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BoobieLu Die!


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:( BoobieLu Die! I Dont know if you remember that the breeder took her and cut her wings,and she started to fall and with out balance, and confusion and stress. Then I took her to avet Dr. Clubb with I know is the BEST she was having Epilepzy:unsure: I could suare it was because of the wings cut, But really it was on her DNA:S I feel so hurt ,lost and alone with out her that is incredible I did know i could cry so much.the only think i could said is that I LOVE HER with all my heart. BoobieLu_LooksSexy.jpg


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I am so so sorry ConnieLu!! This is soo sad it makes me cry to hear this! I really hope you get through this.. just know that it is NOT your fault, I know you loved BobbieLu so much!


Rest In Peace BobbieLu :(

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OMG I sososo sorry You must be so devestaed I hope your not blameing yourself for this its not your fault sometime things like this happen and we don't know why. You where a very good mom to your baby and you will see her again she's no longer in pain and she is waiting for you just accross rainbow bridge. In time the hurt won't hurt as bad and the wonderful memorys will bubble up in the place of all that hurt. when your ready mabie you can try again with another bird it won't ever replace your bobbielui but it may help with the pain. My thoughts and prayers are with you at this time and I pray the pain doesn't last to long.

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