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Annie our horse.......


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Well, tonight one of our beloved horses Annie passed on. She was 25 years old. She had been diagnosed last summer with EPM ( Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis.


She was a registered Saddlebred named: Annie Trotwood, born May 25,1984. She had 3 foals in her lifetime. She was a beautiful horse as you can see by the photo. My daughter Melissa rode her often until her diagnosis of EPM. EPM attacks their neurological and musucular system, and they become very weak in their hind legs in the beginning. She had good and bad days, but the good days always outweighed the bad. We treated her for it last summer, but there is no cure. She didn't die because of the EPM which is how she was expected to die....she broke her humerus in several places today. We don't know how exactly, I suspect she fell because of the EPM symptoms as she stumbles sometimes and broke it then..:(


She was the best horse ever, and we will miss her terribly...especially our other two, Pat & Misty.



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Oh how sad Penny. Annie had been a LARGE part of your families life that you all enjoyed together. It is always heartbreaking to lose such a loved horse.


Know that My and Kims thoughts amd condolences are for you and fmaily.

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I was forced to sell my Arabian Mare "Brandy" when I was 16 years old.

I loved her SO much and spend hours everyday with her, grooming, riding the trails in British Columbia Canada, and cleaning her stall out so on and so on....

Now, she was in good health when I had to sell her due to my mother becoming a single parent. Looking after me and the bills of boarding and feed and vets having her shod was too much money for my mom to put out each month.

I still remember the day and how it felt to have to walk out to her in the pasture and put on her halter and lead her to that trailer. I cried the whole time. The man who my mother sold her to said at anytime if you can afford her again I will sell her back to you.

Well, the day came a year or so later and I had a job and finally could take her back. (I had gone to visit her in the meantime and cried then too.) The man turned around and said he wants to keep her now as she was the ONLY horse he had that was so well trained and kids could be around her on her and she was great with them.

I was so sad and angry that he did that to me,. he lied.

(I had called the SPCA on him, as she had not been taken care of well at all. Ithink maybe that is why he turned around and said I wont sell her to you)


The SPCA kept in touch with me to let me know that they have told him to do a list of things or Brandy would be taken away from him.


TO end my LONG story I know how it feels to lose a horse or to watch them suffer in any way.

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Oh, I am so sorry for you and Brandy. I KNOW that feeling and it hurts forever. I became a single mom almost 2 years ago, and promised my daughter that somehow, someway, we would always keep her 3 horses. It has been so difficult financially, especially when we had to dish out $1600 for Annie's treatment for EPM last summer. I pulled in the driveway and Melissa had made the arrangements with the vet to treat her horse, I didn't know how I was going to pay for it,and didn't have the heart to say no at that point, then Melissa had met me in the garage with ALL the money she had saved from her summer job and handed it to me....I cried.

About one month later, her other horse had a horrific accident, he got frightened, and got his foot caught in the electric fence, being the ex-race horse he is, he ran and never stopped. He took out half of our electric fence, 4 strands in height, and got the gate handle stuck into his leg. The fence was wrapped so tightly around his leg, he had to be tranquilized to have it cut out of his leg. It cost about the same for his vet bills...:(

Thank God for charge cards.....:S


I hope one day, you get Brandy back. You deserve her. I'll pray for that.

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