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In Memory of Wilbur


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My dog Wilbur passed away yesterday, March 30, around 3:30pm.

He was my Christmas present when I was younger and came stumbling into my bedroom Christmas morning with a bow on his tiny head.

He was a Schnoodle, a schnauzer/poodle cross, and lived a long life of eleven years. He had a few fat deposits as well as arthritis in his old age and was suffering quite a bit. He was also anemic.

Despite all of this Wilbur was the most happy-go-lucky dog I've ever known. Even when we had to carry him up or down stairs, he'd be licking your face the whole way. You just had to enter the room and his tail was wagging.

He does leave behind Tango, our Westie, who is missing him terribly and doesn't quite understand what is going on yet.

He was greatly loved and it's very strange coming home to only one barking dog.


I also want to share my appreciation at having a place to remember him.



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Very saddening to hear this Cassandra. Wilbur was special and will always live on foundly in your memories and in the huge dog paradise above forever. Where aging is no longer issue, strength and energy are taken for granted for eternity.


My thoughts and best wishes are with you.

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My condolences and heart felt sympathy. I lost my dog when she was 18 years old 6 years ago and my cat at the age of 12 last Easter. Now I recently lost my CAG. It's heartbreaking when they leave you to cross the rainbow bridge but the love you shared with them is an incredible experience which is priceless and worth all the pain of eventual separation. We will all meet again....

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