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Frustration with our baby


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This will sound a little like the "Ziva is driving me nuts" thread, but not so severe... our question: when to just let them do what they want and avoid conflict, and when to encourage them to do something you think is good for them?


Ursula is driving us nuts, too. We had a great morning routine going - we'd get her out of her sleep cage, she'd sit on her perch by the dinner table and eat some pellets, then some beans and veggies my husband prepared, while we sat near her eating breakfast and drinking our coffee... we'd be sure she was getting a balanced diet this way. It was family time.


No more - now most days she refuses to stay put, instead making to fly off the dining room perch and make for her cage, which is near (not right in front of) the window.


Recent changes are a move to an identical apartment - except that where the windows used to be there is now a glass door out to a balcony. She seems obsessed with the window/door and whatever might be happening out there (we have a better view than before). We've also started putting foraging food in her cage, which she seems to love to the point of preferring it over sitting and eating with us.


Essentially we'd rather have her stay put and eat than get so wacked out about we-don't-know-what. Should we just give up and let her go where she wants? (Ursula's one year old and starting to molt a little.)

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If she wants to sit on her cage and eat I guess thats what todo you should get a screen for the glass sliding door so she can get some natural sun and then she can here all the birds outside. My birds love to sit by the sliding doog and get some fresh air.

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Pat gave GreYt advice.


Your Grey is starting to mature a little and deciding watching mom and dad eat is no longer the greatest attraction in her life. It sounds like that sliding glass door has opened up a new and exciting world for her to watch. :-)

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Ana Grey is a very independent 9-month old and is always going here or there in seek of new adventures. She has a window perch, actually a shower perch attached to the glass and she loves to sit and watch the world go by. I relish her sense of adventure as she climbs from here to there exploring everything. She does always remember however to come to me for her tickles and cuddles. Thank goodness she still wants a bundle of them. :) You should be proud of the confident little girl you've raised!

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You will see subtle changes in her behavior as she gets older, they don't always stay the same so be prepared for changes in how she acts and reacts to things. A little change like a different window to look out opens other possibilities for things to peak her interest so just allow her personality to develop and go where they may. There is another whole different world outside that window and she finds it interesting at the moment so don't feel too bad about losing family meal time together, you can make it up in other ways.

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