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The most demanding day yet !


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Well Dusty is eight months old tomorrow, came home to me December 27 nearly 14 weeks old.


So far so good Dusty is my baby, lets me cuddle her, gives me kisses, lets me know when she wants hed scritches. Generally behaves well, eats everything in site, the majority is good B)


Dusty says a few words like hello, **** off oops) and is experimenting with others and at the moment keek a boo is her favourite.....;)


Today i must admit was the worst ever in terms of her demanding my attention with her amazon like sqeals (Gizmo my 5 yo OWA makes sure she teaches Dusty that, Gimzo doesnt really speak). She also made a constant point of flying to the top of my plasma tv knowing that she is not allowed up there. :unsure:


Question what should i do at this point its as if she knows i will go and get her off the tv, which she does step up no bother but i think she is wanting that so gets the desired reward ?


When she gets loud i move her stand and remove her from the room until she quietens down or says something, noise which is not the squeal like noise.

Today thought she started again when i brought her back in the room :pinch:


The boundary testing grey is here, you wouldnt think so looking at this pic would you ?




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Ecko also flies onto my 50" flat screen TV and he knows thats a big no no but it seems like he gets a kick out of doing something he is not suppose to. Everytime he flies onto it I get up and remove him from it and tell him NO! Sometimes he goes right back to it so then I move him to his boing or swing in the kitchen and then he stops. Just make sure to occupy her with something else so she forgets about the TV. If she steps up while on the TV I wouldn't reward her because she might get confused and think that if she goes on the TV again she will get a treat for stepping up. Anyways, hope this helps and good luck with Dusty. She is a very pretty grey!<br><br>Post edited by: caitb2007, at: 2009/05/16 23:00

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You are definitely being tested and Dusty is finding boundaries.


It may be a challenge to stop her from flying to a "Favorite" spot, but not impossible. I had the same issue with Dayo and the Top of the fridge. I can not count the hundreds of times a had to get up and go get him off that fridge, saying no, placing him back on a proper perching area etc.


He actually started becoming more aggressive with hard blood letting bites before I knew to use the iron hand rather than take a hit from the get go. He became very possessive of "His Ground".


Finally after stopping being "Mr. Nice Guy" and having him step-up after much coaching and giving him a ride to a perch, I just started forward motion with the fist of Iron and wrist and he either stepped up or got pushed off the fridge topm, slowly. After several times of this, He quit going there.

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I think Dan means he used the clenched fist as in a grey has more trouble getting ahold of the flesh when the hand is clenched into a fist and he means that his grey either stepped up on that clenched fist or got pushed off the fridge by that clenched fist.

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