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preparing for new baby

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Hi everyone!

I'm new to the Grey family. My baby boy, Sloopy was just hatched on May 2nd and won't even be home until September. Even so, he's already spoiled!

I'd love to hear advice from all of you experienced 'parronts' about the first few days at home. What are your thoughts and recommendations?!

Thanks in advance...

Patricia :)

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OOOOh I am so very excited for you :D

I just brought my baby home a couple months ago and she will be 7 months old this weekend :laugh:

It will be a long wait, but it will be sooo worth it you won't even believe it!


As far as those first few days go...I'd say it depends on the bird. I had visited my little girl, Darwin, so many times that she knew me almost as good as the breeder :whistle: Naturally, when she came home she wanted to be out and was excited to see her new surroundings. I would play it by ear - you'll know whether your baby wants to be with you or needs some time to settle in. Make sure he is eating and drinking and try quietly talking to Sloopy through the cage. I'm sure he'll settle in beautifully and please read lots on here beforehand - you have lots of time to prepare!



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Hello Patricia and welcome to our family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Sloopy.


I know you are excited about this new baby grey and September will seem like a lifetime away but use this time to prepare for the coming "event".


Are you getting your baby grey from someone local or will he have to be shipped to you?


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads so do read thru them at your leisure and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


When you first bring Sloopy home just let him settle in, let him decide when he wants to come out of his cage, don't force him and he might not want to for he will be in a strange environment and will take him some time to feel comfortable. Some baby greys are quick to be a part of the family and others will be more laid back, just let him decide when he wants to join in.


If you get any pictures of Sloopy please consider sharing some with us, we love to see the babies.

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thanks so much for your response!

Our bird is from a local breeder and we'll be visiting several times throughout the weaning process.

My husband and I started our parrot education last Fall. We joind the Parrot Education and Adoption Center and we've attended many seminars and workshops from Basic Bird Care to the Avian Gourmet. We're always looking for opportunities to keep learning which is why this site is great!! It's so nice to have the chance to learn from other Grey owners!

There are pics of Sloopy on my profile. :)

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Hi Patricia, everyone has a different experience with their baby greys. My Ana Grey was very well socialized by her breeder and wanted to be with me for cuddles and one on one time. So I obliged her. She is very independent and very loving at the same time. You are lucky to be able to see your baby often. Take your ques from Sloopy. Some greys are outgoing and others aren't. Read Sloopy body language and do what you believe is right for the kind of grey Sloopy is. One thing to remember is baby greys do need to rest and relax. Good luck with your baby they are so worth the effort!!! Welcome to the family.

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Hi my name is Patricia also I have 2 greys 1 is a rescue that I saved a couple years ago she is 6 yrs old now her name is Tyco. the other is a baby that I brought home about 12 weeks ago when she was just 5 weeks old. I have experiance when it comes to handfeeding so I fed and weaned my baby girl myself she is 17 weeks old and the sweetest most wonderful baby you could ever possibly ask for. When your baby comes home she or he will already know you so there is a very good chance that she will look to you for comfort and reassurance because she will be in a totally new enviroment and you will be the only thing there that is familier to her or him. if thats the case by all means cuddle her/him and talk sweetly mabie sing a lulaby these kinds of thing will help her/him to understand that you will be there to protect her and make her feel safe. She will learn that she can trust and count on you for her well being. take things slow but be there for her always that whats important when she first comes home.

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Hello Patricia and welcome to the forum! Congrats on your baby being hatched! This is going to be the longest wait of your life, lol but it is sooo worth it! Thats great that you get to visit him/her during your wait though. Anyways, I look forward to hearing more about you and Sloopy! I love you avatar by the way, what a cutie! ;)

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Eeeeeee!!!! I'm so excited for you....September?? Wow that's quite a while to wait.


When Chimay came home with us, the breeder recommended that we control his out-of-cage time at a ratio of 2 and a half to one. We'd leave him inside his cage for 2 and a half hours, then allow him one hour out on his playtop. This really seemed to help him get acclimated to his surroundings...the 2 and a half hours inside of his cage helped him feel secure while he explored his cage, and it was the perfect amount of time for him to start getting curious about coming out. My boyfriend and I took a long weekend (Saturday's homecoming thru Tuesday) from work and stayed with him through the transition. Starting on Sunday we started taking short trips out of the house -- for a 1/2 hr walk, then an hour at the store, and eventually worked our way up to seeing a movie.


As far as contact goes we let him dictate to us how much affection he wanted...we talked to him a lot on his first two days home but didn't handle him too much (man was that tough), for fear of overwhelming him. Day three we started picking him up and offering neck scritches, and he ate it up!!!


Hope that helps :)


Can't wait to see pictures of your new baby!<br><br>Post edited by: chimaysmommy, at: 2009/06/09 21:55

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Thanks Melissa! It was great to meet you both as well! It's nice to know another couple who worked with the same breeder. It will be fun to share our experiences with the babies! Now, if I can only make it through this waiting 'til he's weaned. It seems like the time is dragging so much! Patience has never been one of my strong points! LOL

Hope to talk to ya soon...

Patricia :)

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