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grey fever


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Hi! we went to visit Alex today..he is getting a wee bit bigger and more feathers are growing... here is a new picture of him :)



anyway, Alex is more so my 'son's bird', even though we all hold, cuddle and talk to him ..


we spent two hours with him today and he was as sweet as a baby could be :)... while there, I had a lot of time to play with all the other birds and.....ready? I fell in love with a TAG! He / she is soooo sweet! (looks like a girl, but thats just a guess) I am thinking of getting him/her also...believe?? She is still very young also..I think I got bit by grey fever!!! Does any one have both?? Do they get along if close in age?? Is your TAG sweet?? share as much as you can about having two..I am all ears..hehe!


stay tuned!

Ann Marie

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Awww Alex is so cute Annmarie! My breeder also had a TAG baby and I fell in love with him too. I wanted to take both of them so bad but I know I couldn't. I think that would be great to get another one and you should totally go for it. I don't know much about the TAG personalities but I heard they are very cuddley and sweet. My CAG is also very cuddley and sweet too. Good luck and let us know what happens. :)

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luvparrots & caitb2007


thanks so much again! I think he has changed so much..I didn't notice until I saw his picture from a week or so ago. My son just wants to take him home already ..our visits gets longer and longer.. the owner probably thinks we do not have a life..lol!


I totally understand how you wanted to take two! Very hard to resist them. This baby TAG kind of picked me.. "she" kept coming to me, pulling on my shirt,giving me goo--goo eyes, I can see where they can be cuddle bugs, it was so cute! Now I am saying..hmmm,my daughter has her own bird, my son will have his and I am feeling so left out.. maybe it's my hormones.. lol!


I have read so much on here and learned a lot from all of you! Thanks so much!!

Ann Marie

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Alex is a darling.I can understand your wish for another one.They are adictive.About the breeder not thinking you have a life,just you wait till Alex comes home,then it really gets serious.If you do decide to get the tag make sure you are fully aware of all the pros and cons,another large cage,more cleaning,they may not always get along,double vet bills and insurance,more time needed with them both.On the plus side its double the fun.

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Annmarie- now you know I have and will be getting 2 lol. They will be here in a few weeks! Whatever your heart and gut tell you to do then d it! You know your gonna have to get more food, toys, another cage, etc.. BUT it will be awesome to have double blessings too. Good luck and let us know what you decide...

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She..how true! I guess my best bet is to see how it is here with one and take it from there... this baby really tugged at my heart strings, she really did... today is a new day and this will bring much more consideration before I do anything..thanks for pinching me..lol I really would like 'my own' someday :)


Carol... your babies are growing so beautifully! Count down!! I am sure you are so ready to get them home!!


I will see about the 2nd..I wasn't going to run and bring her home...I was really going to considerate it though..will see :)

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I don't mean to burst your bubble Ann Marie but you really should just stick to one at this time, I know those dark eyes are tugging at your heart but you don't want to overwhelm yourself. You really don't want to bring both home to find out you cannot handle two, that would be the wrong thing to do, you should know in your heart whether you can really committ to two greys with two different personalities and all the things that Shelia mentioned, yes it can be double the fun but you have to get thru the work first then you enjoy the rewards. Think long and hard before you decide to take both.


BTW, I tried to talk Carol out of two also even though I had cheered her on about getting two, it really is a huge responsibility and not one to be taken lightly, there is always the possibility of adding another one at a later time.

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I have 2 and I'm loving every minute of it I couldn't give them up if I tried the are the best but I didn't get them at the same time either. I think I if I did Tyco would not be the bird she is today she is awesome she likes everybody. my daughter teachhes her new games and Tyco so looks forward to seeing her becaus she has moved out now and when she comes Tyco gets so excited. she's definatly my bird I can give her scritches and she only steos up for me but I'm not the only person she likes. she is 6yrs old now and a rescue. I just bought a baby shes 13 weeks old now and the sweetest most cuddlyest sweetheart I've had her for 8 weeks now and my Tyco has taken the big sister roll with her its awesome the way they play the baby even stands on Tycos head and Tyco doesn't mind a bit. They are both congo's though I really wanted a Tag but I glad I got another congo I don't think Tyco would have excepted a Tag like she has a Congo she really likes this baby. so the fun has definatly started. I would wait and see what happens with the bird you have now before rushing out to get another in a couple years the bird may change his mind and decide he likes you best you don't now at this age whats going to happen.

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Judygram... I know..I know... I am really excited to get Alex home as it is... and you are 100% right..one at a time. It was just my heart falling in love with that cute baby doll...but I know it will be a lot of work just with Alex here. I will cool my jets :)


Patricia..congratulations!!! I have to go through your posts to find a picture..or post one here, can't wait to see the baby!!!..I am so happy Tyco is loving being a big sister! Can't get better than that! Do you really think she wouldn't get a long with a tag?? Do they just like "their own kind" ?? When you brought the baby home was he/she weaned or are you hand feeding??


any way..I am not running out and bringing home a second..I guess my typing went faster than my thinking when I got home.. you should of seen her follow me, tug on my shirt and giving me goo-goo eyes..gentle as a lamb..so of course i came home thinking..I am going to get her :)


Getting to baby Alex..isn't he adorable?? hehe! we keep saying "he" but we are not sure what he is...the owner said he because he said the size of his head..?? We will find out for sure.... does he look like a male???


Happy mothers day to all of you!!!

Ann Marie

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No Adaya wasn't weaned when I got her and still is on about 1/2 feeding a day. more for comfort than really wanting or needing it she will take about 20to 30 cc at dinner time and thats about it. there are a ton of pictures of her as she was growing up I'll paste my favorite here she was smiling ans it was so cute she was about 7 weeks old I think.


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Adaya is so pretty in that picture!{Feel-good-00020114}


Ann Marie, I agree that it's a good idea in your case to wait until you've had some hands on experience with Alex before thinking of taking a second one.


African greys are definitely high maintenance parrots in every sense of the word, especially if you wish to do it right.


He looks adorable in that picture. Glad to hear that the whole family is spending as much time as possible with him. Being comfortable and familiar with all of you will definitely help alleviate his stress when it is time for him to come home to you.

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oh Patricia! she is just beautiful..I love her smile..how cute is that?? Is she 5 months now?? It's nice when you can do some of the hand feeding, it brings a closeness to you both..did you hand feed Tyco? ...thanks for posting the picture, I can see why it is one of your favorites :)


lovethatgrey..I know..I do! I do have a lot of work cut out for me with one baby...I have been reading and reading ..mostly about training and parrot behavior, as far as going back to the wild. etc... I am also buying a tree gym..looking at bottle brush wood and a bunch of other things to keep him happy and mentally stimulated besides our love and patience..so I have a pretty good idea what may be in front of me to come I realize one step at a time.. but I have to admit... these little boogers are hard to resist! Thanks!

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Adaya is still being hand fed she is not totaly weaned yet she is 13 weeks Old now. No I didn't hand raise Tyco I rescued tyco form a very abusive nasty place. Iam her forth owner and I got her when she was 4 yrs okd so you can imagine the work it took to get her to where she is. She such a nice bird now. and I love her so much. my avatar shows both my birds from about a week ago. you can see it better if you go to my profile. You should get a harness for your baby and start putting it on him when you go visit the sooner the better. I start Adaya at about 9 weeks and now she nows when I get the harness out its time to got outside. she is so good about it.



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Patricia.. you certainly have done wonders with Tyco... terrible she had a bad few years before she was blessed with you. I am sure the rewards of your hard work is bountiful :) Oh..I did see the picture in your avatar a while back in one of your posts... they are both beautiful and looks like they get a long well! Adaya is a real doll baby! She has the sweetest face and expression ever! She is adorable in her harness ( love the red on her) hehe. Yes, I wanted to get a harness. Can you tell me where you bought that one and the size you ordered?? We are also buying an out door aviary for the warm months here, it's by Sun Catchers, this way Alex can spend safe, free time with us when we are out side and he can enjoy sunshine and fresh air too. Honestly, we are really looking forward to have him home. We may bring him home when he is down to one hand feeding a day. The owner suggested it and next week we will start doing it with him so we get use to it and learn... I have hand fed many years ago, but it has been a long time... I'll see!


Thanks! Ann Marie

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This grey fever is contagious!:laugh:


As most of you know, I am blessed with three greys but i have introduced them at different times. The first two were easy to introduce the third, not so easy as the middle grey did not take to him as well!


Im glad i did it all in stages though as i felt more prepared each time I got another grey.


It is hard work and most of my day is taken up with the greys, time out, cleaning interaction etc as well as the other things that need doing on a daily basis.


Do what feels right for you and your family! Give it lots of thought!


I hope everyhting goes really well for you Anne Marie:)

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casper..wow..three?? you must be busy! :) I will bring another home one day,I am sure. I really would like to. Some say if you are planning to add a second, to do it when they are both still babies, or before they reach one year of age... that makes sense to me , as there still will not be a guarantee they will like each other, but if they grow up together, we may have a better chance of a friendship... We will give it time as we want to give Alex all our attention and devotion first. I think we are off to a great start in all that we will do for him to make him a happy little guy.


I was not planning or even thought of another bird , it was the moment that this sweet little baby started to win my heart... to be honest, she was the nicest of the bunch and she really did amaze me.. I think that would be anyone's feelings towards a baby being in your arms loving the pieces out of you.. so hard to resist that.. but it is best we give it time :) reality hit..lol


get some rest :)


Ann Marie

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an outdoor aviary he is going to be one spoilt little guy. I wanted to get one for my birds a couple years ago but they just wanted to much money for them and then I saw one in the paper for sale but I couldn't find anyone with a large enough truck to bring it home. It was beautiful the person made it himself and had sold his house he had to get it out of there and was only asking 150. for it but It didn't come apart so I had to have a large truck to move it and at the time I didn't know anyone that had one. and I was also moving in a month and didn't want to have to move it twice. I figured there would be other opportunitys to get one later on. I shoud start looking again I do have an outside cage for them actually 2 of them but only 2 birds can go out at a time. with am aviary I would be able to let them all go out at one time they all get along ok so I'm lucky that way. I don't use an actual bird harrness but the one I use I like better because its so lightweight and easy to get on I got it at the pet store its called a lil critter harness its size small 6to10 inches its a figure 8 harness it only weighs 5gr and I find the birds don't mind wearing it. it only has 1 tiny clip so its easy to put on and it can be worn with the leash on the back or on the front I usually put it on the front when we go for walks becase she sits on my shoulder but the pictures I took she was walking around so I put the harness on the other way. I think most people use the aviator Harness but I live in Canada and everything that I order from the usa costs me double by the time I pay shipping, customs, tax, and the exchange rate my Adventure Pack ended up costing 269.00 by the time they added all the extra charges so I don't order anymore than I have to, I have tried the feather teather the sell those at the petstore here but there are to many buckles to do up i prefer the little one that I use.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/05/11 18:12

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