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I'd rather not show pictures but I have two purple dolphins above my belly button. Then, on my right foot I have an orca and on my left foot I have a really bad looking clown fish. They did a terrible job on the clown fish. The dolphins on my stomach keep getting bigger and bigger as the years go by...lol :blink:

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CD, I have one on my lower back below my waist. I got the butterfly in 2002 after my recovery from cancer. It was a celebration of life, and how lucky I am to be alive.

This past April, I added to it. Two Hawaiian state flowers, Hibiscus flower. I did this with my best friend who was visiting from WA state. This pic is while I was still in the tattoo shop. So it is a bit red, and puffy. It looks awesome now.


The last step is to connect them together with vines. I found an awesome tattoo artist, and we are working in the last leg of my "celebration of life"


So it is not done yet, I'll update you when it is complete.


If you knew me you would know this is so not part of my character. But I just had to do something to remind me every day how fortunate I am that I fought and won. Cancer is a terrible disease, and the treatment can kill you before the cancer does.




I think you should use that pic of Cesar you have as your icon for your tattoo.



Kim<br><br>Post edited by: DayosMom, at: 2007/07/28 03:55


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Judy / Talon,


Awwww, you are so nice. I thank you for your sweet thoughts.

Tattoos usually tell a story for most people. My story is one of a great, huge battle I fought, and the beauty of the victory.

The Hawaiian flower is to symbolize the trip Dan & I took in celebration to Oahu, and Maui 6 months after I was done. I was still very weak, and tired easily, but the memory of it all stays with me still today. Dan & I were so happy I was still alive, and Dan was especially so.

When I was told I had cancer, Dan cried for weeks. He didn't think I saw his tears, but I would catch a glimpse of them on occasion. He wanted to be strong for me. But I could see his pain and fear.

Because my family was so upset over it all, I tried to be strong for them, and carry them so they wouldn't cry. But I too was afraid.

This tattoo has all these memories in it, and because of it, I remember every day how difficult the battle was.


Your words are too kind. I'm grateful for you and your empathy. Thank you.


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Well Kim, you are so kind in return, its people like you that make this world so much better for just being alive. And the thought of Dan crying means you mean so much to him, he couldn't stand the thought of losing you. Some people think a man that cries is weak but I will take a weak one any day, you are a lucky woman and not just because you survived the cancer but from the love and support of your family and friends.


My tattoo is not symbolic of anything in particular but I love roses so I chose a red rose and I am thinking of getting a hummingbird because I just like them.


Be sure to post a picture of the finished product and we all can bask in its beauty.:)

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DayosMom wrote:

CD, I have one on my lower back below my waist. I got the butterfly in 2002 after my recovery from cancer. It was a celebration of life, and how lucky I am to be alive.


Hi Kim,


Thanks for telling such a personal story. Your past battle with cancer reminds me that there are no real problems in life except health problems. Everything else is so insignificant. Thank you for reminding me of this important fact of life.. Sometimes I think we tend to blow things out of proportion. Making the unimportant things in life seems so important.


Stories of struggle like you told here should serve to remind everyone what the really important things are in life.. Health, family, love, happiness and compassion for others. Sometimes in this busy place called earth we tend to forget these things..


Thanks Kim... and BTW.. I love the Tattoos.. I never considered getting a Tattoo or Ceasar.. Thanks for making me think about that..



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Guest briansmum

kim what a lovely tattoo and a beautiful story. you are a strong and brave woman. karma to you.


also.. oowww. it's a bit sore this morning, it hurts to sit down LOL. it got stuck against my leather sofa too whch was agony to pull off :( i'm tempted to put an ice pack on it.

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Beccy, hang in there. it is more sore the second day, it will lessen, and feel much better by tomorrow. Keep it moist with fragrance and perfume free creme. That will lessen the soreness and help in healing.

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Guest briansmum

thanks talon, i got some excellent stuff from the tattoo place it's called "tattoo goo" :laugh: i put it on twice a day, and i look forward to those soothing moments. quick question though, can i take a bath yet? i've showered and not got it too drenched, but i wondered if it would be ok getting a good soak cos i do love a bath.

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Guest briansmum

yep. i got a good information leaflet about aftercare, but it was vague on the batheing front. i tend not to like my water hot anyway so i should be fine. thankyou hun :)

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Guest briansmum

it's not red hot here, but it is supposed to be summer, however it's done nothing but rain. so it's the kind of sticky wet warmth that makes you really uncomfortable. :pinch:

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