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Taking your bird outside


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Do any of you do it? Do you use a harness? Last night we ate our supper out on the deck and Mickey could see us from his cage. Poor thing kept pacing back and forth on his perch, he wanted to be outside with us so bad. I let him out on top of his cage and he flew off and into the screen, he obviously wanted to be with us really, really bad.;) So I brought him out with me but I was so worried something would frighten him and he would fly off of my hand. Is there a safe was to have them outdoors? I'd like to have him out on his playstand and not worry.

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Well I would say the best thing is to use the aviator harness. I do take Max with me outside a lot but never without the harness. And het is not clipped. Even if he was clipped I would secure him to a harness, they could fly with a light breeze of wind. I know what you are saying about he wants to be with you guys while you were outside, they are like that. Always want's to be part of the flock. If we have dinner I dish some food out for Max then a put the dish next to mine and then as we sit and have dinner he sometimes just fly's to use and starts eating away. Keep us up to date on what you decide. Good luck

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Guest briansmum

yes i would deffinately invest in an aviator harness. it may take some work getting your bird to accept it, but im sure when he learns that he gets to go outside and play with his flock when he is wearing it he willbe fine. either that or you could take his cage outside with you. i would never reccomend taking your bird outside without a harness, the slightest little thing and he could be gone.

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Tari, I have both. Talon wants nothing to do with the aviator harness, but she loves her adventure pack. She willing goes in, as she knows she gets to go somewhere!:woohoo: :woohoo:<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2007/06/25 17:11

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Guest Monique

We do - we use the aviator harness. I'd say the "leash" is 3-4 feet long.


The aviator harness is great for 2 reasons:

1) It's one-piece (harness and "leash") and it is constructed in a away I do not think you could ever lose your bird, and comfortable for them still or flying as well

2) It comes with a DVD to teach you how to accustom your bird to it & use it


Good luck!! :)

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celery wrote:

Ooooh. Wow so it's really kind of a "walking leash" ? I was under the impression they could fly -- oh at least 10 feet or more. Like say circle above you. Not so?

It works either way, they suggest getting one of those retractable leashes if you want more distance on flight.

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Well, I am gonna miss taking Ceasar out.. Right now his wings are clipped and he comes with us in the car all the time.. Goes all over... But I am gonna let his wings grow out.. Then I will have to be careful.. So I think that harness will be a must..

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celery wrote:

Michael is Number6 ? Okay then I'm Number2!

(Haha I hope my reference is apropos)


Okay NEXT question; and I know this is probably a stretch but you just never know. Has anyone successfully trained their bird to ride on the handlebars of their bicycle? I think I would like to do this : along the river / park.

Number 6 is my nickname, because there were too many Michaels where I used to work, so they numbered us off, don't know why, but mine stuck. Been that way for years.


My dad used to have a Blue and Gold macaw that loved riding on the handlebars of my bike when I was a kid.

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I have my 11 week old CAG on a harness outside. I do find however, that I cannot just leave him on a playstand whilst I do gardening or anything as he will start to chew the harness or try and get his foot in it as soon as he does not have my full attention. This might make riding a bike quite tricky I think. Have a go though it sounds as if it would be great if it works!!


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  • 4 months later...

It's not a stupid question. Even if your bird is clipped it could most likely fly quite well if spooked.


Getting harness and using it on your parrot when outdoors is a great safety precaution.


Also, if you ever decide to let your grey become fully flighted, he would already be accustomed to the harness. :-)

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I just got Finnigan into his harnes...its the aviator harness and he doesn't mind it a bit. Now, it took over a month of just working with him to get him to wear it, but it was worth it. I was washing my motorcycle the other day and he was with me and something spooked him and he flew but he was on his leash, so he made a mild landing in the grass and was no worse for the wear. His wings are clipped but I never take him out without his harness unless he is in his carrier. It's worth it. In my opinion.

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  • 1 year later...

Don't you worry about birds of prey? Where I live in a subdivision I see hawks all the time, that would love to have Brutus for lunch. I only bring him outside in a bird backpack. I knew of a person who had his cockatoo snatched off his shoulder while out for a walk.

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We stick our birds in the aviator harness. Schroeder loves going out so much that he will get the harness for me when I am looking for my keys. He then sits patiently and growels at me while i stick it on (but he is compliant) and as soon as we are out the door he is one happy bird. Buddy is a bit shy. He hates the harness, hates the carrier, hates going out but hates being left behind even more. Poor Buddy. We are still working with him.

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