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Will there ever be a parrot in the White House?


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I was just browsing the news online and came across the story on President Obama's new puppy and got to thinking...there's been cats and dogs as White House pets, but when are parrots going to get a chance at some presidential love? Ha ha!


Just a thought I wanted to share<br><br>Post edited by: chimaysmommy, at: 2009/04/17 18:50

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Yes, Misty, on a serious note it would be horrible for parrots. Bird mills would flourish; wild parrots would be further threatened; parrot pets would be mistreated and abandoned, as the novelty wore off.


If on the other hand, the president's family adopted a rescued bird or rehabbed a bird to be released in the wild, that would send the right message. Hmm, maybe I'll write a letter to Michelle. She's already off to a good environmental start with that garden.

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Great question! I agree about the security risk. Can you image our national secrets being sold for "peanuts" :ohmy:


Besides, the last thing we need is a newly signed treaty with North Korea shreeded into teeny-weenie-itty bits! :silly:



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