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Bonding with CAG


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Hi All,


I wanted to share so far one of the most wonderful experiences I've had with Angie my CAG after just having her home for 1 month. The breeder told me that I am doing a great job with her when she saw what happened yesterday.


I took Angie to the Feather Farm in Napa, where I bought her, to be baby sat for 5 days while I was on vacation. They have 2 baby CAG boys that are just over 3 months old, For Sale right now, so Angie got to hang out with them.


When I got back from my trip to pick up Angie every one in the shop was busy doing something. All the Grey's where hanging out high up on top of a rope that was hanging from the ceiling. I couldn't tell which one was Angie so I started getting a little panicky because I wanted my baby NOW. So, I didn't know what else to do but to call her name and to my amazement, she was the one hanging the highest on her rope, as soon as I said, "Angie, come here baby" she ran down the rope, got to my shoulder level and started reaching out as if to get on my shoulder. I was sooooo happy that I started crying because I never expected that. It was as though I was picking up my child from day care and she ran to my arms when I called her.


She acts like such a baby. I love her so much. Just wanted to share this beautiful experience with her. Thank you for allowing me.

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It sure does Judy. It is such an awesome feeling to know that she is very happy with me and she approved of me. The breeder said that she tried to see if she would come to her but she didn't. The breeder was happy that she had sold her bird to a loving family.

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Matt and Talon,


Thank you so much. Yes, I feel very lucky. As soon as she hears me unlocking the front door to come in the house she whistles one long whistle. When she hears my voice and she can't see me she whistles the same whistle.


By the way, not to change the subject but I gave her a banana today half way peeled and I just turn to see what she is doing and she is eating the banana peel instead of the banana. Is that O.K. for her to eat? The peel is now brown cause is very ripe.

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That is SO cute that she came to you. Our children hates it to be without us. I left Roxy with my aunt when we went to Sun City last weekend, and as soon as she saw me she started whisteling a wolf whistle. They just want to be with us.


Thats great.

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