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Warning for all parrot owners!


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Someone from another forum posted this.


During the early morning hours today, my wife and I lost all 4 of our Amazons to a tragic death. We had a new GE Profile Microwave/Convection oven installed in our home after the original one in our home stopped working. At 1:30 AM my wife, not having eaten for most of the day decided to cook a small microwave dinner. About a half an hour after wards, our 28 year old Yellow Nape fell from her perch in the cage to the floor. It wasn't long after that that "Pedro" gasped her last breath and died in my wife's arms. Just then I heard a crash in the room where our 2 Double Yellows are in their cage at night. One of these birds, "Goldey" is the close companion of "Pedro" and I thought he was watching and heard what happened and was upset. I went to the area where that cage is and found "Goldey" on his back and in distress also. Shortly after picking "Goldey" up from the floor of the cage he took his last gasps and died in my arms. I had noticed that the other Double Yellow in the cage with "Goldey" seemed at the time to be fine, and I went to the cage where our Blue Front "Ollie" was and found her in distress. After picking "Ollie" up she died the same horrible death as the other two within 10 minutes. Within 30 seconds, I heard the horrible cry of our last bird, "Casey" also a Double Yellow as he fell to the floor. Within 5 minutes Casey was gone also. Need I tell you that my wife Lisa and I are devastated. This after having lost our 5th bird, a Double Yellow "Harley" to cancer in February of this year. Not a good year for us.


The reason for my email to you is two fold. One, we would like to know the cost of the birds if we were to buy them today, and second we want to make sure that everyone seeking to buy a GE Profile combination microwave/convection oven not do so until GE has addressed what toxins have been emitted taking the lives of our birds.


Thank you for any cost information you will provide. When we have weathered the grief of this days events, we will most likely be coming to your store bird hunting.


Also, we have been in contact with GE and they so far are reacting in what we think is a responsible manner to address what has happened here.

Thank you.


PLEASE POST THIS WHEREVER POSSIBLE. It is quite apparent that the death of these birds was due to this oven. There were no warnings contained anywhere on the oven.

:( :( :(

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All new ovens and that type of appliance must have the toxins burned off before you use it I remember when I bought My new stove it had a warning in the book it came with to make sure I burned factory toxins out of the oven at 500 degree in an well vented area before using my oven. I took all the birds outside and turnd on the oven up to 550 the company said 20 minutes I left it on for 1 hour just to make sure. then I aired out my house completely. I bought a rotisorie that omited the same smell So I haven't even used it yet. I really think that all company's should let people know about this There was no warning on my rotisorie either.

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I had recently bought a new self-clean cooker but hadn't yet had it hot enough or long enough to activate the self-cleaning feature. I made sure I did this a few days before Beau came home. I will not do this again until it's a nice day and I can put Beau outside.


Had it not been for this forum I would not have known the dangers. They are not well enough publicised. The average "joe bloggs" going into a pet shop and buying any type of bird would not know of these dangers - and others. Until a manufacturer is prosecuted for failing to warn of the potential problems these firms will not bother.


I would like to say a big THANK YOU to everyone on here who has taken the time to post threads on this forum about all the potential hazards in the home.


There but for the grace of God... I really feel for these people, they must be devestated. Some of their birds didn't die outright and suffered before they died - very sad.

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lovethatgrey - thanks for posting this. How awful that must have been for those people. One thing I have learned from these types of posts is that if one of my birds falls off the perch in distress, I will move everyone outside STAT. It so often seems to be something from inside the house and maybe getting them out ASAP will save some until the house airs out.

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This is a Great and very important topic. Thanks for posting this!


One note on the installation of any natural gas burning device such as an Oven, Central AC, Central Heat or other such unit.


The first time any of these devices are "Fired Up", all the chemicals and oils coating the internal parts i.e. burners and the manifolds feeding them are coated with oil and other protective chemicals so they do not rust and the surfaces stay undamaged from the environment.


Birds and animals as well as people with respiratory issues should be moved outside until the burn is fully completed, normally around 20 minutes and then air the house out for a good hour before returning birds or critters inside.


We had a new central air and heat unit installed a year ago and had to move all the critters out.


Karma to you for posting this topic!! :-)

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I would talk to an attorney, rather than contact GE directly.


Think of contacting a good attorney as a public service for us all. If GE and other companies provide adequate warnings about their products, many birds will be saved and many humans will be spared similar tragedies.

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Your homeowners insurance may cover the loss of your birds minus the deductible. You should contact your agent and ask. They might also help find an attorney for you. If they think it will be cheaper for them to use in house counsel to recoup the loss from GE they may pay for it too. It is worth calling to find out.

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oh man i cannot imagine that nightmare!


on a similar note, when people find out i have birds, many say, "oh i used to have a (insert type of virdy here) but she died. don't know why..."


so i sweetily ask if they had smokers in the home, or used non stick cookware or perhaps used air fresheners to which they usually reply 'yes' to two or three of them. when i explain that these things are highly toxic to birds, the light bulb goes on.


and how would i have known this without this forum? so i thank you so kindly, everyone, for helping me keep my birds healthy in a knowing and not accidental way.

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