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Everything posted by shane

  1. thanks Muse & BaileysPapa -> lol that is pretty funny. I like some of those. lol. I like Fid and Greybie. lol. perfect. lol
  2. Thanks, oh yeah I know. I saw a parrot named Einstein. pretty fascinating youtube video. I don't expect Scarlett to ever talk like that etc. I really just wanted to learn tips and suggestions. for example, I just learned that parrots have a call they do (a flock call) when you walk out of the room... I had been doing the "charge whistle" (like on sporting events), and every time I leave the room, scarlett will do that whistle. lol. But I found that I should be doing a word to get her to say a word rather than the whistle. she already says a few words, but somewhere I read that once they start whistling, then its harder for them to switch to words... not sure if that is true or not, but that's just an example of why a book "may" be useful. I don't expect to teach scarlett to play dead. although that should would be really really cool! ok happy thanksgiving everyone
  3. before I even got Scarlett, Ive come across a bunch of videos by the guy called the parrot wizard... I'm probably about to buy his book because he seems to really be involved (doing shows and training etc), but figured I would at least ask if anyone else bought it and if they felt it was good or not.
  4. Thanks everyone. @Inara, I agree this is the best grey forum. P.S. @Timbersmom, what does "fid" stand for. Obviously something to do with parrots, but I see it in a few threads, but never know what they are referring too. I even googled it, but got fidelity and some tool. LOL Im kind of sleepy so hopefully the question doesn't make me look like a complete Turkey. LOL (oh god I had to go and do that corny joke.. lol. I just had to. lol.) but seriously, I dont know what it stands for.
  5. @Birdhouse - Thanks I appreciate that detailed input and the pics. Scarlett chews things also, so Im glad you mentioned that because I think she would be the type to get at the clips as well. The Kings looks like a mini cage. very nice! and yes more expensive. Maybe I'll see if my sister wants to get me and Scarlett a Christmas present. LOL but yes the second cage I posted is pretty small at 14 x 18 x 14. That's probably too small. @SterlingSL - Thank you also. Did you have the one that was 14 x 18 x 14? Do you think it is too small for a Grey? I'm thinking 14" is smaller than the wingspan. I better just work on my family to get me a KINGS for a Christmas present. LOLOL actually I will go check craigslist right now. Have a great Thanksgiving everyone!
  6. Thanks Jan Marie & lovparrots Can the greys slide open the lock? or do you put an extra lock on it? and can they bite through the bars? The dog cage I found seemed pretty secure because it required you to unlock it, and then lift the gate before it would open. If these are like that, than that's great. * I found the dimension for cage 2 - its smaller at 14x18x14
  7. Hi Loveparrots, Thanks, Are the bars pretty thick or are they skinny like a typical cage for small birds in the pet stores (as opposed to the thicker bars on bigger parrot cages)? thanks
  8. Just wanted to say have a great Thanksgiving holiday to everyone.
  9. Hello all. I would like to start taking Scarlett with me when I go to my families house, vacation, overnight trips, etc... (I already have a carrier to carry her around in [converted dog/cat carrier], so just looking for an overnight cage. I did a lot of research and came up with these two cages: cage 1 - $59 - a few people on this forum have this one cage 2 - $94.99 - Looks really sturdy (but I don't find the measurements) I would love any input on these two cages if you guys have them. I also saw a decent dog cage at Pet Goods for $59 (similar to cage 1), but the bar spacing was 1.25 inches. That seems kind of big for the parrot to get her head stuck? do you guys think 1.25" bar spacing is ok? Thanks
  10. Thanks. wow, sorry to hear about your grey. that is scary. I thought about that when adding the chain so I attached the chain to various perches to not allow enough slack so that it cannot loop back and make a noose. I have the bottom hanging loose but she never goes to the bottom, but I'll still attach it to be safe. thanks. and again, glad yours is ok... Shane
  11. I'm very happy for you sincerely. Sounds like you had an incredible first day I look forward to reading more
  12. Oh I wonder if they don't have it at that Home Depot then.., the one by me, the chains and ropes are all in the same spool section.
  13. Hi Inara, Home depot has a rope called manila rope. It looks the same.. and it doesn't have any weird smell to it at all. at least not the rope at the local home depot where im at. They sell it by the foot. and it is in the same section that they sell the plastic chains (and real chains too).
  14. That does sound scary. But as far as Bart, You could do this... (or at least I would)... Have someone else call Bart asking if he has any discounts on greys that have an abnormalty or disease, etc (and mention it is because you are rescuing them). If he is shocked and thinks the caller is crazy for wanting a diseased bird.... then you know Bart is "possibly" an OK breeder. just my 2 cents... or my nickel.
  15. Hi Inara, Great perch! I like that you can bring it into any room you are in. It seems everytime I leave a room, Scarlett starts flying! lol I watched that video you posted a link to also. that's a good idea with that string she used. Thanks for the compliments on the one I built for Scarlett.
  16. thanks everyone - I really appreciate it. I saw someone elses pvc stand in this forum somewhere, so then I went out and bought pvc too. She is on it nearly all day. and the sand is perfect! way easier to clean up then newspapers. (& sand is only $5 for a 50 pound bag at home depot).
  17. thanks. I saw those java trees were set in a sand base, so I figured it would be easier to clean up.
  18. thanks - She won't climb to new levels yet - even though in her cage she hangs upside down and climbs every where
  19. I had built a play area, but the newspaper floor looked so crappy in my living room, and everything bounced off the newspapers/wood anyway that I was using as a play gym floor. I saw some trees online that had a sand base to catch all of the food/poop, etc... So I tried to mimic that. I'll see if Scarlett likes it.
  20. aww yeah It makes me feel guilty too when I put scarlett in the cage... she gets all sad looking.. I tried to put her in her cage early and she talks soooo loud I cant even hear the television or phone calls. lol
  21. @kins2321 -> Yeah she was ready thanks. today she spent about 2 hours sitting on my arm while I was in my chair watching the football game. lol I pet/ scratched her head the entire time. and every time I stopped. She would walk over to my hand and hit it with her head. lol she's a great parrot.
  22. oh yeah, I'm cautious. I pet her for an hour today, but still worried if I touch one wrong feather.. she may bite me. lol do your greys chat chat chat until you let them out? whew, today she was going bezerk until I got out of bed and let her out. no sleep. lol
  23. Here's a quick video. She let me scratch her head. this was actually the second time. the first time was the day before and it was real late and I tried to put her in the cage but she wouldn't step up, she just kept bowing her head. lol. truthfully she looked like she was about to bite me, so I stopped. lol. I doubt she was, but she did bite me already and I'm not anxious to repeat that. lol. P.S. my floor is not usually that messy.. lol. and im not usually that goofy but I was bonding.... lol.
  24. LOL that was a great video! lol. I've been trying to get scarlett to say "go big blue" (for the ny giants). and your parrots laugh is just hysterical! lol. great parrot!
  25. I can relate to the heart failure. I'm glad everything is ok.
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