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I am Please to announce again+ New Pics


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We got the green light from my heart {Love-0002011D}, Tina and My Partner too! I am sooo happy nervous anxious and all that. I am expecting twins in a few weeks :woohoo: My Kids are excited too.


I wanted to THANK every single one who has encouraged me and gave me thumbs up. Jusdy said it best" This is a CHANCE of a lifetime!" And I am glad I listened to her. Thank You also for everyone who has cheered me on I am grateful.


So without futher afew that is lil Ms Ahmani (ahh ma nee) Ahjari's lil Sister with a BIG attitudelol. Tina told me that she is starting to perch now too. She is using that beak to get her places and she don't mind telling you what she dosen't like either lol.


As always I will get pictures sometime soon as I get them you will too :)



Thank You once again




Post edited by: CarolandFamily, at: 2009/04/17 01:49<br><br>Post edited by: CarolandFamily, at: 2009/04/20 00:53

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A woman with an attitude, I love it, she will make an awesome addition along with her big brother, I am tickled to death that you are going to get both babies, they should make a fine addition to your household and bring many years of happiness to you and your family.


I can't wait to see more pictures when you get them, you are one lucky lady and so blessed.

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Awwww Thank You Judy! You have made my night :) and to think she is the littlest one with the biggest attitude lol. I should have named her Diva! So now I have to buy her a aviator harness too lol whewww there goes the Comcast money lol so if you don't see me online then you know why.

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Woohoo! She sounds like my little Emma.. a quick learner and will give some tude if if she doesn't like something. You now get to enjoy double the pleasure and both of your parrots will have a more enriched life because they have each other too. Congrats on your little girlie grey. She is BEAUTIFUL!{Feel-good-00020114}

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Way to go!! What fun- I just can't wait til they are home with you and the adventure begins for real.

By the way, I love their names and they are just adorable together. I'm so happy you made the decision to bring them both home to you. :laugh:

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This is just sowonderful you must be just on cloud nine. I would be. As for girls with attitude my Tyco is the queen LMAO I love that she is so fiesty and will let you Know right now if she's not happy. Shady Grey on the other hand is just one big baby she would rather cuddle and kiss and snuggle up with you than anything else she is such a little Sweetheart

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