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What pellets are your birds eating?


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Guest jamalbirdbiz

I am going to blend the weening pelletz with the zupreem pelletz and mix them with orange juize if I like it I'll give it to marvin and molly. :)

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Azzie, thanks for doing that research for us. I'm sure your feathers will be looking much prettier as a result!


I feed my birds TOPs pellets and Zupreem Natural. Here's the website for Tops- www.totallyorganics.com and I get the Zupreem from DrsFosterSmith.com

Lyric loves the Tops and won't touch the Zupreem, Sadie loves the Zupreem and used to eat the Tops but no longer does. The rest of my flock gives me mixed reactions, some love one kind but not the other but noone said birds were NOT picky eaters!

They also get veggies, fruits, nutriberries, nuts, grains and eggs on occassion and the greys get red palm oil with their breakfast every day.

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Well lol... when he DOES eat them :P

Anyway, Jacko originally ate the Hagen Tropican pellets, decided he didn't like those so he chowed down on seed for a couple weeks, but as of right now he's eating the fruity Zupreem (parrot or cockatiel size he doesn't mind either) and will of this week be going onto Harrisons High-Potency Coarse formula for the rest of his life.

I have only a few criticisms for the Zupreem to be honest, one is although the fruity taste and colour do help picky eaters... sometimes they'll only eat one colour and go hungry for the rest of the day because they've picked of all that colour out (true story--my smaller fids only eat the orange and the red ones). Plus the dyes wreak havoc on their poops in terms of colour and staining so it's nearly impossible to tell if something is wrong.

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Thats a good point about the coloring of the poops when on some of those colored pellets and to tell you the truth I have never fed Josey any of those colored pellets, she eats the Harrison's High Potency fine so there is no need for the others.

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I have had to buy 2 kinds of pellets for the longest time. I buy Pretty Bird for my grey and conure and I buy Zupreem fruity blend for my eclectus and amazon. When I tried to feed them same thing as my grey, the amazon and eclectus would just let it sit in the bowl all day long so 2 kinds of pellets it was for our household.


Now my husband had to feed them for a day or two and when I checked on them. I noticed they had the opposite foods in their bowls. :ohmy: Of course I had to tell him that he got it wrong. LOL, but I'll be darned if they didn't eat all those pellets.


So, I tried an experiement and gave all birds half fruity blend and half pretty bird and it seems they are eating both kinds right now. They have actually switched. The eclectus and amazon are preferring the Pretty Bird brand and the Grey and Conure are enjoying more of the fruitblend. Yea!!! I would love to get them on just one kind of pellet.


I have noticed they do pick certain colors. At my house they eat the red first and purple is the last to go, but it has not affected their poop at all.

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Lol I've had quite a scare with my smaller fids.. they had bright red poops because they only ate the red and orange ones... Jacko has now developped a preference for the green & yellow so his poops would look absolutely terrible if you didn't know any better.

Also, for any of you with fids who like to make soup in their water dishes I find that the fruity Zupreem a) tends to really have a foul chemical smell if it's soaking in the water dish b) It leaves a really gross sludge on the bottom of the dish

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All of mine eat Roudybush,except my Eclectus he does get a very small amount every few days like a teaspoon, I'am to scared of the wing flapping and toe tapping that runs in Eckies, some can't eat pellets so I watch real close on how much he gets

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Whats the deal with the yellow Fruitblend pellets. I have read so many owners on here say their greys will not eat them.

Ernie will throw all the yellow ones on the floor of his cage and eat the others. I end up throwing out heaps of yellow pellets.

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