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Jake flew away


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Dan I am so sorry to read this story.If Jake was wild caught I am sure he has many tricks up his wings to survive.It is unbelievable how resiliant they can be.I wish you all the luck in the world in your quest to find Jake but dont beat yourself up, I am sure a previousley wild bird will do ok.I understand your delema on clipping,it is one I often contemplate,but even clipped birds can escape and stand less chance of survival. That is a decision only you can make and as Janet said no one elses opinion matters.You know enough to make that decision with confidence and with your eyes wide open.Good luck and best wishes .Sheila<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/05/31 09:28

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I put the dogs outside or in another room when Alcazar is out. The dogs have toys in another room. I maybe safe not to let Alcazar out but I have many people coming and going.You may never know who may forget hes out then hes out the sliding glass door. I would love to see Alcazar in flight but I cant risk it.He has to be clipped.

I just hope Jake is found.Does Dayon realize hes gone?

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I am hoping you will be reunited with Jake again in the future. If not, hopefully you will find comfort in knowing that Bonkers our conure was a lost bird and managed to find his way into a new home all on his own. Conures especially are so clever and resourceful. He landed on our neighbors shoulder while he was out on his evening walk right before dusk.:) Luckily we lived only 2 houses away and that's how he came to be with us. So Bonkers knew what to do...find a person~cuz they have food.:) I don't think the previous owners looked for him because we had all the information online and at local rescues, vets and pet stores. Hopefully Jake will find someone who can reunite you guys back together.


As for our amazons recent attempt to get out, my husband decided he is going to get his clip wings clipped. We clipped his wings when he first came to us because he was so frightened and wild and crashed alot. Now they have grown out and he is trying his wings out alot. I struggled with the decision but really think it is in Coopers best interest.


Still hoping Jake will find his way back to you. Are you looking at all the websites seeing if anyone has found a lost conure? Keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you and Kim.:)

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Thank you all for your continuing support, good suggestions and thoughts.


Those who commented on Jakes being wild caught are spot on, he knows how to survive in the wild, find food, water and watch for predators. I do know, when searching for food they can travel many miles to keep that belly full.


In regards wing clipping - I am so glad that Jake was fully flighted which gives him a 1000 times better chance of survival. The last time he flew 2 years ago, he was clipped and could barely fly and we didn't think he could at all. As everyone knows, most clipped birds if frightened enough, that adrenaline kicks in and gives them the power they need to gain enough flight to escape. It took a lot of work back then to get him out of that tree due to NOT being able to fly down.


I will not clip Dayo. The thought obviously came to mind the minute you see a much loved Parrot take of. But, I will not lock the dogs up for hours when I have Dayo out and I want Dayo to remain a fully bird that can enjoy being flighted.


For those whom chose to keep their birds clipped, I totally understand there are reasons you chose to and thats your decision. :-)


Those who asked if Dayo acts different - Yes, he looks at the blank wall space where Jakes cage WAS, but it is now outside in full view in case Jake happens to fly by. Dayo's demeanor since Jakes flight is very hard to describe. He looks at the boing, hanging play-gym and other places Jake always resided looking to see if he is there. So there is no doubt in our minds that Dayo, regardless of the fact that they always maintained a distant relationship, with some fun to watch chases and beak battles, that Dayo misses Jakes presence.


This home has a hole in it that was left when Jake flew. The feeling here is always one of unwelcome quietness of his squawks and larger than life personality. He is missed greatly and we hope he will one day be back.


He is up on online boards, on bulletin boards in the pet stores, vets and animal shelters. So if someone did happen to see him, hopefully they will see one of those and contact us.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/05/31 17:29

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Oh my....I am so sorry to hear of Jake's escape. It is comforting to know that he should have the wild instincts to survive, but I know that doesn't fill the void he left. We're sending our best, most positive thoughts your way in hopes that he comes home or is found. Please keep us posted.

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I wish it were true too for I know this is hard for you and Kim and even Dayo misses him even though they didn't get along, much like brothers and sisters do.


I think you will find him eventually and yes it may be better that he is fully flighted as he can escape harm more so than one that is clipped.


I will continue to keep Jake in my thoughts and prayers that he is home safe and sound real soon.

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Well no sights of Jake so far. But, I must say the posts on various online sites for lost birds has lead to making contact with other very friendly and helpful bird owners and breeders in Visalia. It's interesting how we live and the same city, yet are not "Aware" of the others with Parrots, Big Hearts and true concern.


It has lead to many good email conversations and some of us are meeting in a near by city named Fresno at a birdmart Sunday. :-)


I must say Jake is still missed of course and the same thoughts and considerations you go through mentally as you would of your own child missing wondering if they are "Ok", still alive and if you'll ever see them again, whether you were able to retrieve them or not, you would atleast know they are still "Ok".


Still hoping and praying we get Jake back and his cage remains out on our Pool Deck in clear view of all surrounding trees and open skies in case he comes back through this area.

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Thank you all again for your thoughts and Prayers.


GreYt News, when I checked my email this morning, a lady in Fresno says she found a bird at her feeder yesterday and she thinks it may be Jake!!!!


That is 45 miles north of us and a truly long distance, but as I described in an earlier post, a hell of a Thunderstorm rolled through our area last Thursday night at 8 pm with winds up to 60 miles an hour. Also, considering he as been gone 14 days, I guess that distance is not so surprising since he is obviously lost and heading in the wrong direction.


I replied to her email and she did include her phone number, but I am hesitant to call her at 630 am, so I call her around 9.


I also sent her a close up photo of Jake to help in identifying him.


Oh I sooooooo hope it is Jake!!!! The next hour and a half is going to be sooooooo Looooooooong before I call.

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OMG!! The hell with the time...get on it......don't be so polite. And please encourage her to keep the feeder full!

Please keep us posted, and I hope and pray this is Jake and you get him back. I am so hopeful and excited!!! You are in my prayers today....:)

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LOL Talon, I just got off the phone with her, I couldn't stand it any longer!!!!


It definitely sounds like Jake. They have him in their house in a small bird cage. He IS a peach front conure and has NO leg band, which is rather unusual.


He was eating at their feeder yesterday and they went out to see that weird looking bird. He walked towards them and they just waited until he got close enough and grabbed him. :-)


I could hear Jake doing his screaming in the background as I spoke with her on the phone. I must say, she was very cautious and asked many questions for me to describe specifics about him and she volunteered NOTHING, which is what a person finding a bird or critter is supposed to do to ensure they truly are speaking with the owner. I even sent her more photos and closeups of Jake to ensure she could view and compare very closely down to the couple of pin feathers on his head that have not been removed due to us not being able to handle him that close and personal. :-)


I am going to drive back to Visalia tomorrow (unfortunately I'm in San Jose and can not leave until then. I will stop by on my way through fresno and ensure it is TRULY jake and if so take him home!! I can not describe how HAPPY and Encouraged I am at this time and if I could I would just walk out the door and start driving!!!


So, for others who have lost parrots or ever do, make sure you post on every website you can, contact other Parrot owners and have them contact others they know. It is exponential in growth of the number of people and cities that are aware of the lost bird and if they find one they don't know, they start search the web. This lady found me through Craigs list, of all places. But, that just goes to show, place posts EVERYWHERE!! :-)


God this is going to be the longest next 24 ours in my life!!!! :( But, I am sooooo happy!! :woohoo:

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