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new to grey

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hi all dear friend here...


im not really new about parrot. i have confidance in training small to medium parrot. so far, i did teach indoor and outdoor flight training and tricks to medium and small bird...


amazed by the inteligent of grey, now im saving hard for 1.


but im a little discourage by the rumors(maybe fact) going round saying gray are very demanding and very very prone to feahter plucking. other than that, they are very shy and timid.


is there anyway to train them to be more outgoing. well,i tried some traingin method on cockatiel.

it successfully make the tiel not scared of anything. even busy traffic..


how ever, im told that the techniqu cant be used on african bird as they are timid by nature...



im very confuse weather to get 1 or not

what do you think guys...thanks alot for the advises...

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Hi lino and welcome to the forum. You have come to the right place here as there as so many knowledgeable owners on here and loads of helpfull information.


If you are already competent at training birds then you have a head start on the rest of us. AG's do need lots of care and attention, probably more so than the smaller members of the parrot family but maily because they are just so damned intelligent. I wouldn't say they are more timid - I'm not sure where you got this from. If you get a hand-reared bird your bird should be used to humans and therefore not timid at all. Feather plucking usually only occurs when the bird is bored. Your AG will need lots of stimulation - plenty of toys which should be changed from time to time, forraging toys and food are a good idea too. When you are not at home you should leave the radio or tv on so as your bird doesn't feel totally alone and so that the house isn't silent and the longer your bird is out of his cage (when you are at home)the better. It really isn't difficult.

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Welcome Lino!


It's GreYt having you here.


As jooles said, a lot depends on how the Grey was raised, socialized and introduced to new things by the breeder.


Greys have different personalities just like people. Some are every outgoing and fearless of new things and people. Other Greys are sometimes fearful of new items like toys or other items and not very friendly to new people.


The bottom line is, getting a Grey is a life long commitment and keeping one after you get is should not be based on if it did a million tricks for you or happily went along through a busy noisy street in a city. You should only get one if you wish to provide it atleast 4 hours of out of cage time with you daily, interacting with you and getting mental stimulation from you.


If you are only going to get a Grey and place it in a cage like your other Parrots and just it out once in a while when you wish and not spend the daily time needed, do not get a Grey.


They are not HIGHLY prone to plucking, but some do at times, just as all other types of Parrots will sometimes pluck. It is more common in Greys than other species, but not high percentage as a whole.


Looking forward to hearing more from you.

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hi...thanks every one...amazon is more well known as performer here in my area. gray known as much more timid and will not talkin front of people.


well, i have already try to make a to do list on bringing the baby up(even it is not confirm that i am getting one.


there is alot of plucker gray that is soon be advertised in to be sold or up for adoption. the number really scares me(even there is no excact number)


let me tell you my plan, and do give commend ya...


im putting my gray cage by the window.bottom half of the cage is cover by the wall and the top is exposed to the outside world. the bird will be able to see the roads, tree, and birds outside. and hide if the wind becomes too strong...


the routine will be liek the rest of the fids.


i will be out of the house at 6.30, will wake up at 5, on the light and open the cages door and do some execise myself. then while cooling down i prepare the food for my fids. then bath and leave.


come back at about 7-8 pm. i will bath, and let the fid to do warm up. and start the flight training. the traingin last for about 15 min each bird and shorter depend on the concentration level at that time( i dont push them to train, i make it a game that all of them are so eager to do)


after training, they will be flying around. watching tv with me or do house work or go to play my badminton with me. i hand my cloth, mop and sweep the floor with them clinging on me.(bird usually are scred of stick pointing or swinging around them. as they do house work with me, they will undestand that stick, more to big stick are not dangerous. going out with me make them used to the busy environtment)



The bottom line is, getting a Grey is a life long commitment and keeping one after you get is should not be based on if it did a million tricks for you or happily went along through a busy noisy street in a city. You should only get one if you wish to provide it atleast 4 hours of out of cage time with you daily, interacting with you and getting mental stimulation from you.


from what i see, bird are very happy doing tricks and amuse the owner or anybody. i think they have to be atleast tought a shake hand trick. trick can make parrot happy.like whe they are bad mood, i just show them i have some food and after they shake hand, they will get a generous portion of the rewards. i notice, after that, their mood will be better. another thing, when meeting new ppl, i usually entice my parort to do shake hand with stranger and his aproach to the stranger is really gentle.


If you are only going to get a Grey and place it in a cage like your other Parrots and just it out once in a while when you wish and not spend the daily time needed, do not get a Grey.


i'm sorry,i think you get it wrong. or may be you miss understood(i have a bad command of english as it is not my first language)


i follow my schedule and method i mentioned above. my fid have been known for their steadiness and fearlessness by friends and hobist here. but because gray is the biggest im going to handle so far(and the smartest ever i think) i take every precautions to eliminate -ve posibility as much as possible.


do give me comment on the method and schedule please. i know it is not perfact, i will look forward for improvement and sugestion by flock here...thanks alot alot alot

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Just relax and enjoy your grey.


Here is what I do with Riamfada.


She met hundreds of people and I think the people and Riamfada benefitted from those meetings.




Maybe you might like to check out what I have done and perhaps you might find it is not as difficult as you might have feared.



Warmest regards




http://http://www.geocities.com/shanlung9/<br><br>Post edited by: shanlung, at: 2009/05/21 16:05

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hi shanlung...i free fligthed your grey?


how u do it?

could you teach me please


can it be done in city?

any tips to make sure the gray will return when called?


thanks alot<br><br>Post edited by: lino, at: 2009/05/21 09:48

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I think you should best start with this summary here




and even more details in




Tinkerbell Legacy or Part 2 should be read carefully


There will be more answers there even to the questions that you have not thought about as yet<br><br>Post edited by: shanlung, at: 2009/05/22 05:19

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Those links will work now.


I removed the extra http that got inadvertently inserted into those links earlier.


You should click and look also into the thread you see at the bottom of my posting on my popular posts. I think you will be surprised


The one that says " Tinkerbell - love of a flying CAG

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