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Talon in Rikki's toy!


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I wanted to share some pictures of Talon's favorite place to play these days. Some of you might remember how I hung a cargo net with toys for my 2 greys to play with. Well, after almost a year, and them never wanting to go on it...Talon would stay if I put her there for a few minutes and Rikki wanted nothing to do with it. I took it down finally and replaced it with Rikki's 3rd birthday present, (which she wanted nothing to do with either) But Talon LOVES it and plays in it for hours. I put things inside it, or she just hangs out playing peek a boo!









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I posted about Jollyballs a little while ago.


You can purchase them at this site.




If you purchase from Jan, the Jollyball will be loaded with LOTS of toys and the quality will be superior to anything else you'll be able to find on the commercial market. Emma is getting one in a few weeks when the owner receives her shipment. For now, she has only ordered 6 to see how well they sale. I highly recommend that if you wish to have a Jollyball for Ana Grey then purchase it here. You will get what you pay for and you definitely will not be disappointed. The one that I will be receiving for Emma is a 14 inch Jollyball. That is the size recommended for african greys and parrots of similar size. Anything smaller would not be appropriate.{Feel-good-00020114}


By the way, Talon looks awesome! I know Emma is going to have a field day when hers arrives.<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/05/18 04:37

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It seems lovethatgrey answered your question. I did get this on line, but at a different place. It was the largest, I beleive it was the 14 as well. It was filled with toys attached both inside and out. But 2 things: it is very slippery for them, I recommend putting vet wrap across the bottom of the inside. I also had to put a perch going thru it so Talon could get herself in and out of it, otherwise she would get stuck inside. And lastly, it was expensive......:S<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2009/05/18 12:54

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lovethatgrey, It works very nicely with my minor adjustments. I just put the rope perch thru it, and attached one end to the ceiling with the purple ball, and the other to her playstand so she can come and go as she pleases.

I highly recommend it, she loves it!! There is so much you can do, putting treats inside, or other surprises they like to chew. And it gives them some privacy away from others.... which I know Talon appreciates sometimes. ;)

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Thanks Talon - Could you explain to me about how you make the vet wrap stay in place on the inside? The other thing is how do you attach the other end of the perch to the ceiling. What exactly is holding it. Would you be able to take a picture so that I have a better understanding? Thanks!{Feel-good-00020114}

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Sure, the vet wrap is sticky, so it tends to stick to the bottom of it on the inside. The ball is on 3 chains that hang from a chain in 2 places from the ceiling on eye hooks. This is because I had those hooks there from the cargo net that they both hated. I attached the rope perch there as well. But here is some pictures of it.







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Wow!! You've done a really nice Job and Talon looks amazing! Does Talon fly or climb on to the perch and then hop into the Jollyball?


Thanks for sharing. I think that I won't be purchasing the Jollyball afterall.:( One of my friends saw it and was concerned about Emma developing Eggy behaviour one of these days. Probably won't happen for awhile since she is only 14 months old, but I don't want her to scoping out potential real estate for ideal nesting sites! Definitely don't want to encourage any of that.<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/05/19 02:32

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Talon mostly walks on the rope perch and then climbs in the ball. I don't worry about her trying to nest in there, she mostly plays, and sometimes preens. She also has a happy hut in her sleep cage, and now that she is 3 1/2, she likes to sleep on top of it. Before, she would sleep inside of it. :cheer:

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Yes you may, I have had Talon since she was 8 1/2 weeks old. Rikki since she was 2 1/2 years old. They will both be 4 years old this year. YIKES! Time flies by...:(

So, I had 2 going thru the terrible twos. Rikki was new to us and this is her third home and last, so because of this, it has taken her a long time to adjust, so I don't really know how much of it was adjustment, and how much was terrible two's.

Talon on the other hand....YES< we did go thru some terrible two's. She definitely was asserting herself! But nothing too bad, I understood that this is normal, and just went with the flow of what she wanted to do depending on her mood, and things went pretty smoothly. :silly:

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Looks like Talon really enjoys playing in the Jollyball. I was thinking of getting one of those but I wasn't sure if my greys would like it or be scared of it. I was also thinking about a cargo net...I may need to get a second job just so I can afford all these great playthings...anything to keep my grey babies content!

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