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My New Fids


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Okay it's long over due.I bought a pair of breeder Moluccan/Salmom Crested Cockatoos. These are the ones I talked about not having a name. I bought them and named them.I named the female Topanga anf my b/f named the male Horatio after the guy in CSI Miami. I just didnt want to say anything until I got pics and now I have them.

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Oh, they are gorgeous!!! They look like they would be so fun to have around. They look very outgoing from what I see in the picture. How long have you have them? How old are they? Are they friendly at all or perfer their mate for companionship? Are they loud?


Anyway, Congradulations on the new pair. They are some good looking Toos:)

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They are not friendly only prefer each other but they will let me go inside their cage to clean or feed them. They are very outgoing.They love each other soooo much.They constantly kiss each other. For them being cockatoos their pretty quiet except for 11am and 8pm they do their noise for 15 minutes and thats when Delilah starts to yell at them and Dakota says maaaa maaa because hes calling me to tattle on them.haha.

I love how they move when I watch them they move side ways motion together and move their heads side way.They look like moving cotton candy !! I enjoy having them.The former owner was geting back surgery and cant climb steps so she new I had other breeder birds and sold them to me really cheap.I got an awesome deal. I just love them.Its hard to leave them alone.They are sooooo cute. I know bein weird here..

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