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why does everybody think Adaya is a pigeon


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When I take Adaya out for her walks or for a drive everybody asks me Is that a pigeon I find most people can't tell one bird from another. One day a little boy asked if that was a pigeon and his mom said no son thats a Macaw I had to explain that it was not a pigeon or a Macaw that it was an African grey. unless the person has birds themselves then they know exactly what she is but so many people out there don't have a clue about birds and could really care less. I really kind of upsets me. I've known what an African Grey was since I was a little girl and it took me until I was 50 years old to finally get one.

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Oh my goodness Pat that is too funny that happens to me ALL the time! It drives me crazy!

"OH LOOK MOM that girl has a pigeon!"

"Wow how did you tame that pigeon!?"


I'm considering teaching Darwin to say "I'm not a pigeon!":blink:

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Unless you are a bird person you don't know one bird from another but I don't think I have ever had anyone call my grey a pigeon but if they did I would straighten them out very quickly, nothing against pigeons but Josey isn't one. I would take their comments with a grain of salt, everyone has their own interests and some of us aren't cut out to be bird people but I forgive them.

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Pigeons are flying rats IMO. I have a darn aviary at the racetrack (NOT on purpose), but I swear the birds know I'm an animal person and they are safe near me. Most people kill the babies or at the very least destroy the nests. I can't bring myself to do either. So I have hundreds of pigeons and they CRAP on everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 I personally HATE pigeons. We have tons of starlings which I personally think are cute, and I've saved many babies that can't fly high enough yet.


If Sydney ever gets good enough to go out and be mistaken for a pigeon I'd be so insulted!!! I probably wouldn't be very nice about it.

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I would but she is so friendly if i did that she would probubly gurg on them ROFLMAO




That is just too funny....Maybe you should wear different personalized shirt each time to keep peoples' interests! "My bird is NOT a Pigeon" Then on the back you could have a picture of one of your greys, then a picture of a pigeon


[Tyco picture] = African Grey

[Pigeon picture] = Pigeon

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Ok I was one of the ignorant ones and had no idea what an African grey looked like. My boyfriend showed me on you tube and then gave me books to read.


When I met Rangi for the first time I thought oh god he is big and yes a picture of a pigeon did cross my mind. He was the first African grey I had ever seen in real life.


Really if you have no idea about birds it's impossible to know and I am sorry Tycosmom you are right they don't really care as I didn't at that stage.

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That is too funny..I am laughing because when we were visiting Alex in the store and holding him, people actually came up to us and asked if he was a pigeon..I must of looked at them stunned ..lol! The macaw got me..lol!!!!!

Ann Marie

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HAHAHA this thread is sooo funny! I've never had someone ask if Ecko was a pigeon! lol I love that site Nick! I'm ordering one of those bumper stickers that says "my african grey is smarter than your honor student" haha!<br><br>Post edited by: caitb2007, at: 2009/06/02 18:37

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Partner316 wrote:

caitb2007 - lol I was actually thinking about ordering that same sticker... I wish it came as a window decal though, I hate putting stickers on the paint :-/ lol.




ME TOO!! I like decals but not stickers, and I thought it said African Grey but it says parrot, I'm going to keep searching for one that says AG! lol

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