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I was just wondering what Beau's latest behaviour means. A few times now whilst being made a fuss of or being stroked, Beau will pull lightly on mine/husband's finger whilst backing away and raising his wings and making "clucking" noises. It actually looks like it hurts but it doesn't. Does this mean anything or is Beau just playing?

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It means that the bird want's to be lightly rubbed in sensitive areas which you shouldn't do. Continue the petting but avoid the vent area and under the wings near the body. The noises are common and they make those noises when stimulated.

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How old is Beau now if he is just a baby I would say he's playing if he's around 2 years old he may just be starting to feel a little frisky. He's won't be breeding age until around 5 yrs old but they do start feeling a little hormonal around 2yrs so Its hard to say what he's doing without a few more details.

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