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What a discussion.......


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Hi everybody......Hope al is good and bright on your side,,


Okay last night one of my bestest friends came over for a visit and to see Torry. She has a 3 year old CAG named Joe a magnificant grey I must say....She loves him more than her husband I think lol,lol no serious she adores him..So as we talked ect. she asked me if she can ask me something that she has thought about from day 1 she got Joe......If something was to happen to her and her husband would I take Joe..I was like OMW don't be so morbid.......She said she is not being morbid it's just they are like children and she would love for me to take him as she knows I would love him just as much...So I said and what if it's the other way around what's she going to do then? She said she wil put it like this "If I am not around to take him he must go to a sanctuary ect. not to any one else"....


So I said I wil do it and if it's visa versus she wil take Boesman & Torry...


Have you ever thought of that?? I know we don't want to but is reality.....


Sorry for somber thought on a bright and sunny South African Friday morning

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Hi Natasha, yes it's a beautiful morning here in the UK and we are expecting a warm and sunny weekend - bet you don't hear that often lol!


Seriously, yes I have thought of this because if Beau stays fit and healthy he will surely outlive me. I have told my youngest so (who is 11) that Beau will become his upon my demise (yes it is morbid but we have to be realistic and prepare don't we) now atm Beau isn't too fond of my son but I'm pretty sure that as he becomes older (and sits still lol) Beau will come to love him too as he does my adult sons who live away. I think Beau is pretty unusual for a parrot because he seems accepting of all adults who vivit the house so this is the arrangement as it stands.

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I forgot to add, my son absolutely adores Beau and all animals, he is very kind and caring.


Natasha, your friend has payed you a wonderful compliment, she must think very highly of you indeed. Great thread btw and one that is very relevent when you consider the age greys are expected to reach!

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Yes we have discussed it and my boyfriend said if anythng happens to him and I can't cope with our greys then they should go to the bird society here who will then find good homes for them and no money would cross hands.

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Natasha, thats wonderful that you have a best friend that would do that for you and vice versa, not everyone has friends like that, you are so blessed. It is morbid to think about but it is a reality of life, none of us are going to escape it and the older you get the more you think about it and if you have wishes for what will happen after you are gone then now is the time to make those wishes known.


I am afraid my birds will have to go to a rescue or sanctuary as my kids have no intention of taking them, they do not share my love for birds, my daughter loves Sunny, my sun conure, but she doesn't like her scream and she is afraid to try to handle Josey. Those of you who have family to take your birds are very lucky indeed.

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If anything happens to me my son Jordy will take Alcazar.Alcazar is very fond of him and the feeling is mutual.My DYHs Delilah and Dakota will go to my son Sean since they like him.As for my Moluccan Cockatoos Topanga and Horatio they would have to be sold since everyone is afraid of them since they are breeder birds. All my pets have a place to go. I just told my sons to becareful for who they sell the Moluccans too. I hate having that thought though. I guess we have to prepare.

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

I know grys can live to be really old like 80 or 90, which is good.but can be strezzful to think about. My son lovez them but he is only five so time will tell. This posting haz kind of got me feeling downn. :(

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My mom and I have also talked about this. She knows if something happened to her I would take all of her birds. Actually I would take ALL of her animals(which is ALOT.) Her animals are her pride and joy and I would never be able to give them away. I know she would do the same for me if something bad happened to me but I know I am going to outlive my baby. She is my very best friend and I couldn't trust anyone with my animals as much as I trust her. Your lucky that you have such a good friend that would do that for you. I know my friends would never do that for me.

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judygram wrote:



"I am afraid my birds will have to go to a rescue or sanctuary as my kids have no intention of taking them, they do not share my love for birds, my daughter loves Sunny, my sun conure, but she doesn't like her scream and she is afraid to try to handle Josey. Those of you who have family to take your birds are very lucky indeed."


Judy, I would be willing take your Sunny & Josey if something dreadful happened to you and would love them like my own. If all goes well I should have another 25-30 good years left;)and they are welcome here:) (What's 2 more:laugh: )


I have had a friend that I have known about 20 years now. Her son who has just graduated told me he would love to have my flock and would gladly take them. Of course I registered that in my brain right away. He does the state fairs and has taken a lot of agriculture classes and understands and loves all animals. He fell in love with our amazon and I know for a fact he wants him. He has already shown me that he can handle birds. Cooper our amazon is a pretty rowdie character and he had him perched on his hand and petting his head and touching his back and wings in a matter of minutes. We still can not do easily that so he is the one:woohoo: Cooper is very tame but doesn't like his feathers touched:laugh:

I don't know if he could handle all 4 of our birds but definately could handle one or two. I am thinking Baxter and Cooper for sure. He is young, going this fall to become a phychologist of some kind to help people cope that have deadly diseases like cancer and aids, etc. But I feel lucky that he would take atleast one.


The others will to go to a sanctuary or a zoo where they will have open spaces to fly in. I have seen too many parrots not getting the proper care and would not feel right if my babies went into a neglectful home.:( I do still need to make the proper arrangements for this though.


Post edited by: BaxtersMom, at: 2009/05/29 16:52<br><br>Post edited by: BaxtersMom, at: 2009/05/29 17:01

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This discussion took place in my home before we ever brought Dixie home. Knowing that Grey's live long lives if taken care of properly, and we expect Dixie to be with us until long after we are gone, my 12 year old son will be Dixie's caregiver. Right now she's not fond of him at all, but he is learning the one thing that only Dixie can teach him at this moment, that patience builds trust! This is a lesson that will serve him his entire life.


LP, in the month we have had Dixie, has learned already that she will sit beside him and listen to him read, as long as she doesn't touch him. The distance between them is getting shorter every day as she is now interested in getting to the pages...lol. I'm hoping within the next month she'll be sitting on his lap. They play great on the floor - he hands her her blocks and she takes them, and sometimes throws them back - especially the blue ones.


While Dixie and I have bonded and it was almost instantaneous, the trust and bond she's building with LP will be with the two of them forever because it will be one of choice.

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