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I'm new here....he haw...

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This forum seems way more active and friendly than the last one I visited....let me shut up. LOL


Well I have a 12 year old grey...He's been with me for about a month and is not playful at all but seems happy. He likes chewing his toys and being around me and so on but whenever I introduce him to a toy he screams etc. so I have to make sure I do it very gently and often place it near his hangouts when he's not around. He mostly ignores them. Is there anythinmg I can do to encourage him to play or should I let him be???


Let me know

This place seems fun.


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Hello TaMarah and welcome to the forum! I'm glad you figured out how to post. That is so nice of you to rehome an older grey. What is his name? He is probably still adjusting to your home and trying to get use to you. As for introducing new toys you should place the toy near his cage for awhile so he can get use to it being around but not in his cage just yet. New things scare some greys so you need to give him time. Maybe play with the toy in front of him and show him how fun it is lol. He sure is a very pretty grey in your profile pic. Don't hesitate to ask questions someone is always here to give greyt advice. Enjoy the forum :)<br><br>Post edited by: caitb2007, at: 2009/04/16 17:52

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Hi TaMarah, karma to you for re-homing an older grey. I have no experience with older greys, but I wanted to welcome you to the family. You're right everyone here is friendly and helpful so ask your questions and read through the many threads of information. What is your grey's name?

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Welcome TaMarah and flock!


It's GreYt having you and you fairly newly adopted Grey here. :-) It's always wonderful to see people offering loving and caring homes for those poor Greys in need on a good home.


It will just take time and patience for him to get used to everything. It is not unusual to have to SLOWLY introduce new toys or items you wish to add to your Greys cage or play area. Just leave it sitting a distance away so he can see and move it closer and closer as time goes by over days or possibly a week until he seems ok with and maybe even some interest.


Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)

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Hello Tamarah and welcome to the family, so glad you found us and we look forward to hearing more about you and your grey, btw, what is his name?


We pride ourselves on being an active forum where there is always some members on at any given time and questions usually get a quick response.


Greys are very cautious creatures, they do not take to any change very quickly, new toys and things have to be introduced very slowly or they will freak them out.


Do you have any other birds or is this your first parrot?


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads and do not hesitate to ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


We love to see pictures here so if you have any of your grey you would like to share with us please do so.

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Hello TaMarah, welcome to the forum, I'm also happy to hear you've given a home to an older grey. It can really take them some time to adjust to a change like a new home or even a new toy in their environment. Take things slow and let him go at his own pace. If you try to rush things you take the risk of losing his trust. ;)

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Wow..I think I am just too anxious to get him fully "developed". You're right..he's already come so far in such a short time. By the way..his name is ShonaRayJoe...he came with the name Joey but wasn't responding to it...so I gave him a little ceremony where I gave him a new name (partly from a tribe in Africa where I read that some greys came from originally) and he responds now about 80% more of the time to his new name of which I am happy about.


He seems very happy and though of course it is from a distance, he absolutely loves the cats I have...and can watch them for hours ....from a safe distance of course. He loves to see them move around and I swear sometimes he's communicating with them.


He has 4 words that I know of: Here (used often) What..NO....and MINE . LOL He uses all in a specific way and demand.


I used to have a quaker for 9 years but I have never owned a larger parrot like him. He came to me during the week of the anniversary of the death of my baby quaker and his birthday was within 1 day of his!!! They also, both had the same name....Joey!!!! So you can see why it was necessary for me not to say NO when I was asked to rehome him. I had a really tough time losing my quaker and am still not completely healed, and ShonaRayJoe has helped tremendously. He doesn't replace Joey, I simply look at him as gift from Joey. It was a very spiritual experience to get the call about him.


Anyway I'll stop rambling...I will provide more pics later as I have a ton in just a month. haha


He LOVES getting his picture taken and I swear he poses...you'll see. hahaa


TaMarah and ShonaRayJoe:kiss:

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Welcome TaMarah. It sounds like you are having a really exciting time with you new friend. My grey takes sometimes many weeks to accept a new toy, so as everyone has said, just go carefully. You will probably find he says a lot more once he is really settled with you. I look forward to hearing all about your experiences.

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

Welcome to R luvnezt.


Mature greys do not like most ordinary toyz. Most toyz are designed for younger birdz. Mature greyz lose intrest very fast, so U must get toyz that he can destroy and toyz he can fight with. Ur bird is now mature if he is 12. He is now what is commonly known in the bird world as a MANBIRD.


My Molly and my Marvin are'nt into baby bird toyz anymore. Marvin likez toyz he can fight with and destroy and Molly is more or less the same.


Just so U know, do NOT try feeding Ur new bird baby bird formula, b/cuz it iz not ment for them.



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