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My grey baby came to me weaned onto Zupreem but

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I got her last weekend and she was weaned onto Zupreem Pellets and apple and some seed. Since I got her she hasn’t been eating her pellets at all as far as I can tell. I made her a few different things from recipes in the book “for the love of greys” by Bobbi Brinker

Birdie bread, beans/grains/pasta/veggie mix, Boiled popcorn kernals, I give her other veggies and fruits as well, and nuts ie. Pine nuts and so on.

But, She does not want her pellets at all! I even tried soaking them and nothing!


I also have a conure from the same breeder and he IS eating everything INCLUDING the pellets. So I am not sure why my CAG isn’t. I am also trying to introduce a different pellet as the ones they have been given are colored and I don’t like that.


Can anyone help me?

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She's eating most of the other things such as the veggies, fruits, nuts? just not eating the pellets? If so, don't worry about the pellets. Just give the other food. Pellets aren't as important as the other natural foods.

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Yes she eats her treats and fruits veggies, not so fond of the birdie bread, she likes the boiled popcorn kernals, cooked and raw carrot, apple, cantaloupe, green beans, peas, corn, She seems to REALLY like the treat mix.

Can anyone help me find a good nut or seed mix with no sun or safflower, peanuts with shells, and any other dangerous foods?

what do you suggest?

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I trick ZZero into eating his pellets lol somtimes he will play with them but thats it play I have tried all kinds of pellets. So what I do is when I fix his oatmeal in the morning I throw them and cook them also they get soft and I just mix them in. I still keep a bowl of pellets in his cage at all times but he wont eat them.


He loves most veggies and fruit and they are really his main diet, he gets a small handful of seeds at bedtime.


and the seed mix I use is Sunscription vita prima they make it with the things you listed but they have a blend with out sunflower and peanuts. I get it from Petco.

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I am worried that maybe she is not getting enough nutrition. Maybe Im just worried too much, but I thought that she would nibble the pellets as well as eat other things but she isnt.

I will look for the Sunscription vita prima. I am in Canada so I hope I can find it, I think I may need to order it.

thanks Cflanny

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Also what type of oatmeal do you give your grey?


I made up a bunch of different grains ( barley, bulga, quinoa etc,) cooked seperate and also a variety of beans and peas cooked up with Jalapeno peppers/garlic in the cooking water.....


Let me know when you cn I appreciate it!

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Go to the supermarket. There's a brand called Quaker Oats. Buy the box that has 10 individual packets in it. The packets are different flavored. All of them are fine. Your bird may not like every single flavor but will like most. Don't worry about any sugar in it. Those oatmeal packets don't harm the bird. Give 1/2 to 1 coffee scoop 2 times a week. Oatmeal is not nutritious but it can't hurt the bird. Many birds are gven the oatmeal as a treat. Anice warm way to start off the day. Buy a small container of flavored yogurt. Yogurt has healthy bacteria in it which is good for a bird. Give 2 or 3 times a month.

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My baby has gone off her pellets as well but she eats her fresh fruits and veggis and he dried fruit. she isn't keen on mashes either she loves cooked carrots though. I guess shes ok she seems really health and shes gaining weight regulaly since she fledged she went down to 429 gr and she is back up to 445grs so I'm notto worried I wish she would eat them but if she doesn''t she gets enough of everything else.

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yes I use quaker oats I put a little handful in a bowl top with water and microwave for 1 1/2 mins, I then mix in differnet goodies dailey, bananas or cut up grapes and such. I always add a little bit of Palm oil (wich you get at a health food store). The reason I feed oatmeal everyday is so I can get his pellets and palm oil in him on a dailey basis. when feeding anything from the microwave always mix well with fingers and make sure there are no hotspots.


also another treat your grey will LOVE and is very good for them is a well cooked chicken bone or a scrambled egg/with crushed shell one or the other should be given 1 time a week if possible.


I havent tried yogurt Dave I am gonan try some with him today.


Sounds like you are doing super you baby is gonna be so spoiled I can tell!!k??

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Dave, a few weeks ago you suggested I feed Cleo the apple and cinnamon oatmeal. You weren't wrong about how she would enjoy it!

Great big beakfulls are scooped up, and accompanied by little ah ah ah noises.

I love the way your house looks by the way, with all those parrots. Got room for one more human, a CAG, a dog and 2 lorikeets? ;)

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Hi! I am from BC, although now live in Colorado.


I buy a plain organinc instant oatmeal, and then put organic baby food in it. Sometimes fruit, sometimes vegatables, or both. Plus I cook with Rice Milk instead of water for a little added oompf. Mesa also loves yogurt, and baby food off the spoon too.

Your bean and grain mixture sounds great. I find Mesa isn't big on it, but again if I put a little baby food in it, she eats it a lot more readily. And you can add some Palm oil to the mixtures which is great for them.

It sounds as if you have a good balance. I wouldn't give up on the pellets though. I was going to stop giving them to my Eclectus altogether b/c they can have issues, and my vet avised that if there were ever a natural disaster (depending where you live) and fresh wasn't available, you could fall back on the pellets. Plus, if something were to ever happend to you, accident or whatever and you weren't there to prepare food, someone else could just take over with the pellets and make do. It's a good idea, so I just make sure it is the best I can find, and offer a little bit to him. No colors though. Try contacting HARRISIONS, they will send samples to you free, tell them you want to try the fine size, that is what Mesa eats. They are really small and maybe that will encourage the baby to eat them. Keep us posted. :)

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""""Try contacting HARRISIONS, they will send samples to you free, tell them you want to try the fine size, that is what Mesa eats. They are really small and maybe that will encourage the baby to eat them.""""


Josey eats the fine also, I find that she wastes less with it but do keep them available in the cage for you never know when she might try them.

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I am still trying to get her to eat them. She still wont. I was told to stop giving her the soft/wet foods or cut back on them, and she would eat her pellets. But, I can't do that I feel bad. She is SO used to me feeding her veggies and fruits and her beans/grains/pasta/veggie mix. She LOVES cantaloupe!!

If anyone has any other ideas to help me to get her to eat her pellets I would appreciate it!!



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I wouldn't worry about it :)

You have what most of us dream for lol, a parrot that loves fresh foods so much they'll disregard everything else---I can't get my grey to eat a lot of things.

Jacko did something very similar when I began to feed him cooked/fresh foods & seed as well--he completely went off his hagen tropican pellets---I tried to cut back on his other foods but then he began to lose weight and I felt bad so I relented and got him eating some fruity-flavoured zupreem. I figure most pellets don't taste too good so it's only natural they'd ignore them.

At this point I'd recommend trying a different brand than the Zupreem and see if you can find one she likes better. If not, just crush the pellets into something soft you already give her and as for emergency situations I like to keep seed on hand--because I know they'll eat it plus if seed gets wet in the cages it's not as bad as pellets which tend to turn into mush.

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I'm reading this post and if I read this correctly you don't like Zupreem/Safflower/Sunflower/Hulled peanuts or am I reading this incorrectly?

I have been using Dr D's and Zupreen for almost 22 years with no ill effects... makes me wonder.

I've been out of the "loop" for a long time and just bought a grey - makes me wonder...

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You're very welcome :P always glad to help

Zupreem isn't necessarily a bad brand although the fruity pellets are full of sugar and synthetic colourings and flavourings which, like with people, isn't a good thing.

If my memory serves me correctly the issues with safflower and sunflower seeds are because they are high in fat and low in other nutrients--also have a tendancy to possibly harbour various toxins/fungi etc. if not grown or stored properly--same thing with peanuts. Also parrots can be allergic to both of the seeds types and to peanuts.

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