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Any tips on teching how to go to cage ?


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Hi all,


Im trying to teach Ernie to go back into his cage when I tell him. At the moment he is ignoring me :)


I have tried putting food in there and tapping the cage saying "go to cage" but he just looks at me from across the room as if to say "theres no way im going back in there"


Any tips on how to train him to go into his cage ?


Thanks in advance


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Hahahahahahahaha, your kidding right? :-)


In all seriousness, it's hard to convince a person or bird they should go to their room. The only way I can get my Grey back in his cage if he does not want to, is to either demand a step-up and take a bad bite or two or "Fake him out" using a game where I open one of the side doors, leave the front door open, stick my hand and arm in and ring a large bell on one of his favorite toys. He tries to get to my hand to bite the crap out of it for invading his private collection, before I can remove my arm and hand. :ohmy:


However, after a while of doing this he has caught on and now just flies to the top of his cage, climbs down at mach 3 speed and sometimes nails me before I can get my arm and hand out. :S :pinch: :P


So, I have now discontinued this method and just take the bites when I MUST put him back.


In the evenings when he is calm, relaxed and tired, he perfectly willing to step-up and just carry and place him back in his Cage as he gives me a kiss and says "Good Night, I love you". :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/04/27 16:18

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lol, I had to laugh as well. I can imagine Ernie's face when you tap the cage and say "go to cage". For one what is the benefit to him for going in the cage and two you are speaking a language that he doesn't understand.


You have to find something that he can't resist to get him in. The way I get our 2 in is with treats. I use something that they can't resist. This morning I got an apple and took the core out, poked sunflower seeds in it all the way around and hung it in the cage. Took them both 1 min to see this and they were frothing at the mouth to get in the cage, couldn't have been easier.


Last week I stuffed a bell pepper with food and again they were fighting each other to get in the cage. other times I use a tiny bit of sausage or whatever treat of the week is for them and show it to them and they are on me like flies. I then walk them to the cage and put them in. I even wrapped some dried fruit in paper towel and showed it to them and they came flying and got in the cage no problem.


After doing this for so long both of them go in to the cage easily now as they know they get treats for going in and the fun that is waiting for them in the cage is far superior to what is happening outside the cage.

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I don't cage my birds usually until it bedtime and then they are willing. All I have to say is comon in your house its bedtime and all the birds scurry into their cages and onto their sleep perches and wait for me to come and kissthem good nite and give them a little scritch before I cover their cages. its just part of our rotine. My birds are trained to go into their cages when I ask them to but I think it all started at bed time and its just automatic now when I say into your house they go its like the stepup command they doit without thinking about it.

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Well, Blue goes in to his cage on command very easy, I am not sure how my cousin taught him.Charlie learnt to do the same when Blue was staying with me.Blue is so easy..charlie does take a bit of bribary at times,but will step up to be put in without any problem.

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Mozart, my 'tiel climbs in and out of the cage as she pleases. To her it's home and she'll spend plenty of time in there even with the door wide open!


Schrodinger on the other hand, not so much so. She usually tries to stay outside of the cage (though will often perch on the top of the open door). When I need to put her in, I'll take her and then "nudge" her onto a perch. Often she'll quickly grab at the door opening so sometimes I'll have to be ready to get it closed before she is able to get back out.


Recently, I've seen her briefly climb in from time to time so I think she's warming up to the idea of it as her "home".


Mozart has lived in her cage for the past five years, ever since she was big enough to come home. Schrodinger (who is 6yrs old) has only been with me, and her new home and cage, for the past six months. So I'm not surprised it might take time. I used to have similar difficulty getting Mozart into, and to stay in, her cage.

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Josey is real good about going back into her cage at bedtime, usually she is already in it when I get ready to close it up and cover her. I have never had a problem with her going back into her cage, if she is somewhere other than on top of her cage I just put her into the cage and close the door.


I don't know why you all are having a problem, I must have her trained right.:whistle: :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dan, when you make him go back in the cage and he bites you and such.. arent you worry that he is going to dislike his cage?

My grey used to go back to his cage on his own, until I got him a bigger cage. Now he doesnt go into his cage at all and when I do force him inside his cage he climbs to the corner of the cage and tries to squeeze himself out between bars (really pathelic looking..lol)

I would like to put him inside the cage more for safety reasons, just wondering how do you guys deal and manage with your grey looking at you with those "save me" sad eyes when they are inside the cage.. or maybe I just need to be tougher and stop letting my grey win all the time.

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Sounds like he's just freaked out by his new cage.

I've only had my grey for a little over a week, but his cage is the one that he lived in from the time he was taken home by his last owner. He is still settling in, so I leave his door open to come out when he wants. Getting him back in is the interesting part. At night I try to sit by his cage and watch tv, and last night he came over and talked to me, even gave me a kiss. Tonight no way no how. I had to trick him in his cage (no stepping up anymore pretty much at all- he's flat out refusing) by opening one of the small side doors and he has figured out that is closest to his feed dish, so I put some seeds in there that he likes, and in he goes. Once in though he is perfectly happy in there.

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My three greys all love pine nuts.


Find your greys favourite treat and save this for when you want them to return to their cage.


Firstly get them to step up and reward them with the treat, when they readily do this only use it when you return them to their cage.


One of mine just goes in his cage now when I ask him, for the other two I show them the treat, get them to step up and reward them when they are back inside their cage and not before. It can take a while but is worth the training!


They begin to associate the two things so it shouldnt take too long.


Good luck:)

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My Dalia is good about going back in. Of course, she doesnt go in on her own for bedtime but, she steps up and allows me to put her to bed. I think she has gotten used to me giving her a small treat when she goes to bed for being such a good girl, I tell her Good girl whenever she steps up and for going in without a fuss at nite.

I think if a grey gets really upset when put in for bed he/she hasnt gotten enough attention or outta cage time.

But I could be wrong.

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Dusty is a nightmare to get back into her cage during the day but easier at night. She steps up on command and i place her backwards into her cage, she does sneak away sometimes up high lol and i need to use a stick which she steps up onto again no problems then to my hand............. five minutes tops and she is in xx I have to trick her as well. The thing is my OWA Gizmo goes into her cage no problem :unsure:

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