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How distructive is your grey.


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Ok we all know greys chew but Charlie is so distructive.Today he chewed up the lap top charger which cost me £50 to replace. I have lost count of the sky plus remotes he has killed at £25 a time,My leather setee is in tatters as well as my nerves and bank ballance. I have also taken down the curtains and only have blinds because he used them as a swing.IS HE THE FORUMS MOST DISTRUCTIVE GREY. I am sure you will all chip in with your own stories of vandalism.

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I do try that Judy,honest. He is so fast.I am thinking of getting him an asbo.For those in the us thats an anti social behavior order which is given to unruley teens by the courts.

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Okay, here goes!


Lap top charger!

Voile net curtains!

Wooden doors and casing!

Wooden ornaments!

telly remotes!

Mobile phones!


Dado rail!

Light fitting!


Leather chairs at dining table!

Picture frame!

Gold chain!

Ankle bracelet!



Sheila, great thread!

Dave is watching as I am typing and shaking his head!

I need a bigger house with a birdroom lol!


If their is an ASBO for destructive parrots, mine should definetly get one as well as community service.:evil:

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:laugh: We've had Beau for 5 weeks tomorrow and the first day we had him he chewed through my bracelet and we quickly realised he had a thing for jewellery which I try not to wear except if I'm going out. He also goes for remote controls which we also try to keep away from him so luckily he hasn't destroyed anything except the bracelet. Things he has crapped over though, well that's another story :ohmy:

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{Feel-good-00020114}Emma is very not destructive.She's never destroyed anything that wasn't meant to be destroyed and when she does destroy..it is only her toys


She pretty much destroys like a little lady. She prefers to hang upside down, climb and swing wildly!:P


I think I expected her to be alot more destructive and


I admit that alot of how Emma is and what she does, goes against alot of what I read about greys.


Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/05/12 00:17<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/05/12 00:49

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Well Half the natural wood in my house has been chewed, my kitchen cupboards doorframes, walls I have a hole upon top and behind my kitchen cabnet that is at least 18in in diameter thank goodness you can't see it the walls they have tried but I put a stop to that pretty quick before I had holes everywhere. As I type this Tyco is working on the trim around the bay window where her cage is again thank goodness its just the trim its not to much to replace now my Kitchen cupboards thats a whole other story Im going to have to find my a rich man or win the lottery to fix what they have destroyed. oh well nobody see it but me and I can live with it.

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Wow Cleo seems very tame in comparison here. She's chewed her wooden toys, and tore some strips of my computer chair, which is old and tatty anyway, so I just let her do that.

Cleo just prefers to sit quietly and observe the world go by. I don't know if that's because she is so young still?

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Partner, when he was at the pet store would always go over to the rodents cages and bite holes in their water bottles and proceed to knock them onto the ground and all the water spilled out. I think 8-12 bottles were destroyed. He has also torn holes in a few shirts of mine, but I have pretty much got him to stop by the quick "I'm not happy with that" look or a really quick firm "hey!"

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Here is the list. I also swear they tag team us, one distracts us while the other destroys something.


-Chewed the curtains off in the kitchen

-Chewed through the cable to the roof light (was not plugged in)

-Swings from the living room roof lamp (had to remove it)

-Flies to the standing lamp and chews the lampshade

-Climbs down the living room curtains to chew the cords to the blinds

-T-shirs have been chewed


-Climbed down the shower curtain to the shower head and chewed the rubber bit off

- Climbed down the shower curtain to the bathroom sink and chewed the toothpaste

-Chews the doors frames, actaully hangs from them and chews.

-Chewed the wood off the cupboards in the kitchen

-Lands on the back of the kitchen chairs which are wood and chews the back of them.

- Chewed through the black out blind in the bedroom.

- Tries to chew the couch, but I am having none of that and place a blanket on the back of the couch where they perch and they chew the blanket instead.

-Chewed the tassles off the couch cushions.


I am sure there is more, I swear you have to have eyes in the back off your head. I am lucky in one way, Rangi actually tells me when he is up to something so usually I can race out in time to stop him.

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Here goes:


gold chain



tellie remoteS


wooden doors

shower got little plastic thingies - Gone@@

my leather couch

my plastic flowers - decorations

my wooden table


and the list goes on - and on

When his out and about and is very QUIET I KNOW SOMETHINGS UP!!!!!

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Oh I know what you mean.If Charlie is quiet it means trouble.


I feel a bit better now knowing other greys are just as bad as Charlie.I think he has got a lot more distructive as he gets older,he is six now.I tried the blanket on the couch trick and the little monster just chews through the blanket till he gets to the leather.He is out in the aviery at the moment so he cant do too much damage out there,I HOPE.:lol:

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A Parrots Motto is "This Beaks made for chewing and thats just what I gonna do and if you can't handle this, I'm not for You!!". :-)


I will not list all the things Dayo has chewed.....it would be too long and I can't even remember them all. :-)

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