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video of willis


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and an update on the feedings...i dropped the nighttime feeding 3 days ago now i think and he's doing greYt! his weight is staying the same and he's eating on his own!! and this morning i got him out to feed him and he refused! he's back in his cage eating right now, so maybe breakfast will be the next feeding to go. do they usually wean this fast?

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Awww what a cute baby! He sounds just like my Ecko. Thats great that you dropped a feeding and he is doing ok. Yes they usually wean an average of 14-16 weeks. Not all greys are the same and I heard some can wean up to 24 weeks. I think you are on the right track, your baby looks so cute. Thanks for sharing. :)

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I just loved the video sounds juat like my little girl almost what a pretty bird you have I just had to look at your entire album while I was there he is one sweet little guy. I love the little baby picture of the 3 in the plastic container and the picture of him with his wings spread is a great shot You look lile you enjoying him totally good job getting him off one feeding it sound like he's going to be weaned soon Adaya is on one sometime 2 feedings a day depending on weather or not she takes the first feeding sometimes she will take some of it and sometimes she refuses so I'm just going to let her have it until she refuses it all the time that way I will know for sure she doesn't need it. I don't mind giving it to her so what the heck they all wean eventually so why rush it. Have you started harrness training yet. or are you not going to. Adaya loves to go outside and play and we go for an hour walk everyday around the trailer park I live in its really nice where I live each trailor has a 1/4 acre lot andits out in the middle of nowhere land for people that like allot of nature around them its perfect we have deer and eagles and bears you name it we have it it we have so many different birds because its in a huge wild bird sancuary so I love it here and so does Adaya she loves going for walks and seeing and hearing all the birds singing I have to keep her close though there are always hawks circleing above us. I also ordered an adventure pack so I can bring Tyco my other grey with us I wish it would hurry up and get here I can't wait:laugh:

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i do have a harness but it's the kind with the clip and it's really hard for me to get it tight enough, so i'm getting the aviator (i posted a q about it in the african grey room if anyone can help!) i just have to figure out which size to get for him. i did take him outside once with the clip type harness. he let me put it on him no prob. but i don't think he was very comfortable cuz the whole time we were outside he was playing with it. i'm hoping the aviator is better cuz i love being outside and would love for willis to be able to come out with me!

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