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just curious


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has anyone ever ordered anything from windycityparrot.com? (i think that's website anyway) i only ask because i ordered a travel cage from them last monday (6-1) and called to ask when i would get it, and the guy said monday at the latest but i would get tracking info as soon as it shipped. so monday came and went, with no cage, so i called them. they said the order was never placed! they got my order, took my money from the order, but never actually placed the order! it's been shipped now and i'll have it on thursday, i was just a little pissed about the fact that if i wouldn't of called who knows how long it would of took to fix things! anyway...thanks for listening to me vent

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I think I would have been a little pissed also what kind of people do they have working for them anyway. I've never order anything from them do they have nice stuff. I'll have to check them out although I very seldom but anything on line from the USA because it cost double to have it shipped to Canada some things I will if I really want it for my birds badly and I can't get it in Canada like the Adverture pack trvel cage I bought one ove those it cost me 279.00 ouch I also want to by the Atom from www.motherpluckers.com but it will cost me 240. dollars so my birds are going to have to wait a little bit for it mabie by the 1st of September I'll be able to get them one. I made one for now and bought them a orbit that will do them until then Spoilt little boggers. Sometimes I can't beleive the things I do for my baby's I any of my non bird friends found out just how much money I spent on them I swear they would have me commited to the nut house:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Yes I have bought things from windycityparrots.com and they were great with my orders! Judy is right sometimes things do happen and when I had ordered from them a few months ago they were in the process of moving to a larger store so maybe they are still transitioning. They are really great about CS and shipping things out really quickly.

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your right about their cs...the lady i talked to was really nice, and i like the fact that first time customers get 15% off (saved me like $50) i think i was just having a bad day yesterday, that's why i got as upset as i did. i wouldn't judge them based on one half-bad experience (unless it was something major) and my item is on it's way now!

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You were justified in being upset, as any us would have.


I have ordered items from them several times and never had an issue. I also like all their constant specials they send email alerts on. My orders have always arrived in timely manner.


I'm glad you got that all sorted out and your travel cage is on the way. :-)

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well i got my cage on thursday like i was supposed to...man is it big! lol i knew how big it was going to be (20x20x29) but man it looks bigger when it's all put together :lol: i'm thinking about using it as a coffee table, just so i can keep it in the livingroom.

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it's 20x20x29 and weighs like 17 lbs. or so...it's really not heavy at all. it's a little bit awkward to carry, but it does have two handles for carrying that aren't on in the pic cuz it wouldn't fit in between the couch and his cage with them on. if i would set 2 of these travel cages on top of eachother they would be just about as big as his normal cage! my bf was giving me a hard time cuz it's a 'convenient travel cage' lol. i will admitt it is a little big to be convenient, but i wanted something big enough that if we were gone for a few days, he would be comfortable. and i still have his 16x16x20 cage that i can use if we're just gone for a few hours. i actually used that one yesterday when we went to the bmx race in la cross (like 2 hours away) it's got thinner bars but it works for short trips! this weekend we're going to rockford, il for a bmx national and we'll be camping for 3 days, so willis will be in his cage most of the time except when we're in the tent (or if he's on his harness, but there's TONS of pple there so i don't know if i want to have him on his harness much...he still is uneasy of pple) so i'm glad i have this huge travel cage. sorry...i think i may be rambling, but my bf makes fun of me for how i treat willis (like he's another one of my kids) or how i'm on this forum all the time lol, and i know everyone here will understand and not make fun of me for being this way about my willis :)

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I agree if your going to be camping and doing lots of outdoor activity's and want to include every member of the family then you have to make it comfortable for them. I treat my birds like my children also. if I was going camping for 3 days I definatly would not want my bird to have to be in a tiny travel cage I think the one you bought is just perfect for that knd of thing. I'm glad I don't have a man around to tell me how I should or should not treat my birds and If I did I'm afraid he would be gone long before I treated my birds any differently than I do They are my children as far as I'm concerned and they will be around long after any man I might have is dead and gone. So they deserve the very best while I'm still able to give it to them. I don't think theres a man alive that would put up with my birds unless he was a total bird lover like myself so I;ll stay single until I meet the right man. My ex husband can't stand the noise they make even though its only in the morning. so after 27 years of marrage we are no longer together suits me fine.:laugh:

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one concern that i do have is it's been really hot the past few days here. it's not bad in the house but even in the shade outside it's pretty warm. i know what willis will do if he gets too hot (hold his wings out etc.) can i spray him with a spray bottle to cool him down? i assume that's what i should do but just wanted to make sure lol!


he's been really good traveling with us so far. he came with to oshkosh, and we stayed in a hotel overnight. it ended up being a bit too chilly for him to be outside with us at the race, so i kept him in the truck (the kids were in there as well, coloring) and every so often i would go check to make sure it was still warm enough in there. after we got back to the hotel he was out of his cage the whole time, and did really good! i did end up handfeeding him that night just because it was getting late and you could tell he hadn't ate very much that day, and i don't mind handfeeding him once in a while. when we took him to la cross yesterday he was very quiet (i was surprised) once we got to the track, but i think that's cuz there was so many pple and kids that wanted to come see him, and it's still a new thing for him to be around so many pple at a time. he didn't eat much (again) but i really think it was cuz he was too busy looking at everything lol! and i was very glad to have no one call him a pigeon!!:P i actually had a couple come ask me a bunch of questions cuz they were thinking about getting a bird but didn't know what kind to get. i got a lot of compliments on him B) i think he's doing really good traveling with us so far...i'll let everyone know how he does camping. one thing that i wonder about tho is am i exposeing him to too much? he seems fine around all the pple (i haven't taken him around pple on his harness yet...i don't think he's ready for that yet) i just want him to be able to come everywhere with me all the time! (i even seat-belt his cage in in the truck, my bf looked at me like i was crazy lol)

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You do have to watch that they don't overheat I know whenI take Adaya in the car I always have a bottle of water handy just to cool her down. I just pour a little water in the palm of my and and give her a pet with the water don't want to soak her in case theis a draft some where with the windows open a little so I usually just get her damp and its enough to keep her cool. I took Adaya to my Grandsons first birthday party they had it in a hall and catered it with kids party caterers there was 25 kids and all their parents there. Adaya did awesome every one just loved her I was suprized that there was at least 6 people there that had some kind of Parrots for pets. I treat Adaya like yo treat Willis and try to take her everywhere with me. I don't take her to work with me. I guess I could but I'd be to afraid someone would steel her out of my car. I work for a personal corrier service so I'm in and out of my car all the time and most of the time my hands are full so she would have to wait in the car and thats what scares me. But every where else I go she come also. I think its good for them to understand about different things and people that way when they grow up they are used to constant change and are not afraid of it. I just bought an aventure pack travel cage so mabie on quiet nights at work she could come with me if I can put her on my back the my hands are still free to carry other thing. I'll have to see how it goes anyway. She just hates it when I leave her at home she is so spoilt. They sure are easy to love aren't they.


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