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Hallo. :)

I'm not a Grey owner yet, but hope to be when I'm ready. I'm still reading everything I can get my hands on in preparation, but I know already that a Grey is in my future. :D

I'm the current food-lady to about 30 chickens, 4 goats, 6 geese, 13 ducks, 3 cats, a dog, a disabled crow, a tarantula, and a goldfish named Bob. Oh, and a very understanding husband. And 2 kids. And a roommate. We have a very busy house :D

So, hi. I'll be lurking about and asking silly questions.

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Hello Badhbh and welcome to our family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and this new grey in your future.


You sound like a busy woman who must live on a farm with all those animals and quite a mix of animals I must say, only one stands out as unusual and that is the tarantula, but not that unusual as my daughter had one when she was younger.


Please do read thru the many threads here for lots of useful information and do ask questions, no matter how silly they may seem, believe me we have heard them before, and we will help you in any way we can.

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It'll be *my* first parrot, but my hubby comes from a parrot-y family :) They've had Amazons and cockatiels. Yes, we have a farm full, but they're all pretty low maintenance.. I don't spend more than an hour a day getting everyone fed and watered and whatnot. Thanks for the welcomes.

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Welcome. I'm sure a grey would fit in perfectly. You are right to do your homework before getting one. I researched for nearly a year before Ollie and am still learning.

Look forward to hearing about your future grey.

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