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hi everyone!

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i am new here.


i am really enjoying browsing your forum, lots of interesting things to read.


i currently live with four parrots that are:


-an african grey who is six and has been with me since she was a baby.


-a brown-headed poicephalus who was adopted about a year ago. he is now two and a half. we are his second home.


-an eight month old timneh grey, who was adopted a little over a month ago. she is handicapped due to an injury in the nest. we are her second home.


-and last but not least, we just adopted an eleven month old meyer's parrot. we are his second home.


so many birds looking for new homes at such a young age :( , the classifieds are just so full and i have to stop looking cause there will always be one that will tug at my heartstring (the african's in particular)and i can't have them all. i have to now concentrate in my flock as it is, i feel we are a nice sized family now.


i never know what to say in these introductions, so i will finish it here before i start rambling on.


looking forward to talking and learning about greys with you guys!<br><br>Post edited by: delta, at: 2009/05/06 06:53

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Hi Delta, karma to you for re-homing 3/4 of your flock. I truly applaud you for your dedication to our feathered friends. If you have any pictures of your flock, we would love to see them. I believe you will be a great asset to our forum. Welcome to the family!!

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thanks so much for the welcome! i have some pictures of my guys aside from delta (the meyer's).


i find it weird how i ended up with all such young parrots already needing a new home, i mean with all the older ones looking for homes too. i just wanted to point out that the parrot being young was not in my criteria. it just worked out that way. let's say that throughout the years i have contacted many people, and i really do trust any gut feelings that i have whether it be towards the person or the bird. i don't mess around with whatever intuition i have is trying to tell me. i think it guided me pretty good thus far. as cheesy as it may sound, i really feel all of us were meant to find each other. it's a feeling i am sure most of you know :)


delta and ivy (timneh) were from great homes and i did truly feel very priviledged to have been chosen as their new home. their old homes really did seem to care about were they were going. max (brown-head) on the other hand was already borderline phobic and very very shy from lack of attention and being in the middle of a busy household with kids that seemed quite insensitive and all over the place. we have come so far in one year, i can't believe it. then there is solo (african grey), who has been with me through thick and thin for the past almost six years. she is such an amazing bird, i hope she can help me guide ivy into becomming such a confident adult.


sorry for writing so much about myself, i just never know where to start when joining a forum.


here are some pics.



(always one to "ruin" the picture, ahem, ivy! the small stuffies are just used as "fetch toys" under supervision only- just pointing that out cause i know they may be harmful if destroyed)



(ivy was only in this small cage for a week or so until i had a better understanding of her handicap, she now was her 34 by 24 big girl cage, but she still uses the small one to sleep ;) )



(max flying to me, never thought i'd see the day. please ignore the ugly tank in the background, it was new and going through a brown algea phase. :blush: )


thanks for your interest :)<br><br>Post edited by: delta, at: 2009/05/06 07:32

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Welcome Delta and Flock!!


It's GreYt having you here. Your flock of adoptions is truly heart warming to see and hear about. Solo sounds like the mother hen and ensures all get with the program and helps them there.


Looking forward to hearing more of your flock and how your dealing with your Tag Ivy's handicap. Ivy doesn't seem to know one exists. :-)

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Hi and welcome.I know what you mean about instinct.I am as far as I know Charlies second owner he was seven months old when I got him,he is six now .When I met him I just knew he was for me and I have been proved right.I love your photos.

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Hello Delta and welcome to our family, we are so pleased you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Solo, Ivy and the rest of your flock.


Sometimes young birds can be found in rescues because someone bought one on a whim and then found out they either couldn't handle it or they don't know how to properly take care of it, so sad when people don't do their homework before buying a pretty bird.


It is always wonderful to hear when someone takes in a handicapped bird as they would never be chosen by the average person looking for a bird and because it may need special care it is not for just anyone, you certainly have a big heart.


We do have a wealth of information in our many threads so do read thru them when you get a chance and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


Thanks for providing some pics of your flock, you have some very pretty birds.

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thanks for the warm welcome everyone!


danmcq wrote:

Looking forward to hearing more of your flock and how your dealing with your Tag Ivy's handicap. Ivy doesn't seem to know one exists. :-)


nope, ivy does not seem to think she is handicapped at all. she is really not that bad, she can hold things in her foot and she gets around and perches fine (i had made a bunch of platforms, but she turned her beak up at them so i only left one in the cage and one is the sleep cage). she just can't grip a perch with the foot and when she walks she waks on the stump. here is a picture in case anyone is curious.






Sometimes young birds can be found in rescues because someone bought one on a whim and then found out they either couldn't handle it or they don't know how to properly take care of it, so sad when people don't do their homework before buying a pretty bird.


oh, i know the classifieds and shelters are just crawling with younger birds. i meant it strange in the way that even though three of them are rehomes, i essentailly ended up with a bunch of babies anyways.<br><br>Post edited by: delta, at: 2009/05/07 04:34

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