little atmosphere and mind , lots of things have recently happened. Some of those things are the lack of slight unnoticable reactions and communications between your 2 birds. The ones you know about are the ones you only saw. They can communicate with each other without making a sound. When any companion bird passes or leaves a house, there's loads of reactions that a bird can have. Many are very subtle, some obvious. As far as saying *oh dear*, well he had to get that from you sometime in the past. There may be coincifdences going on here. He likes to look out the backyard but you really can't see everything he's looking at and the way he interputs it. Many of the things birds see, we'll never see in our lifetime. """I am told to offer my hand and if he lunges or bites to walk away. I don't want to teach him that biting makes me walk away. """" I think you may be wrong there. What do you wanna teach him when he lunges or bites? The lack of attention to many different problems concerning birds have be solved by just that..walking away. If you know ahead of time that he's in a biting or lunging mood, then just stay away but if you are about to have him * step up* and he decides to bite, it's time to say no and walk away. The reason why he bit was because he didn't wanna have you messing around with him at that moment. The rocking on the top of the cage might just be what you said it was--a match between the Williams Sisters. Just a joke. It'll stop though. It's just another repetitive thing that parrots do over and over and then stop. """""Dante and I have always had a good relationship and now it's falling apart. """"" I seriously doubt that very much. He's doing too many good things everyday that tells me that he doesn't have any bad intentions towards you. You're in overdrive right now and you need to calm down and give things a chance to settle down. 2 yrs old and hormones? It's possible but because he's a male it won't last that long, but will make him short tempered and bitchy is a molting cycle. Many greys become extremely irritated and nippy and wanna be left alone. Concerning this molt right now---if you've been petting him just make sure you pet in the direct that the feather is aimed at. Going against the grain will only cause him to nippy and possibly lunge.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/03/07 03:10
  16. AviCal Plus is basically a calcium supplement which has nothing to do with with any stool problems. AviX bird builder is a mineral and iodine supplement which is added to fortify the drinking water of birds that eat only seeds or table foods and refuse to convert to a mixed formulated diet. Pellets at one tme were considered important in that diet until it was discovered that all brands of pellets have chemicals in them. It can't be used when the bird is eating a formulated diet or a seed diet supplemented with iodine. AviFlax( which is actually Omega 3) is used to increase antibody production and protect against hypertension. Where parrots are concerned Omega 3 were associated with a reduced incidence of atheriosclerosis. Avigreens---AviGreens Food Mix contains the powdered juice of all 5 tyopes of the vegetable fillers in one easy feed form; including wheat grass, barley grass, alfalfa grass, spirulina and chlorella. There is no problem giving the bird this product If your bird is on a good varied diet than yes, you're overdoing it especially since the vet recommended these types of items that can be purchased at any pet store. Internal medical problems are usually dealt with by the vet by him using medicines that can't be bought in pet shops. Formulated amonts are also given by the vet much like a prescription is given to people. Many varied diets take care of lots of problems. The biggest thing vets usually recommend is a good supply of veggies which contains calcium, Vit A,B, E, D3. Your bird's tests came back good except for one problem ( stool) which has since disappeared. Concerning pellets--because of the additives, pellets are no longer recommended as the only diet to give birds. Pellets eventually dry up and lose their value if there's bags of them in the house that aren't eaten.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/03/06 21:33
  17. Well, you ould clean the couch with a standard but guaranteed cleaner and afterward, don't let the bird on the couch. OR you can put a towel on the couch if you decide to let him sit on it. Either way, any cleaner you use won't bother the bird because all the cleaners evaporate. That's why cleaned furniture doesn't smell after it eventually evaporates.
  18. Dave007

    nismo ere

    I didn't misunderstand you at all. You never mentioned a playstand. You never said you had him on a playstand. You never said where he was when he decides to poop. You only talked about your cage. ""Ive started to move nismo back to his/her cage everytime he/she drops one? will this train her or whats your ideas on it """" So then find another place to bring him to. Most people use a playstand to potty train. Where you bring him to is your choice. I only told you how to do it, not what area to choose to decide on other than a playstand. Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/03/05 20:27<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/03/05 20:30
  19. Dave007

    nismo ere

    Deef Like I said before, the way you're doing it is fine. it's the basic way of potty training and after a while your bird will learn to dump on whatever you bring him to. many people use a playstand and bring thebird there. Some put the bird in the cage. It really doesn't matter what area you bring him to. It's up to you. Just make sure that area is always used when bringing thebird to it. As far as the wing clipping, I can't tell you how your bird will get to that area except by you bringing him there. Other people who have birds that fly do the same thing as you;re doing and after a while, the bird simply flies to that area to poop without being told to. So basicaly, as for now you'll be bringing the bird to whatever area you choose. Good luck with the dump that'll come out of the rump.
  20. Dave007

    nismo ere

    That sounds just about right. It's called potty training and there's slightly different ways of doing it but your way isfine. Just speak to her nicely and offer a little nut or other treat when you catch her and bring her to the cage. It takes a little time but they soon get the idea that going to the cage means a little treat if she goes. Try to keep an eye on her and take her there quickly. Of course, you won't be successful all the time at first but as time goes on, she'll be potty trained.
  21. When a grey is hungry enough or thirsty enough, it will definitely go to where the food is. Healthy birds don't starve themselves nor do they not drink when thirsty. You're more worried about him eating then he is. All greys as well as other types of parrots will eventually eat by themselves unless they've been injured and can't actually get to their food. They'll need help. Be tough. Don't let the bird spoil you. You're the boss, not him.
  22. Were you ever told that a baby grey loses alot of it's original baby weight within 3 mts of weaning? If not, it's true.
  23. If you have a new couch, you'd be wise to contact the place you bought it or find the manufacturer of the couch and simply ask them what cleaners are used for coffee. You may get suggestions here about what to use but do you really wanna experiment with your new couch? Most of thje stains that are dealt with here are bird dropping stains.
  24. <br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/03/04 23:32
  25. Some don't react that much. Others react in a playful way. Others react with fear when seeing their own face. Others totally ignore them until the time comes to investigate with the mouth. Plastic will get destroyed quickly. He won't swallow it but the broken plastic can cut the mouth. The mirror has a special checical coating on the back which makes it into a mirror and your bird might start scraping that backing. If your bird is the type that is destructive with toys or wood, watch out.
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