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Congo Dance

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Hey everyone its been an eternity since I posted here. I just want to say hello to all my good friends like Baxtersmom (Erika) Judygram, Slmclean (Susan), Talon just to name a few. Congo and I and the rest of the family is doing Greyt!!! Below is a little video of what my critter has been up to. She talks non stop until she sees the camera of course..grrr!! I will keep trying to film her and post up some other good stuff. I big hello to everyone on the forum from Congo and I;)


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That was very cute of you and Congo, thanks for sharing it with us and please do come back more often, you have been missed so much, I have thought about you many times and wondered how you were and Congo but I see both of you are fine. Congo is a good looking grey and you better get your can on here from time to time to chat and let us know whats going on in the life of Roger and Congo.

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Hi Judy glad to hear from you to. I will be back on more often I promise. I have thought about you all and missed you guys too. As for Congo she is talking up a storm. She is talking and dancing and imitating everyone at the house. She even barks like the dogs! She also calls them by their names and howls then the dogs start howling too.....I would've never imagined how much I could love a little gray birdB)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Very cool video of you and Congo getting down Roger. :-)


It's GreYt to see you updating on Congo and especially sharing that video. You have been missed and look forward to hearing from you more often. :-)

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