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Toilet Paper rolls for play~ Safe or Unsafe?

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I used to give my fids the empty toilet paper and paper towel rolls but then I heard/read an article in a magazine the glue on them could harm them. Article I read said there was zinc in the glue so no more paper towels rolls here. I have no idea if it was true or not but can't take chances untill I know for sure. :( Has anyone else heard this? I do believe if Dave says it's ok, then it's ok;)

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Been using them for years including the ones that have paper towels rolled on them. I've never had any problems with them other than that the birds make a mess because they shred them and I'm the one that has to clean it. But if you feel nervous about it, don't use them.

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I allow Josey to tear them up, makes great toys and a greyt mess but then thats what they like to do.


I think it is safe to say that if Dave has been giving them to his greys for years then they are safe enough for he would know if they weren't, I put my full trust in him.

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I've had Fergie for 9 years now and she loves to rip them appart to find the treats inside. she's happy and healthy and she just had her annual check up and everything came back great so she will continue to get her favorite foraging toy those and the little sunkist raisen boxes are the 2 most favorite forging toys sometimes I'll even leave a raisen or 2 in the little box.

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OMG, I have left all the raisins in for Josey when I use that little mini size, I tuck one inside a toilet paper roll and crimp the edges to hold it and she tears it up in no time flat, I think most all of the raisins fall into the tray when she rips into it.

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My 'keets and CAG both play with toilet rolls and the longer kitchen towel ones. They all love them. One of the 'keets likes to wear them on his head, run around blindly crashing into things, and when he falls over he laughs.


I was thinking about giving Cleo an egg carton as well for foraging.

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Azzie wrote:

One of the 'keets likes to wear them on his head, run around blindly crashing into things, and when he falls over he laughs.


Can you get us a video of that, I am sitting here laughing at just the thought of it.:laugh: :woohoo:

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