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Conversations with your Grey


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Everytime I clean the floor beneath Boesman's cage he wil bend down and grab my hair so now this usually follows...


Me: " Boesman wait now"




Me" "Boesman who's messing this much?" You?


Boesman: "who mess like this, who mess like this Boesman?"


He wil repeat himself a zillion times........it's so cute when he hears water running in the bathroom his there in 5 minutes comes walking in "oooohwhoooo" and makes the sound of water running....:laugh:

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rbpittman - GreYt story, you have one smart bird there.


Nick - Just wait, it only gets better and better. :-)


Natasha - Boesman is hilarious!!


Jan - You really must start a topic by itself for that "Bedtime" video, it's Greyt!! Thanks for posting it. :-)

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I may have something to contribute to this thread soon. After becoming used to my quiet grey, he actually started talking today. He has said "Hello" "Step-Up" "(Hey)Good Boy" and "I love you" repeatedly over the past 2 hours. As we have a small condo and I work from home, I don't have a clue as to when he could have been practicing. This is exciting though, lots of phrases in 1 day....maybe soon he will be able to tell the UPS guy to come back later.

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Congratulations Jen on Schroeders' verbalizing. Ana Grey did the same, although I knew she was practicing. She has become a virtual blabbermouth. When I am on the phone she is whistling and talking away, asking what I am doing!!! They are so amazing!!!!

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Ziva had her first vet visit on Saturday. We were in the waiting room waiting to be called. She was in her Adventure Pack and not sure what to think. People were asking about her and trying to get her to talk. She wasn't doing anything but saying, "WOOOO." As soon as she was being ignored, she decided it was time to talk. What did she say, you ask?


"Do you see any cockroaches?"


I wanted to die! I later explained to the vet how her former home was loaded with cockroaches and she likes to talk about them. He was concerned about her health. I was just embarrassed. :blush:

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It was funny but I was dying at first. The vet now knows the story so he gets it and he thought it was funny. He did ask what cuss words she says and the list is long. The people in the waiting room have a good story to tell and they don't know why she was asking about cockroaches.

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Thats sooo funny I know just how it feels though when you want to find a little hole to crawl into because of the embarasment The first time I took Fergie in for a well bird check up she really embarased me. She was raise in a home where there was allot of fighting going on all the time. She hates men to this day anyway I took her to the vet and she was getting her nails clipped as well I was waiting in the waiting room for her to get her nails finished and of course the waiting room was full and all of sudden all you can hear you stupid Bi#*ch get your F*#@kin hands off me. I wanted to crawl into the nearest hole and die. The whole waiting room was laughing and looking strait at me. I explained that I had just rescued her from a horrible home. So I do know how you felt it is funny when you look back on it though.I hope Ziva's spot on her liver turns out to be just a seed I'm glad everything else looks good.

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Ziva was screaming last night as I was going in and out of the room and I was ignoring her. I know she knows it's not ok and ignoring usually works but I'd had it and I asked her to "talk pretty" and she screamed again. I asked her again and she stared at me and screamed. I said, "Ziiiiivvvvaaaaaa." And she replied with, " OK.....OK......" Then she went back to talking pretty - as she says.


She was quite talkative last night but was basically mumbling and I couldn't understand most of what she was saying. It was in her former humans voice and I felt like I was listening to a cranky 91 year old woman from NY in another room. I could get some of it but not most of it. She went on and on and then suddenly said, "OOOOOOh sh$t. He's high ALLLLLL the time!"


The elderly woman sounds like she has quite the life and Ziva sure picked it up.

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Hahaha bloody birds! Since reading these posts I've really started to mind my p's and q's. I used to let the occasional expletive rip, but now that I've learnt greys love drama and are quick to pick up on it, I'm trying to be more careful.


I do recall a program on tv a few years back about parrots. There was a couple who were very noisy in their love making, but thought nothing of it. Until one day they hosted a dinner party, and the parrot let loose... "ooh yeah...oooh baby" and some more content really only mentionable in the heat of the moment.


I think that was the moment I wanted a parrot...

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Yes, they will pick that up also. I fostered an Amazon for a few months and he was kept in the bedroom and he sure had that down. His former human was a "stud" with a Corvette and beach house and a rotating bedroom door. I was shocked the first time the bird started in but quickly figured out where he'd picked it up.


I cuss like crazy which is why they knew I wouldn't be shocked with Ziva's language. Several weeks ago I did something that pissed me off and I said, "What the fffff" and then stopped as I try not to say the f word anyway and didn't want to say it in front of Ziva. Well, she finished the sentence for me.

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I was in bed yesterday with a migraine and Ziva and my lovebird were very noisy. It doesn't help that there's a fledgling crow running around outside under my window. It keeps cawwing and it's parents are there protecting it and feeding it. Ziva loves watching all the outside birds and then becomes a living See N Say toy.


Z - "Do you see the birdies outside? Caw, caw, that's a crow. Cockadoodledoo -that's a rooster. Tweet, tweet, cheep, cheep - that's a birdie. Bow wow bow wow -that's a doggiedog. Meow - that's a kitty. Caw, caw, that's a crow. (the best one is...) What's up, Doc? That's a bunny."


That went on for hours because of the crow outside. I asked him to be quiet and he said -


Z - Are you all right?


Me - no


Z - What's your problem?


me - I have a bad headache.


Z - What's the matter?


me - Um, I have a headache and my head hurts. Will you please be quiet and talk pretty?


Z - You're pretty.


me- Thanks.


Z - I love you so much that I could just eat you up!


me - Um, thanks?


Z - ......ok

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I just LOVE the Ziva conversations!!!


My mom has been in the hospital this week, and I think Jenna has been missing her company. My mom always says that Jenna is her friend. This morning Jenna looked me in the eye and asked "Are YOU my friend?"

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I love your ziva storys he so sweet trying so hard to make you feel better when you had a headache. Man do I know what headaches feel like when your around noisy birds mine always seem like nice quiet little sweethearts until I get one of those tension cluster headaches about once every 2 months then they seen like the moisiest bunch of brats I've ever heard. and it makes me want to just get as far away from them as I can. I certinly can relate to how yo where feeling. Hope you ok now.


Raposa thats very sweet Jenna is missing her friend so she want to know if you will be her friend just like your mom is. what a cutie I hope your mom gets better soon so Jenna can have her friend back.

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