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Pooped on possessions ;-)


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By popular (well, casper to be exact ;-)) demand, please list below items pooped on by your grey - the funnier or more valuable the better.


Here goes for mine: Husband, eldest son, myself, sofa, carpet :ohmy: toys, new playstand, newspaper.


Ahem, I think that's it...for now ;-)

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I remember when we had a TAG while I was in high school, she would stick her little butt out and poop at a straight-to-the-floor angle. Not so much with Chimay....he lets go at like a frontwards angle. About two weeks after he came home, he let loose one of his enormous "morning deuces" off from the side of his playtop and all with one shot he nailed his piggy-pinata, perch, cage bars of course, and his food dish. He is a talented boy to be sure. To add insult to injury there was a little bit of splatter (:sick: ) at the end which got on the walls a little.<br><br>Post edited by: chimaysmommy, at: 2009/05/11 23:12

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I think between them my two have done it almost everywhere.I have stood in it, sat in it,picked things up with it on,its never ending.I think the worst was when I had just been the hairdressers ready for a night out,yes you guessed it.The lap top has had its fair share,I keep the computer wipes handy just in case.I wish I had shares in a kitchen roll company.

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My little sun conure pooped in the dish water one time, she is usually hanging on me somewhere in the shoulder area and she promply hung over the sink and let it go, hows that for washing dishes with bird poop. My kids are afraid one day she will poop in their food I am preparing but I have a sharp eye out for that.

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She fell in the dishwater one time trying to get into the water to take a bath but no harm came to her as the water had cooled somewhat and I immediately plucked her out, she doesn't try that trick anymore. Believe me, no animal was harmed in the course of my dishwashing.:blink:

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Fergie Has the biggest morning poops I have ever seen in my life. About a year ago now I went out a bought a brand new laptop for myself I'd only had it for about a month and it was beside my bed open. I had just got the birds out of bed and went to the kitchen to get their breakfast and when I came back Fergie was perched on the screan of my new laptop and I couldn't see the keyboard for poop. well I cleaned it off as best I could and let me tell you it was no easy task the poop had goten between the keys under the keys what a mess. then I sat down to work on the computer only about half the keyboard worked. Its a goodthing I had bought an extened warrenty that stated I was allow one thing that was my fault and they would fix it for free. So I took it in to be fixed and she looked at the keyboard and said you really should try to keep it a little cleaner. I couldn't tell her that it was bird poop in between the keys Itryed everything to get it out of ther even a knife I got as much as I could out. anyway she sent it away and I got it back with a brand new keyboard and a little note say please try to not eat around you keyboard :sick: :laugh:

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We normally have baby blankets in arms reach if ever Loki feels like she wants to cuddle with one of us. One night she was farther up on my chest than the blanket, and she decided she needed to go. I happened to be wearing a v-neck t-shirt at the time. Her little "present" ran down my chest and into my bra.... now thats a nasty feeling!

The hubby couldn't stop laughing for hours. I still don't see the humour in it ;)

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We took Alcazar to Buzz N Bees to get his wings clipped over a month ago. The pet shop person opened the crate Alcazar was on his arm then he flew across the shop.As he flew he dropped a poop and missed customers by an inch.Their kid went ewwwww...lol

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Some pretty amusing stories. It would probably be easier to list the places and things they haven't relieved themselves on.






yea... I think that about sums it up. :o)


So, who wants to team up with me and buy out bounty/kleenex? :o)


(I am actually getting them better potty trained, but I still have to keep an eye on them to make sure I get them to an approved poop location before they decide they have to go.)<br><br>Post edited by: Marauder, at: 2009/05/12 00:53

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Gah... Cleo poops everywhere, preferably on me. It seems she holds on until I take her out of the cage. She produces some amazing volumes, probably because she is such a little piggy and eats non-stop. It does make me laugh though because they make a little sploosh sound as it comes out. Like a little bird fart.


The worst that has happened is when one of the lorikeets got me, right in the face. Because they are nectar eaters and their diet is liquid, their poos are liquid also. One of them was hanging on the side of the cage smooching with me, when liquid poo just squirted out and got me right on the mouth.

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Hahahaha. I was reading this thread and found myself wondering if you'd find these kind of postings on a dog or cat forum!!?? EEEWWWWWWW!!!! :sick:


I can't tell you of the number of near misses our cats have experienced when sitting under the bird cage. I also have to laugh at all the comments on BIG bird poops. We had a name for those from my TAG Nelson. We'd call them Goose Poops! :blink: I'd swear that little bird shrunk in size after dropping one of those bombs. You'd know when one was coming because he'd drop his behind waaay down and would wiggle back and forth. When he'd hit his water dish we'd say Nelson was making "poop soup".


Oddly enough Sam is a dainty pooper - bigger bird, smaller poop. Go figure.


Tom<br><br>Post edited by: SamsDad, at: 2009/05/12 04:22

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Lmao Dave your poor CAG :laugh:


My husband calls Boesman the poopmachine sometimes he poops just where he wants to carpet,floors,ect. on my lap, worst is, is when his on my shoulder and he poops :woohoo: but it's okay I still love him lol<br><br>Post edited by: Natasha, at: 2009/05/12 14:21

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Josey gives me signals that she is ready to take a dump and I can take her where I want her to go, she starts to squat and shake her booty end so I can usually prevent her from going on me or whatever. Yours might be giving you signals too you just have to watch for them.

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Ive had poop all over!

Ive gone shopping with it on me, been to work (without knowing it) all over me.


Carpet, laptop, you name it, door handles then put our hands on to open it! Its just a normal everyday part of life now.


I think one of the worst ones was similiar to Daves story. My middle grey saves his morning dump until he comes out, this one particular day he flew straight out and over to Jaspers cage, yep, all over poor Jasper, the morning one as well:sick: The poor bugger didnt know what had happened lol.


Great stories everyone ( It was Julie's idea really):whistle:

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