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Jake flew away


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This is just such an amazing story, Dan. If it were fiction, it would be hard to believe! I'm SO glad Jake is re-united with you all, and hey: tailfeathers grow back. That is one lucky (and smart!) little peach-fronted devil. Has Dayo given him a good talkin'-to yet? ;)


Congratulations, and thanks for keeping us all in the loop!<br><br>Post edited by: LindaMary, at: 2009/06/06 14:08

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Hey Dan .

im so relieved to hear that Jake is back .,i hope he will be fine when he get some peace and relaxing now that he is home. .. and i hope ripping his tail feathers are not too bad for him ., i understand why you are thinking about clipping him.,,,so i will never happen again,,.wauw what a terrible time you all have been through, .,glad its over now.:kiss:

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What excelent news I soso happy happy happy try to keep that little brat at home these little trips he takes every now nd then are very hard on the nerves he going to turn your hair white as snow:laugh: Sorry to here about his tail feathers but least he managed to escape thats a smart little bird you have there. It sounds like hes very happy to be home and back where he belongs hopefully he will have 2nd thoughts next time. Give him a kiss for me and spoil him rotten for the next few days. I'm so glad all is the way it should be again.

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What excelent news I soso happy happy happy try to keep that little brat at home these little trips he takes every now nd then are very hard on the nerves he going to turn your hair white as snow:laugh: Sorry to here about his tail feathers but least he managed to escape thats a smart little bird you have there. It sounds like hes very happy to be home and back where he belongs hopefully he will have 2nd thoughts next time. Give him a kiss for me and spoil him rotten for the next few days. I'm so glad all is the way it should be again.

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OMG Dan! I have been following this on my BB for the last 2 days. I am so excited for you, Kim and Jake. What a miracle this is. The chances of you finding him were only so great because of your all out efforts. I hope others learn from this: leave no stone unturned as you and Kim did.



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This is great news! I am so happy for you and Kim:)


Who knows what happened to Jake? We will never know, the most important thing is he is back home, slightly ruffled but he sounds so happy to be back.


I am so pleased for you:)

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Thank you all for your GreYt responses and support. :-)


Jake did nothing yesterday but, eat and preen, eat and preen. He ate at least 10x what he normally did. But, I guess when you've been on the verge of starvation, thats what you do to gain your strength back.


He did play with his toys half heartedly and he is still a sleep this morning, which is a little later than he normally awakes around 6 and starts squawking to be let out. Of course, Dayo is already up, but covered and trying his best to get my attention with his usual verbal antics of peek a boo.. peeka boo boo boo...peeka boo peeka peeka peeka booooooo.... :-)


It is good to have our family back together again. I can not describe the void left when just one of them is missing. Other than the normal sounds and livelihood of the home is just not the same.


Well, I gotta get these birds uncovered, fed and fresh water, then we're off to the Birdmart for a few hours. I don't want to miss it, since it only happens 2x a year in Fresno. The cool thing, is I will be meeting other Parrot owners that were helping search for Jake and also the people that found him I believe they wish to now become Parrot owners after having Jake there for a day and a half. I could tell the wife really did not want to let Jake go. I am glad they responded to my online post. I think it is every Parrot owners fear that someone finding a parrot will either not search for the owner or just not let them know they have found your bird....


See you all later and I hope I NEVER need to post a missing bird again!!!

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"I" hope you never need to post another missing bird again for this was the second time for the same bird but yes you do need to show your gratitude to those who help you find him and one good thing came of it, the people who found your Jake now wants one of their own, how precious is that, having yours for a few days made them a bird lover.


You should give them a big hug for doing the right thing and letting you know they may have your bird for it is so easy for another person to just keep it especially when they see how wonderful having one is.

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I am soooo glad...and I really hope you never need to post another missing bird again.. I just read your post and was kinda broken hearted about missing Jake but really delighted to read until the end and know hes back...

Please take some measures in order not to have to face this again and good luck



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Good point Spooky, your right and that is a concern. :-)


I have not taken him yet. I just got him home and settled in. I had to return to San Jose for work and have asked the vet if I can possibly be squeezed in on Saturday morning, which they are only open half a day.


Thanks for bringing this up, others will benefit from it also. You just never know and it's better to be safe than sorry. :-)

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Wow Dan, I'm so happy for you and your family that Jake was found and returned to you. What a harrowing adventure for Jake and you! This is a message to all of us to always keep hope in our hearts. Thanks for sharing your story with us and I'm thrilled it had a happy ending. :)

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