CarolandFamily Posted May 18, 2009 Share Posted May 18, 2009 Guess what......????? OUR babies are coming home THIS Thurs the 21st!!!! lol They are ready! They are flying everywhere and have stopped eating the formula for a week now! They have maintained there weight and are READY!! Man oh man do I have work to do! lol I have been to the Dollar Tree buying up popscicle sticks and plastic straws to make homemade toys, There other box of pellets are coming today. I am putting there toys in there box that I have under there cage. I need to shampoo the rugs before they get here. Wheww I have a TON of stuff to do but I am SOOO happy! I will find out today what time they will be here on Thurs. My partner is off of work on that day so me and our kids are going to the airport to pick up our twins! Yippppeeeeeeee. There in Cali and wee in Ma so we know that they will be here probably sometime that night on Delta. Soo wish us luck in the next few days! But TROUBLE is a coming lol {Feel-good-0002006E} Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Eckobird Posted May 18, 2009 Share Posted May 18, 2009 OMG!! YAYYYY!! Congrats Carol! I am so excited for you! I can't wait to hear about their arrival and hear how everything goes. I know you are sooo excited. :woohoo: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
danmcq Posted May 18, 2009 Share Posted May 18, 2009 Wow, GreYt news and Congratulations!!! Man, the next 3 days are going to be looooooong, but with all the things you have to do between now and Thursday, maybe it will go fast for you. :-) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lovethatgrey Posted May 18, 2009 Share Posted May 18, 2009 Wow!! That's wonderful news. You must be super excited! Your babies finally get to meet their Mama!{Feel-good-00020114} Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Joolesgreyuk Posted May 18, 2009 Share Posted May 18, 2009 Bet you are sooo excited, hell I'm excited for you :laugh: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CarolandFamily Posted May 18, 2009 Author Share Posted May 18, 2009 Awww Thank You everyone! *dancing* it's still 10:51 so in Cali it's 7:51am soooo I can't expect Tina to call right now to get me my flight time lol. I know she does have OTHER babies to raise besides ours lol. I am sure am waiting on my emails lol. There other brother Cinder who is the other part of the triplets won't be going to his forever home yet because his owner wants him clipped. Tina wants to make sure that he is fledged 100% before he lives. Hell my babies are ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLL over the place lol so there good to go! Yipppeeee I'm so happy BUT scared too! lol Could that be possible? I just bought some Cheerios and some Dried Pineapples and Cranberries to mix in there food too. She gave me an awesome glop recipe that I am going to make the day before they get here and I am going to start sprouting maybe tommorow so they can have that when they arrive. Whewww I feel like I have given birth! Thanks everyone! Yipppeeeeee {Nature-0002008E} Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JungleDreamz Posted May 18, 2009 Share Posted May 18, 2009 Oh my Gosh! YAY!!! Congrats! We cant wait to hear about their arrival, and see pics of thier first day home! How old are they to be fully weaned and flighted? I just like to ask so I can have some kind of idea when to look for my Ecko to be fully weaned, Even though I know they all wean at differant ages, I just like to ask everyone Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CarolandFamily Posted May 18, 2009 Author Share Posted May 18, 2009 Yipppeeeeee Thank You Jungledreamz! Ok now Ahjari (our lil boy) was born Feb 28th and his sister Ahmani was born March 1st ok let me count lol.... ok they will be 11 weeks old when they get here. They are flighted and our baby girl Ahmani is making kissy sounds already! I am not sure they have to be when they are weaned, I know our breeder said some can be early and some can be late. Ours are early bloomers lol and there raring to go! I bet you can wait for your baby to come either.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tycos_mom Posted May 19, 2009 Share Posted May 19, 2009 Boy did they ever wean Quikly how old are they mine has barely been off the formula for week and here's yours ready to come home already. you are in for a whole lot of fun and a whole lot of training but they are such sweet hearts I just lovea lovea lovea mine and so will you. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JungleDreamz Posted May 19, 2009 Share Posted May 19, 2009 Thanks Caroland Family, Actually I have had him since he was 4 weeks old :blush: ... So I just like to make sure he is "on track" with his weaning and flying Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sue09 Posted May 19, 2009 Share Posted May 19, 2009 I bet you are sooooooooooo excitetd. I can feel the buzz from here and I'm in UK. I wish I was getting another baby as well, but will make do with stories and pics of your two. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tycos_mom Posted May 19, 2009 Share Posted May 19, 2009 Wow did they ever wean early thats almost unheard of 10 weeks old and totally weaned what did I do wrong I think Adaya was still on 3 feedings a day at that point. like I said she just totally weaned about a week ago Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
casper Posted May 19, 2009 Share Posted May 19, 2009 Carol, this is the news we have all been waiting for! Im excited for you all as well! I cant wait to hear all about your babies ( and see lots of pictures) Congratulations Carol, let the fun begin:) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CarolandFamily Posted May 19, 2009 Author Share Posted May 19, 2009 Awww Thank You Sue and Caroline! I am Happy they will be here at 11:56pm Thurs Eastern Time!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Luvparrots Posted May 19, 2009 Share Posted May 19, 2009 Congratulations Carol, your babies are coming home!!! I can't wait to see the pictures and hear about their homecoming!!!! Don't forget about us here Carol, we will all be waiting to hear from you and your babies!!! Oh what fun!!!{Feel-good-0002006B} Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tycos_mom Posted May 19, 2009 Share Posted May 19, 2009 yes Its two and a half days and the countdown begins. You realize of course this is going to be the longest two and a half days you've ever spent. you better keep yourself busy or you'll be watching the minutes drag on They are going to be so tierd when they get home and when they are tierd they just love to cuddle so give them a big cuddle for me. and don't forget the pictures:laugh: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CarolandFamily Posted May 19, 2009 Author Share Posted May 19, 2009 Ok I promiseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee to take a TON of pictures, I'm gonna charge my Flip camcorder too so I can take some before during and after lol. I also have a video player on my cell phone too lol. Were gonna be ready I am starting to set up the cage *sniff* yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee im JUICED!!!! lol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lovethatgrey Posted May 19, 2009 Share Posted May 19, 2009 Yes.. we want to see pictures of their set up! {Feel-good-00020114}. Will they share a cage while young and have separate cages when they are a little older? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CarolandFamily Posted May 19, 2009 Author Share Posted May 19, 2009 There gonna stay in the same cage for a lil while untill they get better then by the Fall they will have seperate cages. Yippppeeeeeeeeeeee, Ok as soon as I get it set up then I will post a pic Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fofaviary Posted May 19, 2009 Share Posted May 19, 2009 Tycos_mom wrote: Quote Wow did they ever wean early thats almost unheard of 10 weeks old and totally weaned what did I do wrong I think Adaya was still on 3 feedings a day at that point. like I said she just totally weaned about a week ago Tycos_mom: I don't think you did anything wrong. Each baby is entirely different. That's just the average age for my Grey babies. In the case of my current trio, they've been refusing hand-feeds for well over 2 weeks in full, and have whittled down the amounts they've been fed until it was just a taste (10cc) before they'd push away from it. However, since they wanted that taste still, I didn't consider them 'finished'. Now, they're spitting it out when I manage to corner them (grins), and are gaining weight after the flight slim down. In fact, they never dropped an ounce during weaning at all. I introduce solids to my babies as soon as their eyes open, so they have weeks of using the food as toys, then tasting it, then by the time they're 5-6 weeks old, they're already eating the softer foods in a coarse pureed form. It doesn't take them long at all from that point to start stuffing their faces with solids and starting pushing the formula away. Each week of age gets a bit more coarser foods, until at about 7 weeks old, it's entirely the mix I feed adults. My big test is to remove the tasty 'wet' foods and leave them an entire day with just pellets. When they don't beg for any food and eat the pellets without a single peep of fuss, I know they're done. A lot of people won't agree with my personal philosophy on baby rearing, and if you don't, I respect that entirely and we'll agree to disagree. But, here it is: I don't rush to stuff formula into a begging baby, and that's a lot of what can keep a Grey baby on the formula track long after they shouldn't be on it - not that you did that, but it's a common thing to do. It's also a wrong thing to do if you want a baby that's going to be independent, have no food neurosis and are confident in themselves. Offering hand-feeds for comfort is just as detrimental to their adult psyches as under-feeding or refusing formula to them. I do not believe at all in 'comfort feeding' a weaned bird. There are other ways, more positive ways, to offer that comfort than to fill its belly. Formula is a very concentrated diet meant for a rapidly growing bird and it's not very good for juveniles that have passed their 90% growth mark, or for adults. A lot of times the begging is an indication that the baby needs physical or emotional reassurance rather than food - they just know how to demostrate their need only with the wing twitch, the slow head bob and the feed response which is usually misconstrued with food begging. I work with my babies from early on to come to my hand when they're needing reassurance. A touch, a gentle caress, or a full out cuddle and rock in a chair while humming soothes them far more efficiently than giving them food so their bodies shut down and they sleep because of digestion. So, I offer non-food reassurement first, and if the baby still begs with a strong hunger response and it's eating well on solids, I'll only feed a half feed, or a quarter feed of formula, until the baby is back solidly into its comfort zone. If the baby isn't eating well on solids, then it gets the full amount of formula needed for its weight, of course. I have had some babies take longer to wean, but it's not often and it's usually boys! They're usually the whinier of the two genders also. Then again, they're usually the sweetest as well - when babies. I kinda wish they did take longer... I'm so going to miss Carol's two! Anyway, thought you'd like to know my secret for early weaning Greys that are still abundance weaned. Cheers! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lovethatgrey Posted May 19, 2009 Share Posted May 19, 2009 Thanks for sharing Tina. Very interesting to know this considering my Emma took 23 weeks to wean. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fofaviary Posted May 19, 2009 Share Posted May 19, 2009 That's why I said each bird is individual - some take longer and nothing we can do is going to change that if they're not ready! Well, we could, but refusing food is a terrible thing to do to a dependent baby! We each know our birds and know what their speed is, I think. I also have a bit of an advantage. I cheat! I use older birds as role models and that helps considerably. It's amazing how fast things click in their little brains when they watch another bird do things and they mimic it and go "Oh! That's what I'm supposed to do!". It's great - it only takes watching me have one of my adult Greys step up a few times before the babies are automatically doing it also. Nothing beats a good role model. So, I cheat. *grins* edit for typo demon<br><br>Post edited by: fofaviary, at: 2009/05/19 08:13 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tycos_mom Posted May 19, 2009 Share Posted May 19, 2009 actually I think that how I got Adaya to wean I thought she was never goingto wean even though she would eat pellets and veggies and some soaked seeds she still was not refusing any feeding then when I moved her into her big cage wich is about 5 ft away from my older Grey she start eating more and refusing her formula and once she started it only took about another 2 to 2 1/2 weeks to totaly wean My older Grey kinda took her under her wing and actually fed her a couple of times which was very sweet I thought. My baby is doing wonderfully now is flying all over the house and being a sweet and as cuddly as a baby can be. I couldn't ask for a more special bird. she lets my roll her over on her back and she lays there and lets me just love on her. she loves car rides and going for walks on her harrness. what more could I ask from a companion. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jane08 Posted May 19, 2009 Share Posted May 19, 2009 That is exciting that they are coming home. We now know who won't be able to sleep unitl Thursday. It's even worse when they come home, you will be wanting to check on them all the time when you get them home. I remember the first few days when Rangi came home I was so paranoid about doing something wrong and every morning I would fully check him to make sure everything was ok...he must have thought I was nuts. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CarolandFamily Posted May 19, 2009 Author Share Posted May 19, 2009 Awww Tina that was awesome and so interesting I never knew all that stuff. Well yeah I did kinda lmaoo you are our breeder and you did tell me how they were weaning every step of the way, BUT it's really fasicnating what you said. It sounds kinda like we as adults when we are emotional eaters *holding hand up* and eat for comfort instead of hunger. Wow that was something to think about. Pat- Awww I know that you are so proud of Adaya I see it in her pics. She is such a little blessing to you and soon you can see more of our double blessings lol. Jane- We are having a slumber party for my daughter but it will be downstairs my partner has a 3 floor multi-family house. I don't know if I wanna go lol. Our babies will be up here or I just might take them down there with us I don't know yet! *biting nails* {Feel-bad-00020063} The good thing is when I work it's only for a few hours and my kids and partner will be here off and on through the day. Wow I feel like these are my human babies and I don't wanna leave them out of sight {Feel-bad-0002006A} I am going to be a nervous wreck... Thanks Jane! lol j/k I didn't think about when I go to work but at least they will be together when were gone.<br><br>Post edited by: CarolandFamily, at: 2009/05/19 12:35 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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