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Everything posted by Dave007

  1. There's hundreds of cookie pans sold all over and none are non stick. Just go to a place that sells all types of pots and pans, dishes and food accessories and other related items. I have 4 different sizes starting at 7 inches by 9 inches up to 21 inches by 19 inches and we've had them for years. """but that's not very green""" What's that mean?<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/12/03 21:30
  2. it's time to start slowly weaning her off the last feeding. Reduce by 10ml per feeding. In 2 weeks start feeding her formula 3x a week for 2 weeks. After that 2x a week for one week. After that substitute a small amount of oatmeal 2x a week, then 1x a week. Weaning should be successful and don't worry about the cuddling. It'll continue after she's weaned.
  3. No Forum for this so I didn't know where to put it.--For Admin,--Delete it if necessary or offensive. I'm not a cat person but lets put it this way------ A cat's claws are akin to your fingers. They use them for every day chores and living. Defense, manipulation, marking, etc. A cat is an animal. Humans are animals. You can be in harmony with nature, by allowing a cat to express his need to "sharpen" his claws..... trim his claws when they get too long, and he won't scratch them to "wear" them down, and his "marking" of territory. To a cat, he's just trying to fit in. Be comfortable, so make him comfortable. Or you could take the more typical human approach, and declaw him. It's akin to cutting a person's fingers off. You can no longer type, open doors, manipulate objects, defend yourself etc. It is "easier", it makes vets money, its akin to what humans usually do, we prefer to take the *easy* route, and control our environments rather than live in harmony with it. We prefer to dump pollution in rivers and water rather than develop clean exhaust systems, we would rather drive huge expensive SUVs rather than use clean vehicles. A person wth their fingers cut off will be very distressed. Maybe you HAD to cut their fingers off because they were not living well/adapting to your environment. So now they spend the *rest* of their life as a cripple, then maybe one day you don't want them around anymore...so you cast them out...and leave a homeless cripple to fend for himself. A cat, is not a person, but the analogy is the same. Declawing is the same to putting a person forever in a straight jacket, or amputing their limbs. It is the absolute *last* resort, and the pity is people use it all too frequently because they do not respect their pets. If you declaw your cat, you have an obligation to take care of it for the rest of its natural life...honor demands nothing less. It is now defeneless, not able to fend for itself and what not. Spaying and neutering you could argue are the same, but they are not, that is an attempt to control the population, animals are incapable of higher level decisions as we humans, and do not have birth control techniques/technology etc., so it is up to us to do it for them since we brought them to this environment. Declaw? Last resort only. And only if all else fails. I would rather set a cat free then declaw it. Or better yet, help it seek a home where it would be happy. To me it boils down to this: respect and the desire for a compinaion who will always love you unconditionally.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/12/01 20:37
  4. Never touch any blood feathers which are wing/flight feathers and tail feathers. These blood feathers fall out during the year when they dry up and wither and die These feathers don't all fall out at the same time when a bird molts. A bird only molts feathers that aren't blood feathers at certain times of the year. Since you're unfamilar with blood feathers, if your bird has any problems with them, they need to be fixed or removed by a vet.
  5. """Another question crops up here? as Dave said they don't eat plants in the wild. So why do the experts at Harrison's say give some dark green veg leaves to supplement there diet.""" I'll put it another way---Harrisons or any other company do not use plant leaves from the wild. You said the important words here concerning what Harrisons may feed---green veg leaves They don't get their items from the backyard nor do they put leaves in their products. No company does. There are many vegetables which birds do eat. Veggies can be purchesed in a million stores. Any company which uses vegetables makes sure they're a product that has been certified to be eaten by birds. The one thing I wouldn't do is put a picture or pictures of wild plants or weeds and start asking others whether they know what it is. Answers like *It could be this* or *it could be that and my birds eat it all the time* *Mine have flowers growing flowers from it and my birds eat the leaves* *Yes I have the same thing and it's a weed* * Does it have an odor?* *What part of the country do you live in*? All of these answers and suggestions are very vague and iffy which tells me not to play with possible fire. I would be better safe than sorry and not feed things from a back yard that insects may have occupied or eaten. I would be very sorry if any of my birds got sick from eating unknown outdoor growth especially since vets don't know how to treat the possible poisonous after effects. Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/11/29 19:03<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/11/29 19:05
  6. Well it's only your bird that's gonna tell you what he thinks about the switch.
  7. The Aloe vera juice that's purchased for use on birds is actually the same item that people use for digestive problems. No stores sell aloe juice and say that it's for birds only. It's the same with aloe gel. It's also a product that's advertised.bought and used for people but it can be used on birds successfully. There's no aloe gel made just for birds nor is it advertised for birds.
  8. Well. a few years ago, there was a certain woman who left her home at a very young age, about 5 yrs old. Many people searched for her but they had no luck. What they didn't know was that she wandered into the woods and was eventually accepted by a pack of wolves. She lived amongst them. She was with them for many years. She learned their language. She learned the ways of the jungle. She was accepted by many other wild creatures. She hunted for food with the wolves. One of the most interesting things to her was the way all of the predatory birds captured other wild animals for food. Eventually, explorers came into these woods and discovered her and they brought her out into the human population. She learned english. She was taught how to wear clothes. Eventually, she stopped the wolf howling and became a member of the human society. Soon enough, she met another creature named man. She felt attracted to him and soon thereafter she had what were called children. To her it was amazing but she remembered the birds with the eggs so she knew what was happening and was thrilled. She was still fascinated by birds of all types and decided to form a group of bird lovers which is now called Grey Forums. She wanted to share. We were lucky. Her problem was that she had no name here but she never forgot those magnificent large predatory birds with their claws so she decided to call herself... Talon Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/11/27 21:56<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/11/27 23:38
  9. The pros and cons of Tea tree oil usually has to do with human beings who use it on their skin. It's used to treat a variety of external problems Acne ,Athlete's foot,Dandruff, Boils,Lice, Eczema, Psoriasis, Yeast infection. Basically it's herbal but there should be no problems with using it in areas where mold spores and spider webs exist. It isn't a very well known product as far as cleaning out animal areas but if you heard that it does, there should be no problems. It's only people that have different reactions to it and they have to come in contact with it.
  10. There isn't anything different about a *Cammeroon* grey and other greys. It's a subject that's been discussed in many different places and after proper investigation, the final result is always the same. Cammeroon is a certain place in Zaire which has african greys. There's many other places in Africa that also has them. No matter where a bird comes from, you'll seen different shades of color, different sizes of the species. Many known people who profess to say there's a difference, are usually giving opinions. There was a time when it was desired to get a Cammeroon grey. As soon as others who dealt with those birds here saw that people who wanted them started paying much higher prices for them. They were getting ripped off. Yet, it stills goes on today. On boards you'll see the occasional person asking where they can find that bird. Yet, it's only breeders that say they have them. They're taking advantage of people who don't know any better. To those breeders, the phrase *there's a sucker born everyday* fits perfectly. Large sized greys come from large sized parents. The same holds true for any other different sized greys. Many times color ( very light--very silver ) has to do with the description of *Cammeroon greys*. It's also said that their large size has to do with being a *Cammeroon grey* I have 3 pairs of breeder greys and none are the exact same shade. Also, all of them are extremely large boned greys which causes the chicks to be large boned. My breeders start at the size of 545 gms up to 601 gms but their weight slightly fluctuates all the time. If I wanted to, I could slightly change the grey coloring of the chicks simply by changing the ingredients of their formula but I don't because it's a waste of time. It seems that color means something as far as the large size that people desire but what many newer potential owners never do is to go into the hundreds of photos scattered here throughout the years. If people did that it would be obvious that they're also small, medium sized greys who's color is very different from the next one. Light to dark,different shades of tail color. None of these different smaller birds ever came from Cammeroon. All of this also applies to TAGs. Different colors of the tail, more or less bone colored beaks, more marroon or ash grey in the tails larger or smaller boned sizes of the birds. Very little conversation ever comes up when speaking about the color variations of these smaller birds other than to say that 'my bird is darker or my bird is lighter'. Cammeroon was an area where it was extremely easy to capture birds. The reason many birds there were larger was because the amount and type of food was more abundant. Only government sanctions and certain laws that were enacted stopped the capturing of these birds and it took a long time to inforce these new rules because Cammeroon was in the middle of no where. Go into a pet shop and look at all the budgies. Look at the most common ones who will be the least expensive. Look at the blue ones and the green ones. There will be slight color differences in the blue colored ones and the green colored ones. There will be slightly smaller and slightly bigger ones. Do these slight differences mean anything? Look at Finland--the people are very white. Look at the surrounding countries--many shades of light white, many shades of blond hair. Does it mean anything?<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/11/25 20:08
  11. I agree with Luvy. What's the reason for giving him any plant or leaves? They don't eat plants in the wild. The closest thing to a plant that you can give a parrot is sprouts which grow from bird seed.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/11/24 20:22
  12. """Oh God, you're such an odd ball. Tell me, how long have you had that problem""""
  13. Illness has nothing to do with talking. Very healthy birds talk and ill birds can talk. Your bird is very young and many birds don't start talking until they're older than 7 mts. Some very healthy birds never talk and that also applies to birds who are in ill health.
  14. Anything that's dry ( pellets--seed--parrot mix) should be left in the cage all the time. When bowls are empty, refill them. Greys and other parrots don't eat breakfast, lunch and supper. They eat all day when they feel like it which is normal. Any wet foods ( veggies, fruits) can be left in the bowl for a few hrs until they get soggy. It's like you eating salad that's starting to go bad in the fridge. If you wanna start finding out which fruit your bird likes, handfeed different kinds. Most greys don't eat a large variety of veggies and fruits. Some do, many don't. Greys aren't prone to getting obese. When ill, they can lose weight.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/11/22 20:47
  15. I'm afraid that it's very hard to tell the age of an amazon and some other species although I can tell you that just about any pet store selling medium to large sized parrots won't sell any bird above the age of 1 1/2 yrs old when the store is buying the bird. It's much too difficult to sell the bird after that age. Yes, it's very important that you quantine the bird for at least 30 to 45 days especially since it was housed in a pet store that had other types of animals. Yes, all the barking and unexpected things going on could also enhance or cause more plucking/picking/chewing feathers. As far as that corner cage goes, think long and hard about that. Once you get that style, you're stuck. It may also hamper your possible decision in the future to move the cage around. It will have to go in a corner and there may not be one available.
  16. Some parrots do their own filing on both their beaks and claws. Many times, it looks a little extreme but a parrot will never intentionally hurt either of those areas. Some parrots intensely rub their beaks across cage bars and cement perches and mineral blocks and uneven perches which is all normal. Since there's no picture, I can only assume it's a blunt tip. If you can post a picture, that's good or if you feel something is serious, you can go to the vet and have that person check him out. PS---I should also say that many people need to bring their birds to vets in order for the beaks to be filed down.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/11/20 07:09
  17. Dave007


    """"how come everybody else on other forums aswell has said the cage is fine then!?!? """"" That's because many people don't know what cm measurement actually is in US inches. The style you picked was okay. It was just too small. There is the same type model of cage in the next larger size. When buying a cage you need to think about future situations where your bird needs to be enclosed for long periods of time. That can happen unexpectedly. This is the average size cage for a CAG--approx 32x28x60 inches. The grey pictured is a large sized grey which weighs 576 gms. I have 3 identical cages for my greys which includes 1 small TAG. All the cages are the same size. There's also variations in style. Nothing is being said to upset you. People are only trying to steer you in the right direction. Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/11/19 23:18<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/11/19 23:44
  18. In US measurements, that's a 28 inch by 21 inch cage. The height is 63 inches from the floor. If you're getting a CAG or already have one, the cage above is too small. The cage above may be ok for a TAG. For a CAG you need the next size larger. ( 32 inches by 28 inches). The height can be the same as above or even shorter. Approx---81 cm by 71 cm<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/11/19 18:58
  19. It could be an abnormal growth of the shaft. The feather may not be dry enough to fall out. If the problem makes the bird very uncomfortable, the vet will pull the shaft out. In the meantime, don't touch that area. It's the overgrown shaft that's bothering her. She may pull on it in her own time and make it comfortable for herself. A vet exam is a good idea.
  20. """I'm still looking for cages...where I live there are absolutely NO large cages for sale, so I have no choice but to buy online...which isn't easy either! I'm hoping no one else takes Guapo before I get the cage!""" Cages--go to EBAY, type in BIRD CAGES and a huge assortment will open up. All styles, shapes and colors. Most are quality made and the price is drastically cheaper and many of the cages come under the heading BUY IT NOW which means that the price you see is the price you'll pay. No bidding is involved. They have loads and loads of new cages.
  21. There's many reasons why parrots pluck/chew feathers. One of those reasons has to do with different health problems. One reason may be that this amazon is a chronic plucker ( will never stop plucking) He may be an acute plucker( will stop but it takes time) So, the best thing to do is to go to a vet, have it examined to find out whether the plucking has to do with illness. If not, the bird can be classified as either chronic or acute but that will also take time to find out. This is especially true with slighty older birds and you never mentioned age. There are illnesses that can cause plucking. Also, if the bird has been plucking for quite a while, he may have pulled out follicles therefore no feathers will ever grow back from those areas.
  22. Well, first off, you shouldn't compare a bird board/boards with facebook. That's apples and oranges. Second, I can't understand why you had respect for them before facebook. Almost all boards look upon them with disdain and have been for many years. Davie boy has been forced to apologise to people on a very pro activist animal board concerning incorrect info he supplied when first starting his DVD business a few years back and he did.This particular board has the power to discredit people who aren't on the square. Davie and Chetsky succeed in business because of quantity, not quality. Facebook isn't the place to get into serious conversations about problems concerning birds. I'm not putting your post down but if you just look at past posts about them on this board, you'll see that some people purcghased firearms to do a number on them. The cooler heads here calmed them down and prevailed. Nothing you said said surprises me. I'm sorry about your bird but considering that situation, it shouldn't be discussed with shallow minded cult members. In our Health room, we have permanent descriptions of loads of diseases and illnesses and loads of posts concerning loads of problems. concerning illnesses. If people get nasty with others when posting or repling we simply issue a warning. If they continue, they get dumped. We debate here. We don't crucify. How do they sleep at night? They have their accountants calculating their profits. That's a lovely cushion to put a head on. Soon, there's that distinct sound of satisfied snoring. Dairy?--I give dairy once in a while. For years and years. I even got a few pictures here showing my birds eating or drinking dairy. Educate the brothers? You really gotta be kidding. Tricks--listen, only certain species can be taught tricks but those wacky womackies don't tell people that. Sticks--someday someone is gonna put a stick in where the sun don't shine. Look, I can say more but if you wanna sound off, let it all hang out, talk about situations, try to get some sympathic shoulders to cry on, talk about birds, get questions answered, give answers to questions, have some fun, joke around, IM others, get quality advice, find out how others cope, stay here. If you don't wanna stay here, just remember not to go back to facebook to chat about a huge variety of serious bird subjects. Dan talks about the people being the cult following Wacky Mackies. Well, Jim Jones liked Kool Aid. It was proven that not all benefited from taking his advice.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/11/16 23:29
  23. """says that she will be fully weaned in 1-2 weeks. Which, would make her 8-9 weeks of age. What should we do? He has been breeding/raising birds for 50 years. I'm not really sure what to trust or do/say here..."""" 50 yrs of breeding birds? Well, no medium to large sized parrot is ever fully or partially weaned by 8 to 10 weeks. A bird that age should still be handfed with formula for a much longer time and that handfeeding should be done by an experienced person. Any person buying a bird that young who has no ability or knowledge of formula feeding is only asking for serious trouble. Someone may say that a bird is fully weaned by 12 weeks old but more than likely, it takes longer to get to a fully weaned stage. Actually, I'm surprised that as a vet, he would say something like that. Unweaned birds shouldn't be sold to anyone and maybe someday the US will create a law that prohibits the sale of unweaned birds just like the UK which has that law. You're playing with fire and you're compromising the future health of that bird and it really doesn't matter to me whether he's a vet or not. A person doesn't need to be a vet to breed birds.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/11/16 18:54
  24. Unless you've been looking at very old used cages, you should know that lead paint isn't made or used in any bird products. Lead paint isn't used except for outdoor industrial use. Some older used cages do have zinc but the new cages rarely do. EBay is an excellent place to buy cages. Not just some people have purchased there, many people have purchased there. There's a large variety of cages to pick from and the prices are the best around. The Walmart cage you were looking at is much like what is sold on Ebay and the size is the standard grey size you need and the price is only about $40 higher than Ebay. It's also the right style. The top link you gave has a cage that is very expensive and the only thing that's different is that it has a manufacturers label on it. So, it's either an Ebay cage or the Walmart cage and all you need to do is compare the Walmart cage with an Ebay cage and make sure bothe are powder coated. That and size and style is what you need to be concerned about.
  25. I agree with Dan. I was gonna say the same thing yesterday but then, I'm only a moderator of a different area. Everything has been said. The righteous, the unrighteous, the pro people, the non pro people, the angry people, not so angry people. A mistake was made. Things like that happen. The person paid the price every ways to sunday. Continuous blasting isn't gonna accomplish anything except to make that person leave and it's not necessary. She wasn't trying to hurt anyone and she apologised If anyone has something to say, it's best to go back in time and give Adam and Eve a piece of your mind. After all,they ate that infamous apple and made most of us imperfect. They had lust on their minds. Amen amen I say to you, let all who are perfect step forward and lets discuss it. I'll start it off--I'm perfect cause I never liked apples. Glory be!!
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