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An update on Sully is in store. He has been coming out of his cage a little more and making lots of sounds. He hung upside down on his cage a couple of times yesterday and for Sully that is an accomplishment. Ana Grey, Sully, Lily and I spent the afternoon outside in the sun yesterday. Most of all there are new feathers on Sully's chest and so far he has left them alone!!!!! I so much want him to be happy!!!

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I wish you the best of luck with your new baby! I will tell you from experience that you will never regret bringing him home if he is anything like ours. The personality will win you over, and you will be head over heels in love in no time. Our Rainbow is also a plucker and was when we got him, he was vet checked and all was well there. About 2 months ago, I started him on "pluck no more" and he has feathers coming out everywhere! I have read that it doesn't always work in every case, but it sure seems to be working for us so far. Rainbow is such a sweet little cuddle bug, we dearly love him. Congrats!! :cheer:

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Your right Caitlin, I think he is growing new feathers too!!! I don't see any evidence of him plucking so I am hopeful!!!! This morning Sully got out of his cage through the food crock port. How he squeezed through there is beyond me. He is becoming more adventurous so I'll just have to watch him more closely!!! He doesn't shriek hardly at all!!! He has new noises now. So I am pleased and I believe he is getting comfortable in his new forever home!!

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I am so glad to read your update, man is that face so cute or what, his beak looks like a piece of candy corn, you just want to eat him up. you know he really does look better I am so happy for you and will look for lots and lots of updates!

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I am so glad to read your update, man is that face so cute or what, his beak looks like a piece of candy corn, you just want to eat him up. you know he really does look better I am so happy for you and will look for lots and lots of updates!

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Thanks Cindy for the encouragement and great comments on how Sully looks!!!! He isn't plucking so I am very happy. I have been trying to figure what kind of Eclectus he is. I believe he is a Vosmaeri because he is big and a glimmering green. I guess I'll have to see what he looks like with more feathers!!!!

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Sully is so beautiful I'm so glad you have such a wonderful heart for taking in a plucking older Bird. Sully will soon relize he has the best mommy in the world and will grow all his feathers back because he will be the happiest bird in the world. :) :cheer:

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Caroline, Sully is doing well. He is a pretty laid back guy. He is usually quiet and doesn't really like to play. I think he is still adjusting. Sometimes he will step up readily and sometimes he just ignores me. I believe he is still not sure. My daughter and I spent Sunday afternoon painting my spare room or as my daughter calls it the "aviary". The room is now a beautiful forest green with a white ceiling. Once I get it all arranged, I will post pictures. I wish I knew how old Sully is for all I know he is in his 20's or 30's. Regardless, he has a home with me forever.



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Sounds like Sully is doing extremely well and he looks like he has ALOT more feathers:). My eclectus doesn't play much either. He has toys and he does play with them from time to time but I never see him get really excited about toys. One toy he does love is a long bell on a chain with those thin wood pieces with the holes in them with the long straw (chinese finger traps?) in between that I put together myself. He loves to chew the wood and loves to shred the staw type things. (sorry I don't know what they are called:( ) Those are the things he gets most excited about. Each bird is different though and I'm sure you will stumble on his favorites through time though. Tigger took me awhile to figure out. I think they are just real laid back birds. :whistle:


Tigger is different than all the rest of my flock. He does keep more to himself than all the others. He will stay on the inside of his cage probably more than outside of it even though his door is always open. Sully and Tigger sound like they have a lot of the same traits so I am wondering if it isn't just "ekkie traits" for lack of a better word.


I think Tiggers favorite thing in the world though is to just sit on my or my husbands finger and watch TV or on the portable perched placed next to us. He loves TV and he loves to be close. He really shows interests in the animated/cartoon Disney movies like the Land Before Time. He watched the whole thing and to watch him he looked like he was really into it too:woohoo:


I know it's not very exciting but thats one of his all time favorites.


Have you tried just sitting with him or taking him to all the rooms you go to just so he can be close? How does he react to it? Have you let him watch TV or cartoons yet? I read that they liked TV in my book on Eclectus's so I gave it a try and he appreciated it. I am just curious because I am thinking it will help me understand my Tigger better myself. It's good to have someone to compare notes with:)


Post edited by: BaxtersMom, at: 2009/06/03 00:29<br><br>Post edited by: BaxtersMom, at: 2009/06/03 00:31

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Erika, thanks for asking about Sully. Until recently I have kept Sully and Ana Grey more or less apart. Sully's cage is open when I am in the living room and he comes out sometimes but normally returns within 15 minutes if that long. Sully and Ana Grey's avian vet says Sully is fine so they both spend time in my office. Sully has his own boing over my desk and Ana Grey has the cargo net and her cage. They have not interacted yet as Sully is so much larger than Ana Grey. Frankly I'm afraid for her. His beak is at least 3 times bigger than hers and once he lunged at her when she came too close. Ana Grey is more interested in Sully than he is in her. She is getting more air when she tries to fly now so I'm sure she will have her way and be visiting him. I'll just have to watch them closely. I am very excited about their new aviary. I just can't decide what I want to put in it or if I just want to keep it more or less as a sleeping/in cage time place. Both fids have their own TVs in their rooms which are on when I'm not there. The aviary also has a TV which they can listen/watch when they are alone. I think I will try the kid channels for them!!!<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2009/06/03 01:07

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Sully sounds like he has settled in really well! I am so pleased for you and he is absolutely beautiful!


My youngest Jasper is very laid back as well, he dosent play as much as the other two, they are all so different, he prefers to sit and chill and take everything in while the other two are swinging round on everything they can:laugh:


I am glad Sully has found a loving home like yours for his forever home Janet,you have been such a great mom to both your lovely birds:kiss:


Karma to you Janet, your such a loving kind hearted person:)

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