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Showing content with the highest reputation since 04/25/2010 in Posts

  1. So many great birdie memes out there. Which ones are your favorites?
    8 points
  2. Sorry about the language on this one but it's too good: And of course the videos people make are even better: TielForce.mp4
    8 points
  3. Definitely love Bird Memes. That's one facebook group I don't usually get into it with anyone. So many good memes come across that one... Who did it better? (in case it's unreadable, the pull tab reads 'now I have')
    8 points
  4. Poor GreycieMae needed a pep talk. Her just couldn't take the heat, Huey...everything that gets a girl down. 😍 🥰 GreycieMaePepTalk.mp4
    7 points
  5. Wife has a new classroom this year. I thought it was pretty nice of the school to install a nice skyhook to hang a batbird from. She hung there for about an hour before she wanted down. Crazy bird.
    7 points
  6. She's always been a girly girl kind of a CAG. Here her is enjoying some evening time turning our brains into mush in front of the idiot box. Iposted this a year or so ago but can't find it so re-posting:
    7 points
  7. What's yours is theirs. What's theirs is theirs (and not yours). Basically, everything belongs to the birds. 😂
    7 points
  8. Well, we’re making changes, and I think a big one is allowing read only. It was thought that by forcing signup to read that might do it, but it had the opposite affect. Folks went right back down the road they know so well, Facebook lol. So being able to read again, and the new software being html friendly, we should get a lot more google hits about grey questions. Were going to keep at it as time allows. Thanks for being here.
    7 points
  9. The GreyForums is the truth behind the care and raising if not only the African Grey parrot but also all parrots who grace these pages and enrich our lives so much. Truth is found here. We will try to post weekly.
    7 points
  10. I think it's time that I give you and the members of this great forum an explanation of my absence over the last two years or so. It started with a very ill wife who passed away on Valentines day 2018 and than her younger sister in Dec. of 2018 followed by her older sister in May this year. We lost Willie our cockatiel at age believe it or not at age 27 followed by 5 very good friends and two of our dachshund one of old age and one unexpected.. I have a 44 year old special needs child that still lives with me that we adopted when he was 14 months old. I have not had much time to post but I check in to see what's going on. And than there is Corky my awesome Grey that has kept me going who will be 19 in Dec. of this year. I will make every effort to start posting again to keep this forum alive. KevinD you are doing a great job with this forum and I will do my best to step up as a member to support this Grey Forum.
    7 points
  11. Hi Peggy and welcome to the fourms! Thank you for taking in a rescue grey! First of all, these birds operated in what we call "grey time". This is the time it takes for an individual bird to accept changes in their environment- be it a new food, new toys, new people, new cage etc etc. Every bird is different and will accept changes at their own pace. Trying to force the issue will cause a fear response and will damage the relationship with your bird. So it is absolutely critical to observe the birds responses and start learning a bit about their body language. Body language in grey's is quite subtle at times and sometimes we don't always notice it. A bird can be trying to tell us a lot through their body language and we totally miss it, so the last resort is a bite to get their message across. Your bird has just had a massive change to their lifestyle. Did you know or interact with your bird at all before bringing her home? If not then absolutely everything in her life has been tipped upside down and she is probably still adjusting to changes. New home, new flock, new environment, new routines... it's a LOT to take in! She will need some time and space to adjust to all these changes. But she will get there and she will accept you as part of her flock. At two years old, she is still a very young bird so I have no doubt that given enough time you will build a wonderful bond with her. Do you know what her favourite treat is? If not, try offering her lots of different foods and treats until you find one or two she REALLY likes. So for example, if she really likes almonds, do not feed them as part of her daily diet- keep them as rewards. You can then use that favourite treat as a reward for good behaviour - this is positive reinforcement. So if she steps up, she gets a piece of almond (not a whole one - save whole ones for REALLY good work). Do not move away from the cage at this point- just get her stepping up regularly. Always let her go back to her cage or a perch if she wants to at this point. You can then start rewarding her for staying on your hand. Again, use a piece of almond not a whole one. If she's still comfortable and content on your hand for a few more moments, she gets another piece. If she's still doing really well and making no attempt to leave, maybe go ahead and give her a whole piece. Again, always give her the option of getting back to her cage. As she is clipped and maybe unable to fly then always give her the option to retreat back to her cage, as she doesn't have a flight option. Keep talking to her whilst she is on your hand - make it sound like a good thing and sound excited about it. Tell her about all the places she will be able to go with you if she stays on your hand rather than going back to the cage. Make it a fun and positive experience for her. Once she has mastered this (and it may take some time) then SLOWLY start moving her a little further away from her cage. Reward her for staying calm. If she bites, do not take it personally (even when it hurts!) and just calmly return her to her cage and back off. Keep using pieces of whatever her favourite treat is. Only reward with a whole treat occasionally. This helps to keep the bird motivated to work towards the big treat. Or if she has a couple of favourite treats, find out which she likes better and use that as the special treat. Keep these training sessions short to begin with. She might not have had much structured training so it might take her a little while to figure out what's going on. Get her to repeat the behaviour successfully a few times then stop. You can slowly extend this if she is willing- but as soon as she shows sign of boredom (or goes for a bite) then back off and let her return to where she is comfortable (a perch or her cage) Do keep us updated with any progress. We would also love to see photos of her if you are able to.
    7 points
  12. Today we welcome Fynn into our hearts and home! Fynn (formerly Casper) is a gentle little sweetheart. Confident, curious and so darn adorable in every way! While my heart is filled with sadness, knowing his first owner gave it his all to make things work, and whose heart is now broken having to rehome him, we are both focused on moving forward. My door will always be open to him for visitation rights! I'm absolutely amazed at how quickly little babies can become acclimated to new surroundings. He's already met all the birdies, has flown laps around our bird room and outdoor aviary, munched down on a healthy bowl of chop, shredded a few toys, and has already wiggled himself into our hearts. Welcome to your new home, Fynn!
    7 points
  13. Somebirdy needs a good shaming....
    7 points
  14. After 3 days here, our little guy has emerged from his cage and stepped up for my son!!! He always knows how to communicate with birds and animals. My heart is full!
    7 points
  15. Ileo=KevinD Been real busy, but if the board has any issues, email me at kevin@maildeploy.com Ill check it. But everything looks good. Keep up the good work helping. Thanks Kevin
    7 points
  16. With all the exciting luxury aviaries springing up, I thought I'd share a nice blueprint for the perfect home floorspace plan that I found. It's perfect!
    7 points
  17. Our new place is near Lake Texoma and the hummingbirds here are thick like flies. I hung four feeders in the spring and soon the place was a zippity chicken battleground amongst the Ruby-throats and the Black-chinned. This morning I found one in distress. The poor lil guy had gotten into some spider webbing and was all tangled up around his feet and was dragging around a nice little payload which made it very easy to catch him. So I brought him in flipped him upside down and started gently untangling his lil footsies. Hard to believe what a mess he had gotten into. Once that was done, it was time for some obligatory cuddle time with his favorite human. Took him back out to the feeder and he stepped up and flew off. What a cutie. One of those once-in-a-lifetime encounters, although this is actually my third time playing with a little hummer. HummerPet.mp4
    6 points
  18. Yep, If you have it they want it. It`s the law.
    6 points
  19. 6 points
  20. It's great to hear from you Ray P. Sorry to hear of so much going on and the loss of your wife.
    6 points
  21. His feet are 4 inches front toe-tip to back toe-tip...Isaac's are something like 3.5 ....measure yours. This baby has giant feet. It's amazingly cute though He is like spider-man in bird form. Never fails to snag the perch. Super outgoing personality. The most curious of explorers. Have you seen flap time yet? Kind of figuring that if you have, you'll know what I mean by "flap time". Ha! Anyway, no matter how you slice it, when you bat an eye his way, he does nothing but make you happy and fill your heart with joy. A new baby exploring the world and having a lot of fun...being allowed not to be afraid. It's an experience that forever warms your heart, and you feel touched by this gift from the universe that you can share such a precious time with such a precious life. My daughter and I share a beautiful bond around this baby that we are truly grateful for. We are gonna have to go see him soon. Thanks for loving him. He is the most innocent soul when you watch him. All you see is the magic of life as you stare at whatever he does. Every living and breathing motion is filled with the magic that makes life so beautiful. Each little pout as cute as the last. Beautiful curiosity. Adorable questioning glares. He's an ever flowing tap into what makes living the most beautiful thing of all. It's a true gift to share in the youth of a precious creature such as an African Grey. They really are like children to me. This was the most difficult thing I have ever had to do in my life. I cannot remember having to turn on my heart when it was so strong. But I am glad he is going to be happy and loved. Thank you for giving him love and I hope he carries your heart away the way he has ours.
    6 points
  22. So we rough-n-tumble this morning like we always do, GreycieMae loves a good wrestle. Later on I was just laying there with her on my knee and noticed she was missing something... So just like when I lose my keys, or my marbles, I go back to the last place I saw them....the wrestling blankey. Oh, looky at what I found! So I break out the needle and thread, super glues and some duck tape and she's good as new!
    6 points
  23. Here is Diego, I'll post more pictures soon. He is doing well. He he gets off his cage and follows us around still. Today he acted like he wanted to step up onto my hand while he was on the floor. But he didn't quite go all the way. He hasn't really talked anymore, just lots of noises and laughs. I'm not sure if he really talks or not. Which I don't care either way. He seems like a very sweet guy so praying he is. He is a little clown. If we don't pay attention he will knock on his cage, pick up and drop his bowl and swing around all silly.
    6 points
  24. Congratulations for adopting. Sounds like nothing but good things are awaiting him in his new home. I recently adopted a 25 year old CAG and although he was great on my visits to the adoption center and his first day home, he chomped me hard in the second day. This obviously broke the trust for both of us and we are still building it back up. It has been a month and we are making progress. Like you, I began using a dowel rod to pick him up. He would attack that rod with a vengeance. After weeks of this, last night we had a breakthrough. When he comes out of his cage, he likes to go straight to the floor. This is when I usually pick him up to put him on his playgym. BUT, for some reason, yesterday he stepped up on the dowel with no problem at all. No attack, no bites or chomps. I was shocked and thrilled. As many have said, baby steps. It could take a very long time for you to be able to pick him up but keep trying. Look into target training as this has helped me with Morgan.
    6 points
  25. Wife is on this weirdo diet, called the Keto diet. Reduced carbs, increased meats and fats and who knows what else. Today's dinner will be a nice red-tailed jungle chicken dish. I got the meat and fat-fatty covered. Me and Huey are anxiously awaiting the result. MmmmMmmmm...goood.
    6 points
  26. I have two African Greys with breakfast beards in my food bowl
    6 points
  27. He's doing so well. Thank you for the photo updates. Maybe he knows he has hit the jackpot so is making the most of it!
    6 points
  28. Yes he will need to have a fecal run at the Vets it is possible he may have been exposed to e coli, salmonella, giardia and other less common health concerns. I have seen birds who lived in rodent infested areas get very ill form both e coli and salmonella, even die if not treated. Poor Grey bird he will need to learn what healthy food is again. Do offer some fresh veggies maybe a little soft scrambled egg and you can offer coconut water or diluted Gatorade or pedialyte to help him recover from the heat and dehydration. Congratulations on the save that is one fortunate landing for him. Blessings on your son and family for your persistence. A few weeks of good food and some baths he will be a new bird, looks better than he could look considering his recent lifestyle.
    6 points
  29. Prayers in getting this poor bird.
    6 points
  30. Thank you everyone. My son's friend who is neighbors with this guy was working late today, so they'll try to speak with him within the next few days. We have an extra cage here, so that's good. My son will be taking him into his room for quarantine precautions if we're able to get him to relinquish him.
    6 points
  31. I'm sorry, I can't help you with your profile problem, I haven't changed my profile picture for a decade lol. Thank you for taking in this partially naked little bird. Glad to hear her diet is already improving. I'm afraid you won't be able to start to build trust until after the medication is over. As long as you have to towel her to give meds it's going to be traumatic for her. You've got the right idea in showing her how you are with your other birds and letting her observe her new environment. Trust me, she's processing all this new information at light speed. Don't push the hands on stuff at the start. It'll come in its own time. Sit by the cage and talk to her, read to her, just spend time by her letting her get used to your presence. Make sure the other members of the family spend time around her cage as well. You don't want a bird only you can handle, especially as she's already showing signs of being partial to you. Just let her observe her new home for now. Relationship/trust building takes time. Again, thank you for rescuing this little soul.
    6 points
  32. I have a chance to rehome a Blue and Gold Macaw in need of a home. She is about 25 years old and has been with the same family most of her life. I am thinking seriously about it and I am going to try and meet her this weekend I am told that she is a very good talker and that she is people friendly. We will see what happens.
    6 points
  33. Hello all - I’ve recently adopted a female CAG who is aproximatly 18-20 years old. Her name is Maxi and she lived cage bound in the same home since she was a baby. We’ve had her about two months or so at this point and she is very sweet however does not tolerate touching and does not step or nor know how to step up from what I can tell. Anyways, I’m going to start a thread under the general section that will have a few questions in it. Any feedback or information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks everyone!
    6 points
  34. i re-homed a 20-year old Lilac-Headed Amazon a couple of years ago that laid an egg. I was told by a reliable breeder to leave the egg along until the zon no longer cared about it; which I did. Then I removed it and my zon has not laid an egg since then. (thank you Dave007, I still miss you).
    6 points
  35. Oh wow, that's amazing. I think Alfie would probably just throw the spoon at my head. Or maybe throw it across the room and expect me to fetch it for him so he can do it again.
    6 points
  36. Looks good! I think I'm going to investigate this for Alfie. Judygram- do you cook/boil the veggies you buy before serving them to the birds?
    6 points
  37. Here you go @Ray P: two quick and dirtys. I'm in the middle of making some cotton climbing nets so don't have time to edit or anything... * Sorry about the size of the video. I haven't figured out what tags this new forum supports yet so I'm stuck with direct embed of the link and it does whatever the heck it wants with it. *
    6 points
  38. The trick is to find something else that your grey likes to destroy. I had a similar problem with Alfie when he discovered the shelves in the living room. He threw everything off the shelves then started chewing them/pulling them apart. I discovered that he loved to destroy cardboard boxes so I found some that fit perfectly on the shelves. Now, when I let him out, I clear all my things off the shelves and leave a few cardboard boxes and toys up there for him. He will happily sit and shred the boxes for hours and leaves the shelf well alone. The chewing is a natural behaviour- you just need to find a way to redirect it to a more desirable object if you can. (e.g boxes, old bits of paper, telephone directories... anything he can chew and shred) Depending on your cabinet- is it possible to tile the tops of them? One of my colleagues also has a grey who loves sitting on the top of the cabinets- so they put tiles on top. Can't be chewed and are also wipe clean! He also fills the space with various toys and boxes to keep his grey busy/distracted.
    6 points
  39. My sweet little girl becomes a young lady today and turns seventeen. She has been the center of our life from the day we first saw her. We have spent seventeen years turning her into the most awesome brat you will ever see in your life. She is a very outgoing and is loved by all our friends. She lights up the room with her personality and always welcomes guest into our home Happy hatch day my sweet little girl.
    6 points
  40. Happy Hatchday Corky!!! She looks like a sweet baby.
    6 points
  41. Looks like a couple pics didnt make the upload. This first pic, Huey just gave her that pasta she was all too willing to take from him.
    6 points
  42. Walls and roof are fully enclosed on the 'littles' room as I call it. It's trimmed out on the inside but still needs some finishing on the outside. Also waiting for the tiling tie-in and then it can be painted and the door put on. Inside: Outside: And the Greybie GreycieMae's room. Did I mention that working with insulation is an itchy job?
    6 points
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