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HI All,


Recently purchased a CAG, he was direct from a breeder, he was 4.5 months old when I bought him, he was the last from the breeders previous babies, They had lots of new babies so he was not socialized for the last 6-7 weeks he was there as the breeder was tied up with lots of other parrots and babies. I have also noticed that the breeder clipped his wing, yes only 1 wing and it looks a right mess, but its growing back slowly. I have had him now for 3 months. He is very shy and nervous but will step up and will let me scratch his head, he loves time out of the cage on his play stand with his toys, he does bite occasionally but its really random, we have a large family so he see's lots of different faces and makes some really weird noises, just found this site as I am going to trick train the bird to stimulate him and to bemuse the family too.





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Hi welcome We have many very experianced members here that I'm sure can help you with any Quesions you might have. It sounds to me like you breeder was just basicly init for the money if she didn't make time to play and socialize her babies. if she could not handle that many at one time she shouldn't have put nestboxes up for that many pairs. I'm sure you can turn this around with love and patients and your bird will grow to be a very happy confident Grey.

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Hello Pughster and welcome to the family, so glad you found us and we look forward to hearing more about you and your new grey. Is his name Pughster?


I don't know why a breeder would only clip one wing, that makes the bird unbalanced when trying to take flight and practically ignoring this bird because it was the last one is another sign of a breeder that just doesn't cut it with me.


No wonder he is a little shy and is nippy but if you continue to work with him and give him lots of time to get comfortable in his new home then he will learn to trust you and maybe the biting will subside.


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


We so love pictures here so if you have some of your grey you would share with us we would appreciate it.

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Welcome pughster25!!


It's GreYt having you here. :-)


Your baby sounds like it's coming along quite well under your loving care.


Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos when you get a chance.

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Hi there. Welcome to you and your baby. It is a real shame that the breeder clipped one of his wings and even worse that he did it badly!! I'm sure with love and care he will be a happy member of your family.


Look forward to hearing more from you.

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