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Your grey's favourite treats


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Guest jamalbirdbiz

Meat (all kindz) and weaning pelletz for Molly when she landz on my arm) but I am going to switch over to pine nutz, b/cuz of some advise from some of my other family memberz hear.

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I have a new one to add to Beau's list, I was sitting drnking my tea...Im sure you can guess the rest - Beau gave me no peace until he had some out of my cup, he loves tea.

Anyone thinking of offering their grey tea, please make sure it isn't too hot.

Maybe AG's would like to try "Earl Grey" tea? ;)

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Oh yeah, Azzie reminded me. Nelson LOVED fresh local supersweet corn on the cob. I'd give him a chunk and had to return a while later to wipe off his beak because it was always such a mess - completely covered with corn debris! Hahaha, it was quite a sight! I'd joke that the darned bird was eating half his body weight in corn at one sitting!



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Funny, Josey eats corn but she had not had any on the cob since last summer, well I bought some on the cob at the grocery store the other day and gave her a slice of it and she backed away from it like she was afraid it was going to bite her, needless to say she left it alone. Later though when she was on the playstand where my sun conure usually eats her dinner she saw what was left of hers and finally went over and eat off of it and tore it up into little pieces, I bet the next time I offer her some she will accept it.:dry: :cheer:

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

Corn iz a good trete, but so R weening pelletz. Baby Bird formula is not good 4 mature greyz like mine and itz messsy 2 - not a good trete for my greyz. Im gonna switch over to mature bird pelletz and mix em with orange juize to use az a trete 4 working w/ Molly and Marvin. Shud be pretty cool. :silly:

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Joolesgreyuk wrote:

I have a new one to add to Beau's list, I was sitting drnking my tea...Im sure you can guess the rest - Beau gave me no peace until he had some out of my cup, he loves tea.

Anyone thinking of offering their grey tea, please make sure it isn't too hot.

Maybe AG's would like to try "Earl Grey" tea? ;)


Please avoid sharing tea or other caffeinated beverages with your birds. Caffeine can be very bad for them, and potentially fatal.





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Joolesgreyuk wrote:

The amount of caffine in tea is negligable anyway, coffee contains far more I believe.


It really depends on the variety of tea. Some teas blends and varieties have little to no caffeine, others have higher caffeine levels, upwards of half a typical cup of coffee or more.

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Cleo accidentally got a few sips of my glass of coke, and now each time she sees me having some, she goes crazy trying to get to it.


Tom, about the messy corn business, Cleo is exactly the same. She will eat a whole cob of corn in one sitting, but I do worry about her over eating on it.


And guys, I don't mean to alarm you, but you should check out this site in regards to unshelled peanuts:



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  • 3 months later...

Harvey's favorite treat is waiting until my back is turned and biting the blinds or lampshade!!! LOL ;)


His favorite treat is a palm nut - he'll sell his soul for one and sits studying it and stripping it. I'm also embarrassed about my canabalistic baby - he also ignores everything when he has a chicken bone in his claw! Things with wings again I'm afraid (moths, flies, butterflies, chickens!!) :evil:

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