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Conversations with your Grey


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Here's our conversations on reading Steinbeck yesterday - Dixie of course has a very limited vocabulary at this point, but we're working on it.


Dixie: Hello


Me: Hello


Dixie: Wolfwhistle!


Me: Pretty Girl!


Dixie: Out!!


Me: You are out!


Dixie: Hello


Me: I have to read a story for tomorrow. It's by Steinbeck.


Dixie: Hello


Dixie: Why?


Me - totally astonished: Because it was assigned.


Dixie: Why?


Me: Because I like Steinbeck.


Dixie: Hello


Me: Hello

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That sounds about right Dan, Dixie probably just wanted you to play with her and not read an old book, thats no fun.


These are all great conversations you all are having with your greys, Josey and I never have anything remotely as cute as the ones shared, thanks.

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Cookie and don't really have "real" conversations...but we are trying.


He speaks pretty well, but he still also does a LOT of practicing. When I'm out of the room, he'll "talk" and I'll just respond randomly. We go back and forth like that. For a while my husband actually thought I understood him. :)


However, if I end any sentence with the word, "okay?" He'll respond back... "Okay."


He will say "what?" when he wants us to repeat. Just basic things.


The funniest thing from recently was I was working in my office, and his cage is right next to my desk. When I work, I wear headphones, and can't hear much other than my actual work. Well, I was in a hurry, and not paying attention to Cookie. He was just in a normal voice saying, "Mom. Mom. Mom. Mom. Mom." He wouldn't let up. So, finally I face him and take off the headphones, and got sort of loud with him. I yelled.."WHAT?!?!?!?!" There was silence for about 3 seconds, and he yelled back at me... "MOM!!!!!!!" I thought that was pretty funny. :)

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yesterday my daughter came in and said I'm bored can we do something and before I had a chance to answer Tyco said not today so I said you heard the bird and Tyco said yea Then my daughter said but I'm really bored the Tyco in a firmer voice said no not today. I could help but laugn my daughter didn't find it funny she walked away mumbling stupid bird under her breath which made me laugh all the harder and then that of course made Tyco laugh also.Poor kid:laugh:

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We had an earthquake the other night and I wasn't home when it happened. I called a neighbor to see if our area really shook and she said it had. I went home to check on the birds and went to my bedroom where Ziva was and said -


Me - Ziiiiiivvvvvvaaaaa????


Ziva - WHEEEEEEEEEEEE! Are you scared?


Me - I'm not scared.


Ziva - Are you all right?


Me - I'm all right. Are you all right?




She seemed to have enjoyed it.


Last night I was tired from the stress of the quake the night before. I got home, let her out and crashed on my bed next to her. I was out for about 3 hours and woke up because she was saying -


Ziva - Did you go beddie bye? Are you beddie bye? Yoo hoo. Are you beddie bye? Helloooooo.


Me - Sorry. I was beddie bye but I'm not now.


Ziva - I gotta go back. I gotta go beddie bye. Sleepy.


I opened her cage door and she climbed in and went to sleep.

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Thanks. She really, really is and I had nothing to do with it. It shows what happens when someone spends a lot of time with their bird. Her former human was with her for at least 12 hours a day and just sat and talked with her. Her vocab is amazing and she really uses things in context to communicate. I have to admit that sometimes it really does freak me out.


Oh, I knew there was another conversation that was cool. I'd written it down and just found it. It's coming up.

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I was getting ready for work on Friday morning and Ziva was screaming and I was ignoring her.


Ziva - Wanna come out.


Me - You can't. I'm leaving for work in a few minutes.


Z - Be right back?


M - Not right back. I'll be gone until tonight.


Z- Screams and screams.


M - (breaking protocal) Ziiiivvvvaaaa!


Z - Being too loud?


M - Yes, you're being too loud.


Z- Talk pretty?


M - Yes, please.


Z - See the birdies outside? Tweet, tweet, tweet. Caw, caw. That's a crow. I have to go pottie.


M - Then go pottie


Z then goes pottie.


M - Good pottie.


Z - Wanna come out.


M - Can't. I'm leaving.


Z - Get to come out?


M - When I get home.




She was taunting me and knew it. I said goodbye and left. It was funny but I wouldn't laugh in front of her.


As I'm walking out the door -


Z - Be right back. TOO LOUD!!

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Oh thats cute she really really wanted to come out. I know what its like when I have to go to work my birds get upset because they know when I go to work i go for quite a while so I get my Amazon screaming its not fair its just not fair and Tyco no go work no work talk about make a person feel guilty for trying to make a living. Sometimes I will tell them that I'll bring home something for them and boy do they remember when I say that I come home and they are checking me out to see what I brought.:laugh: I really is scary how very smart they are.

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They sure can make you feel guilty, can't they? I've changed plans and stayed home because she was begging to come out. She's out a lot but not as much as with her previous human. She was out from 2pm - 2am before and she's out 5 or 6 hours a day with me and more on weekends. I do tell her I have to go to work so I can buy more bird seed. She has yelled out, "bird seed!" when I'm leaving for work. If only she could earn her own money for supplies!

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Wow Ziva, that is incredible. If I hadn't been a member of this forum and learnt so much about greys and their intelligence, I don't think I would have believed it. That was like having a conversation with a young human! And she asked WHEN she could come out! Does she understand the concept of tonight or later?

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I heard this conversation, Rangi was training my boyfriend the other day.


Rangi: Fredrik, Fredrik

Fredrik: Silence, no response

Rangi: Fredrik, Fredrik

Fredrik: yes

Rangi: What does a dog say

Fredrik: Woof woof


Then I was on the phone last night with my boyfriend as he was away and I let him speak to Rangi


Fredrik: Hello

Rangi: Hello

Rangi: Can you whistle

Fredrik: Whistles

Rangi: Good boy

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LOL Ziva and Pat!


They definately hate it when we all go to work don't they? Unfortunately for us, they are just so smart and able to vocalize their feelings and accordlingly make us feel guilty.


Just imagine if your Dogs, Cats and other critters could talk, you'd be sobbing before you ever got out the door. ;-)

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Jane - that is so cute! Just wait, it will only get better.


caitb2007 - I have some on my iphone - audio - but don't have a video camera. I do plan on borrowing one but then I don't even know how to transfer on to youtube, etc. I'm behind the times.


People love to come over and listen to her and have conversations. They are always amazed at what she says.


Azzie - she does seem to understand now and later. If I say 'later', she'll wait and then try again or do whatever later. And sometimes, being told later really pisses her off. If I say she can do something now, she'll do it.


My daughter was afraid people would find out about her and come take her and keep in her a lab to study her. I had to calm her down and convince her that's not how it happens and that there are a lot of other CAG's doing the same thing.


We had another earthquake last night. I rushed home from work and as soon as she heard me coming up the stairs, she said the same thing as the time before. Weeeee. Are you scared? Are you all right? Weeeeeee! I'm glad she doesn't seem to freak out.


Her previous human had cockroaches all over the place, including in Ziva's cage. They came along with Ziva when I brought her and the cage home. I didn't know about it until they crawled out of the cage and Ziva told me they were there. They are now gone but last night Ziva said, "Is that a cockroach?" I looked and it was a moth crawling on a bar of her cage.

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I don't know what to say... I am astounded. I knew greys were smart, but the earthquake and cockroach comments just blew me away.


Now I am sitting here staring at Cleo in amazement and wonder. I'd love to know what goes on in those little heads.

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