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Jake flew away


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Well, Monday evening at dusk as I was going out the patio door, I felt a quick brush across the top of my head. As I looked up, it was Jake and he began flying circles in the patio area doing about 4 laps. On The second lap, I had stepped out and left the patio sliding door all the way open so he could see a wide open way in. I then stepped out and over out of the way to block Jakes path and hopefully steer him in to the patio door. He came flying directly at me and then quickly veered around me and I watched as he fly about 50 feet high and into a huge Japanese elm that stands directly over our Gazebo area. He disappeared into the tree.


Kim and I called Jake for hours, but it was dark and in the back of my mind I knew he was scared and silence is there way of protection along with staying visibly hidden. This normally lasts atleast 24 hours and maybe longer before they will return a call.


We rolled Jakes cage out in very open view of all the surrounding trees and left the porch lights on all night, just incase he might decide he's thirsty or his cage would offer him better protection. No such luck.


I called for him Tuesday morning for a few hours, but then had to leave for work in San Jose....no choice, I had to leave due to a very hot project I'm on thats already behind schedule for release.


Kim continued to call for Jake with no responses. We had our daughter in-law come over, which Jake knows very well and continue canvassing the area and calling for Jake. Still no responses.


We have alerted all the vet offices, SPCA and animal shelters and placed an ad in the lost section of the paper along with speaking with all our neighbors.


The bad thing right now, is there are many different bird species nesting all around our house and neighborhood also. Crows, Mocking birds, black birds and blue jays etc. and you know how they chase other birds away from their areas.


I hope Jake see's his cage and returns for food and water. But, not hearing any replies around the house or neighborhood is not a good indication of him being close by any longer. We and family will continue canvassing and if nothing else hope that Jake is found by someone.


The problem with Jake, is he is a suspected wild caught Peach Front Conure and is very leery of people. He will accept food from people he knows, but thats as close as you get. He will fly off in an instant when or if you try to slowly get a step up.


Hoping for the best and just wanted to let you all know what has happened. I almost didn't even bother to post this, but decide to. :-)


Believe me, the first thought that came to mind was "Ok, we need to clip Dayo". But, after consideration of him being eaten by our dogs if not able to fly away, quickly changed our minds and of course I believe it would change him mentally also to lose the one thing that makes him a bird, FLIGHT!!

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Oh no Dan!! I am sooo sorry to hear this! Poor little Jake is probably so scared! Aww that is so sad! I really hope you find Jake. I bet you and your wife are missing him so much. I just couldn't imagine. My thoughts are with you. :(

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I am so sorry and my heart goes out to you and Kim.


I will be praying for the safe return of Jake to his home where he belongs.


Please keep us updated Dan, lets hope he gets hungry and returns to his cage soon, dont give up, I know you both wont, remember there is hope he will soon be with you both and Dayo.:(

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Oh Dan and Kim how heartbreaking. Be strong Jake will come home. Are there kids in the neighborhood? Perhaps you could get them to keep a look out for Jake. Kids so want to help. Don't give up and Dan don't blame yourself. You are one of the best parronts I know. God will do the right thing. Believe.

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Oh no, not again Dan, I know you lost him once before and got him back, I hope and pray that you find him safe and sound, you are going to have to put a leash on him. Knowing you I know you are doing all you can to get Jake back, wish I lived closer, I would come and help Kim look for him. I will keep Jake in my thoughts and prayers that he is found soon.

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Thanks for all your supports, kind thoughts, prayers and helpful comments.


We will never give up searching for him and keep all our wires plugged into the neighborhood, Shelters, newspaper found sections etc.


I just fear he will starve to death, but if he is a wild caught bird as suspected. He will have a good chance of surving from previous experience which will greatly lengthen the time we can find him or someone else may. :-)

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Dan,i wouldnt worry to much about him starving,theres plenty for him to eat in the wild. Being wild caught instinct takes over and jake will know what to eat, My escaped Bongo has been living free in my yard for 3 yrs and has managed to escape all predators. He is now a wild grey but chooses to stay on my property. You must provide water outside for him,food is out there but water is harder to come by. Hopefully he will stay in the area near where he escaped from. Rarely do they travel far. Safety is where their accustom to being. Good Luck,hope you find him.

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Dan, my thoughts and prayers are with you for Jakes safe return. If Jake is anything like my conure he is a survivor and I think my conure could forage up some food outdoors. Lord knows he's into everything edible in the house even when it's out of sight.


I am glad you posted it even though I'm sure it was hard to do. It's a good reminder for us all to not get too relaxed like we did just a few days ago. We had a close call this past weekend ourselves with our amazon. The patio door was cracked just a tiny amount as my husband started to go outside and he made a break for it and did manage to get out the door. This was a first for him, too. Luckily my husband grabbed him in mid flight. I wasn't there when it happened but it just goes to show that we must always be on guard.


Please keep us posted. I will say a little prayer for Jake to come home soon.<br><br>Post edited by: BaxtersMom, at: 2009/05/28 04:04

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nanmadpad - I remember your story well. It is amazing how your Grey has stayed there. I would be happy if that turned out to be the situation with Jake. Atleast then you see them and know their ok. Thanks for your post, I appreciate it.


Baxters Mom - Wow, that was a scare!! Thank god your husband was able to catch him in mid-flight!! I believe Jake was startled and thus flew out the small space of about 4 inches between my head and the top of the patio door, which I only open wide enough for my body to fit through. he had never done this in the previous 3 years. Sometimes Dayo flies at him and then chases him around the house as "Big Fun", I suspect dayo was crouched and ready to fly at Jake and thus Jake flew. He brushed the top of my head to get through that very cramped escape path. Thanks for your kind words.


All the others - I appreciate all your support and kind words as well.


Update - Kim and daughter in-law walked the surrounding neighborhoods yesterday afternoon and later in the evening calling Jake, no return squawks came back. No food has been eaten in his cage either which is sitting outside by on the pool decking in clear of all trees surrounding the area. The cage will remain out there until he is found or comes back or it just doesn't make sense to leave it out any longer.

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Dan, so sorry about your birdie. If he was originally in the wild he has a good chance of surviving. Some of Whisper's flight feathers have grown in recently and I was on the wall about clipping them but I had been taking her outside a lot since it has warmed up and went ahead and clipped them for safety's sake. This makes me feel less guilty about my decision.

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Dan I so hope he returns a call soon ! I am so sorry for you this makes me so nevouse I dont have screen doors yet and I have everyone on alert when ZZeros out but things just happens sometimes. I hope you find him soon

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Update - We had a Thunder Storm blow through Thursday night (Unusual for here) that was just CrAzY. Lasted 2 hours, over 350 lightening strikes, winds gusting to 60 MPH. Trees went down, limbs cracked and fell all over etc.


I know most birds shelter in place and hang on, but I am even more concerned that Jake probably freaked out and flew all over hell, hopefully not hurting himself in the process.


I went out this morning and walked all the streets and my and surrounding neighborhoods calling for Jake, no return squawks,,,,


I have not heard anything so far on my internet posts in lost sections, SPCA or Humane Society etc. I do know they were busy out rounding up dogs everywhere that broke out of yards, chains etc. and went running scared during that 2 hour storm. Our Doberman Chloe was so freaked out, she went into our walk in closet and huddled in there until it was all over.


I know birds can be found weeks, months later, so hope is not given up, but I am confident he is not in the near vicinity.


I appreciate all the support and good wishes you have all posted. :-)


I must say, I have really been struggling with the thought of clipping Dayo to ensure I never lose a bird again. The only thing stopping me is the danger posed by my Dobermans if he couldn't fly. In reading all the boards for lost and found birds, it is really concerning at the number across the country that "Fly Away".


I am NOT clipping him, but I truly understand why people chose to clip and more importantly keep those flights maintained. To ensure they never gain too much lift, but just ensure they can flap at a 45 degree angle down and safely land.

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Poor Jake out in that thunderstorm, he must have been so frightened but I think he is still out there somewhere surviving and you may not find him for a while but you will, some way and some how you will find him. I will continue to pray for his safe return and I will keep you and Kim in my thoughts for I can imagine what you are going thru.


Please continue to give us updates Dan and keep looking.

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Oh Dan I sososo sorry to hear about Jake. Hopfully he will return to the safty of his cage and back into you loving home. I can't imagine what it must be like for you and Kim please know my thoughts and prayers are with you I'll keep on praying for his safe return hopefully soon he will be back with you and Kim.

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Dan, if (as you suspect) Jake is not in the immediate vicinity, chances are he wasn't anywhere near the thunderstorm - he may even have purposly avoided it. Thanks for the update and don't give up hope.


I agree with luvparrots regarding the clipping, you have to do what is best for you and your family, other people's opinions don't matter.

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