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Be Patient they will talk


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Just a quick post to all of you owners that carnt wait for your birds to talk Be Patient, My Alfie has been saying Hello & Good Boy for a while now but only when he wanted But now its as if someone has turned his voice box on & for the last 4 days hes been non stop chattering away as if his life depended on it he will be 1 year old in 10 days time so all you out there that think there Grey will never talk Be Patient it will happen and hey they never shut up :laugh:

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It is the truth! Whisper is 18 months old. At about a year old she had 5 or 6 things she said regularly. At about15 months she started adding about 1 new phrase per week to her repetoire. For the past 2 weeks she has started saying a new phrase every DAY. Yakkety, Yakkety Yak. You can't shut her up. LOL

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Once they start they won't stop then you will wish they didn't :blink: ...lol...j/k...Its just sometimes, grrrrrrr. I just keep in back of my head.That at least once a day I will be told, I Love You. That makes my day and night.

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I get told I love you everyday also but its not from my Grey its frow my Macaw. I'm lucky if I hear it from my Grey one every couple of weeks. I guess like people some say Ilove you all the time and others its rare but when they do say it boy does it ever make yo feel great. Tyco loves me and I know this but she not one for saying it often she talks and talks and chatters all day long until you find yourself looking for the switch that turns her off but saying I love you is rare.

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Phoebegirl, she's shown she can talk, but she's still very new to your home and her new flock. Talking to her will encourage her to try to communicate with you by talking. Be gentle, patient and loving and teach by example. She'll continue to progress under your care.

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