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How do your greys treat visitors in your home.


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I just had to share this because it was such a surprise. My mother is 99yo and my sister and her two childred and my mother came over tonight. When I saw the car drive in the driveway I had a talk with Tobie. Now Tobie say "Hello" to Judy and Mother when they come in. Tobie is pretty antisocial about strangers coming to the house, even my family members who come once a week or so. Erin, my 25yo neice was the first one in and she walked up to Tobie and said "Hello" to which Tobie replied. "Give me a kiss" and then offered his beak to her, which she sweetly kissed. My sister entered the room and got exactly the same treatment. I was amazed. My nephew came up to Tobie and said hello and Tobie waved his beak at him like "come a little closer and I'll show you what else this beak can do".

How do your greys treat visitors in your home??

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I don't get alot of vsitors because I live in the middle of nowhere land so most of the people don't get out this way very often. My daughters come and visit and my birds know them quite well so they are pretty friendly with them Tyco absolutly adores one of my daughters because she was the last oneto move out next to Adaya who is just 13 yrs old so I still have her for a couple years yet. All and all I'd say my birds are fairly well behaved uhless it a man then we have to listen to Fergie scream every obsenity she knows at him in a exreamly angry voice she was badly abused by a man so she hates them. Sometimes if she really hates the man that comes over then she won't swear at him and call him names instead she will go into her cutesy act and turn her head upside down and say hello are you a bird I'm prettybird and when they let their gaurd down and get close to her or try to pet her she will bite them really hard and then laugh her head off. Fergie is very social with woman and will allow any female to give her scritches and pets. So it really decieving to most men that heres a very nice bird I should be able to pet her also they think Haha not if your a man

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Charlie has two reactions to visitors.He will either be very quiet and just take it all in or he will go into show off mode,laughing with the conversation and banging his toys round.I am not sure why we get two very diferent reactions I guess I will have to study him when visitors call and see if I can find some answeres.

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Boesman wil call them "come,come" but I told them not to go he is a sly birdie he calls you and lets you scratch his head for 2 seconds then he attacks...Torry is shy he wil just check the seen out......And Boesman goes quiet sometimes but other times he takes over the conversation lol...

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Charlie the eldest will either be fine or will growl and take an instant dislike.


Jasper the baby is fine with anyone, will accept treats etc and Ive never had a problem, but Keeko who is 15 months will shriek if anyone enters the room he dosent know! Its terrible! The strange thing is, he was the most social when he was a baby so it does make me wonder if anything has happened that I dont know about.:whistle:

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Ecko doesn't mind visitors at all. He is only 4 months so thats probably why. My boyfriend usually has friends over and Ecko always flies right over to greet them. I think Ecko likes tall people too, he likes to be on high places so he always lands on the tallest persons head. I hope he stays like this..


Slater on the other hand will growl at people he doesn't know. For some reason he is very scared of strangers.

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Chimay's demeanor in front of company differs depending on the type of company.


He LOVES my mom...he shows off for her and is more than accepting of scritches.


Same applies for my best friend Carlye.


My boyfriend's best friend is indifferent about him, so Chimay's indifferent. Ha ha.


My boyfriend's girlfriend is a little too pushy when it comes to interaction, so his demeanor is definately a little more cranky (not aggressive per say...just cranky). He'll give off really really short loud squawks, expressing his distain but will never bite. The only thing I can compare this noise to is a chicken clucking. Lol!


When their son comes with them (8 years old), he's excited to see the bird and immediately wants to hold him and talk to him. He's never rough, and Chimay has never bitten him but he looks at me as if to say "I know I'm not allowed to bite him but get this kid the hell away from me"


Ha ha!

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Ana Grey gets very quiet and observes visitors from afar. If they are new people she has been known to growl if they get too close. I do not encourage visitors to try to touch or step up Ana Grey. I personally do not want her that friendly with non-family. I tell them she might bite and it will hurt. Family is a different story I encourage interaction.<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2009/06/02 03:25

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Cleo tolerates my fiance, as long as he doesn't try to touch her. She will sit on him if he has food and will try to steal it.


When new people come over, she clucks at them, and it is pretty clear she is anxious, so I tell people not to stand near the cage but observe from a distance.

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Josey is usually very quiet when someone comes to the house but she doesn't growl or anything, most people will not go too close to her cage and they usually ask if she will bite and I tell them she can but she has never bitten me.


When the kids come with the grandkids she is more relaxed and will talk some after they have been in the house for a while. Some people will go closer to her to check her out and some don't even pay any attention to her at all. But I never allow anyone to go close enough to stick their fingers in her cage, she might be fine with it but I don't want to take the chance and I don't want them upsetting her if she would take a notion to dislike them.

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Alcazar is quiet for 5 minutes. While he watches how that person is then he'll start chirping going to his cage wanting them to talk to him.He doesnt mind visitors so far.I think its because hes use to it. Who gets a really big kick of Alcazar is the inspector. He can be at my desk and then Alcazar goes "Whatcha doin buddy? The inspector chuckles.

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Dayo is very open and friendly to people whether they are occasional, constant or new visitors. He may be reserved for a few minutes just sizing them up.


But once anyone has a beverage or especially food, he will fly over, land on their legs if sitting and say "Lets eat" and try to dig in. I must cage him if we have a planned dinner or such because he will not leave people alone if they have food.

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Well I don't have my grey yet, I'm getting her in a week, but my sun conure is extremely rude to visitors. He bangs his beak on the cage and bites the cage. If he's with me on the couch he'll get off my shoulder and charge at the guest untill they back off. It's like he's protecting me. At least I know he loves me

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Koko is very well behaved and quiet when we have visitors around. She would fly to them if my friends are munching food. A few weeks ago, a wireman came to do some wiring in the kitchen. Koko sat on the fridge observing his work or probably she wanted to make sure the wireman doesn't steal anything.;)

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Mischief waves hello, but from a distance. The flock is the first thing you see when you enter the house. Usually I introduce the parrots to my guests and that is when Mischief will wave hello. They cannot pick her up though. She wouldn't have that. Then, once we leave the room, Mischief will talk up a storm.

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Hey there, my grey, Savage, is not so nice to visitors. My neighbor is the only person he truly shows any affection for besides myself. Any other visitor basically gets the third degree. If said visitors walk by his cage, he go outside his cage and follow them with boarderline aggression. I am wondering how to curb this behavior. He will talk around anyone, and will get quite vocal.

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abula is very naughty he says come here! in this scarey voice to strangers and he says random words like hello sweety pups (he flaps hes wings when he says it dunno why) and laughes with convos and butts in but i ussaly say a and b's convo c ur self out lol


lol your grey is a joker waving his beak at your niece and kissing the other ones can u vid it next time please can wait to see it it sounds relly funny loooooool


X D thanks alot


proud owner of abua

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