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Pellet waste?


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I feed my CAG, Wilma, pellets as her primary staple food. When she eats, she drops broken pellets and pellet "dust" back into her food cup. I have been dumping the cup out when I refill her cup with pellets. This seems to me to be somewhat wasteful because I end up dumping a lot of whole and half pellets with the "waste" when I do this. Should I be sifting out the small bits and "dust" and keeping the whole and half pellets in the cup or is that not good for Wilma?<br><br>Post edited by: davek85, at: 2009/03/31 20:15

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Try feeding smaller amounts more often,that way most gets eaten and you feed only what the bird can eat. I give charlie Harrisons pellets, he gets about 3 tbs a day but in 2-3 feeds so I feed just what he is eating.

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I think parrots in general are wasteful with their food but I wouldn't sift out the leftovers and put them back, mainly becaue of bacteria issues. After greys eat and drink and wipe their beaks and mix it with other foods, bacteria can build up on it so I wouldn't reuse it. You can try cutting back on the amount of pellets which is what I had to do. I used to waste alot but cut back and now they sometimes even eat all the pellets and then I will give them some more. I do have quite a bit of wasted food still, along with the pieces and the dust and what I do is dump it in a bowl and toss it out to the outside birds. I have 4 parrots so it does accumilate through out the day and I get to watch the outside birds enjoy it too so it's not wasted at all.:)<br><br>Post edited by: BaxtersMom, at: 2009/03/31 20:52

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You know, it is a part of a bird's evolutionary "job" to reforest the planet, that is one of the reasons they drop pieces of food everywhere. If we could only convince them not to try to reforest our LIVING ROOMS we'd have it made! :lol:

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I have Josey on Harrison's fine and she does not waste much of them, she eats them over her bowl and I do not see much if any on the bottom tray of her cage, guess I am just lucky with her, hope I haven't jinxed it by bragging about it.:whistle: :pinch:

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